Are GOPers and righwtingers really conservatives?

Didn't Sarah Palin cut and run from her position of Governor of Alaska claiming she was under attack by her LW opponents to get anything done?

Nuff said.
yes, she did
and for that reason she lost my support

i cant see what everyone see's in her.....i thought McCain lost the Election when he picked her.....
what lost it for McCain was the financial meltdown and his "suspending" his campaign to deal with it
yes, she did
and for that reason she lost my support

i cant see what everyone see's in her.....i thought McCain lost the Election when he picked her.....
what lost it for McCain was the financial meltdown and his "suspending" his campaign to deal with it
...then voting along with the rest of the lemmings, just like *I* knew he would.

Then there was the whole refusing to do what it took to win after that thing.
i cant see what everyone see's in her.....i thought McCain lost the Election when he picked her.....
what lost it for McCain was the financial meltdown and his "suspending" his campaign to deal with it
...then voting along with the rest of the lemmings, just like *I* knew he would.

Then there was the whole refusing to do what it took to win after that thing.

Let's not forget the Bush backlash....I doubt that any republican could have won in 2008.
Romney may have...He certainly had a better chance than McQuisling.

But then there's also that whole thing with him and the Huckster, overtly sandbagging Romney in the primaries, that turned off a lot of potential voters.
Romney may have...He certainly had a better chance than McQuisling.

But then there's also that whole thing with him and the Huckster, overtly sandbagging Romney in the primaries, that turned off a lot of potential voters.

Definitely a cheap shot. ;)
i cant see what everyone see's in her.....i thought McCain lost the Election when he picked her.....
what lost it for McCain was the financial meltdown and his "suspending" his campaign to deal with it
...then voting along with the rest of the lemmings, just like *I* knew he would.

Then there was the whole refusing to do what it took to win after that thing.
yup had he actually voted against it he would have shot ahead
he was already ahead at that time and the majority of America was against those stupid bailouts
that was the beginnings of the TEA Party movement
We have similar views in everything except:

-I don't care if sodomites get married either, but I don't support at the same time, neither do I support homosexuality being promoted.

-I'm pro-taking care of *ALL* Americans first before taking care of foreigners

- I'm against abortions except in the case when the health of the mother is at risk.

-I'm against America meddling the affairs of countries just so we can take over and control these countries and their resources, which really means I'm against 21st century neocolonialism.

-I'm against unrestricted, unregulated capitalism which creates a bigger gulf between haves and have nots.

-I'm for education overhaul and believe more emphasis needs to be placed upon reading, writing and mathematics because without those three no one can learn anything.

- I'm anti death penalty since the justice systems disproportionately sentences minorities to death more than whites

-I'm for government health care for those who can't afford the more expensive insurance and or only as a voluntary option and I do not believe health care companies should refuse people with pre-existing conditions, nor do I believe insurance companies have the right to selective pick and chose what they want to cover just so they can save money.

- I'm against the war on drugs as it currently is being "fought" because it put nearly an entire generation of black men in prison and broke up families all for naught because the strategy has been ineffective.

-I believe in tax cuts and tax breaks for small businesses and for people who want to start small businesses and none for big businesses like Walmart who wipe out the livelihoods small businesses which have served communities for years. Such small businesses make small and middle sized communities self sufficient and less dependent on federal aid.

I'm against letting foreign products flood the market and believe American good should be the predominant product in stores.

In other words, you arent conservative. Thank you.
CG never makes a substantive post unless she copies and pastes it. Otherwise, all she has is her curse words. She thinks it makes her look tough, when it's obvious that it's the way all wingnuts avoid admitting their mistakes

Could you provide an example where i curse or where I've made a mistake?
Didn't Sarah Palin cut and run from her position of Governor of Alaska claiming she was under attack by her LW opponents to get anything done?

Nuff said.
yes, she did
and for that reason she lost my support

Glad you're being honest about it.

With that said, now you know at least one of the reasons why many of us on the Left don't like her....we don't like what she stands for. Which is self.

Please. the left hated her long before that happened.
I have to say, this thread is a perfect example of why I think labels are pointless.

You could call yourself liberal or conservative or whatever and people will always attack you for not being "true" enough. So what does it matter? Who cares what label people call you with? Just be clear with your positions.
What 4321 just said is spot on. I have seen people JUMP to the defense of liberals in general when they get criticized in ANY way, but then promptly deny that they "are" liberals.

I have conservative views on most things. But I am not overly religious and I qualify a few of my beliefs and views in a way that makes certain arch "social" conservatives claim that I am not a "true" conservative. Obviously, all this means is that I don't pass THEIR respective litmus tests.

There's one chump in particular, here, who insists that I am not a conservative, but a "neo-con" even though the chump has zero ability (or willingness) to define that term. He's not only wrong, but he's adamant about it. :cuckoo: :lol:

Labels are often misleading and subject to intentional abuse.

But in the grand scheme of things, if a person believes that the government has an obligation to provide for our needs like a parent taking care of helpless kids, and that the government has some justified claim of right to take from the wealth producers to distribute wealth amongst the less affluent to meet such "parental" duties, then that person tends to be a liberal. Socialist? Progressive? Leftist? Communist? Fuck the labels. We know for sure that such a person is not a conservative.

Those of us who object to the notion that the government's role is properly found along such lines tend to be Conservatives. Righties. Fuck the label. Such people are not "liberals."
what lost it for McCain was the financial meltdown and his "suspending" his campaign to deal with it
...then voting along with the rest of the lemmings, just like *I* knew he would.

Then there was the whole refusing to do what it took to win after that thing.
yup had he actually voted against it he would have shot ahead
he was already ahead at that time and the majority of America was against those stupid bailouts
that was the beginnings of the TEA Party movement
Funny...I don't like McCain, but he voted the right way that time...or at least he voted his conscience. The country was on the edge of collapse.
I have to say, this thread is a perfect example of why I think labels are pointless.

You could call yourself liberal or conservative or whatever and people will always attack you for not being "true" enough. So what does it matter? Who cares what label people call you with? Just be clear with your positions.
As you just did to the Bass, I might add.
What 4321 just said is spot on. I have seen people JUMP to the defense of liberals in general when they get criticized in ANY way, but then promptly deny that they "are" liberals.

I have conservative views on most things. But I am not overly religious and I qualify a few of my beliefs and views in a way that makes certain arch "social" conservatives claim that I am not a "true" conservative. Obviously, all this means is that I don't pass THEIR respective litmus tests.

There's one chump in particular, here, who insists that I am not a conservative, but a "neo-con" even though the chump has zero ability (or willingness) to define that term. He's not only wrong, but he's adamant about it. :cuckoo: :lol:

Labels are often misleading and subject to intentional abuse.

But in the grand scheme of things, if a person believes that the government has an obligation to provide for our needs like a parent taking care of helpless kids, and that the government has some justified claim of right to take from the wealth producers to distribute wealth amongst the less affluent to meet such "parental" duties, then that person tends to be a liberal. Socialist? Progressive? Leftist? Communist? Fuck the labels. We know for sure that such a person is not a conservative.

Those of us who object to the notion that the government's role is properly found along such lines tend to be Conservatives. Righties. Fuck the label. Such people are not "liberals."

Whatever you say. Still Bass remains an Ass. ;)


We have to ignore everything you said before you decided to try and be less of a partisan hack.

We have to ignore the past dishonesty from the Democrats.

But you get to drag up history as a stick to beat the right wing of today.

Really? Does that add up to bullshit or honesty to you? Because, to my math, it adds up to one rule for you and another to those on the opposite side of the political fence.

Shame on you, again, Marc.
I'm repping you simply because I don't want to neg you...for something petty. I'm not saying to ignore the Democrat's sins, I'm simply pointing out the litany of the Republicans. I'm being civil and thoughtful, but I'm not going to let them slide.

BTW, I didn't appreciate you saying shame on me. I did or said nothing shame worthy.

True conservatives wouldn't cut and run from shit that we got ourselves into, because it is morally reprehensible to abandon a country that we fought, without helping them to secure their future. Because we care about human beings - even if they aren't Americans.

True conservatives don't believe that the federal government should be encouraging a 'European' attitude towards welfare. Look at the damage that uncontrolled welfare has done to them. Real conservatives want to find real local solutions to local problems - and helping those less fortunate to stand on their own feet instead of living off the hand outs of others. Where is the self respect in having everything handed to you on a plate? Do you not care enough about people to help them to achieve their own value?

Engage your brain - stop believing the bullshit that the left spin you.
Didn't Sarah Palin cut and run from her position of Governor of Alaska claiming she was under attack by her LW opponents to get anything done?

Nuff said.

I don't care what Palin did or did not do. I am not a Palin supporter. Personally, I wouldn't elect her as dog catcher. That's how independent I am. I support the TEA Parties... but not Palin. What a rebel!!!

In my opinion, neither part deserves the support of any thinking individual.
yes, she did
and for that reason she lost my support

i cant see what everyone see's in her.....i thought McCain lost the Election when he picked her.....
what lost it for McCain was the financial meltdown and his "suspending" his campaign to deal with it

well i was not going to vote for him anyway.....i felt he was to old for the job......there is a lot of stress being president....if your over 65 i dont even consider the person....but that is just me....
I have to say, this thread is a perfect example of why I think labels are pointless.

You could call yourself liberal or conservative or whatever and people will always attack you for not being "true" enough. So what does it matter? Who cares what label people call you with? Just be clear with your positions.

yea i know what you mean.....even after i posted my stance on a few things ...Sangha still called me a Right Winger.....but to him and Dean ANYONE to their Right ....are Right Wingers.....Pubis called me a Libroid ....Namvet a "Fucking Liberal".....its fun though....
...then voting along with the rest of the lemmings, just like *I* knew he would.

Then there was the whole refusing to do what it took to win after that thing.
yup had he actually voted against it he would have shot ahead
he was already ahead at that time and the majority of America was against those stupid bailouts
that was the beginnings of the TEA Party movement
Funny...I don't like McCain, but he voted the right way that time...or at least he voted his conscience. The country was on the edge of collapse.
1) There was no way that travesty wasn't going to pass...McLouse could've voted against it and done nothing but help himself, especially after making that big show of "suspending his campaign".

2) The only things that were on the edge of collapse were the banks and insurance companies, that all you liberoidal nutbars otherwise snivel about, making their "obscene profits", that took too many chances....The number that did so was far from all of them.

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