Are humans really so smart?

And I am sure that engaging in an intellectual discussion is well beyond your capabilities, Mike.
Seeing how most humans believe in myths, are closed minded as fuck and elected Donald Trump...Well, I am starting to believe we're not.
Just look at all the threads on this site. What are people talking about? Not smart things. I too believe religion proves we aren't that smart but it's a big business and I don't want to ruin a good racket. Good for the economy
Religion is ancient and wicked and predates both Philosophy and Science by many millennia.
Don't you think philosophy came first? People pondered and debated if there was a creator before they came up with religions.

They may not have known they were being philosophical

Rudimentary Philosophy (I always capitalize this word) began with Hesiod in 8th Century BC Greece. A few years later Thales in Miletus formally formulated it and started the first school.

The Greek pantheon was in existence at least 1000 years already before Hesiod and Thales. And the Egyptian pantheon goes back even further than the Greeks'. Herodotus tells us the Greeks got their gods from the Egyptians.

Science was born the instant Galileo first pointed his newfangled telescope at the planet Jupiter.

What do you think philosophy is? If it is the study of truth and nature then it could be that philosophy existed eons before the 8th century BC. Do you think that thousands of years before that early man could have begun to wonder what the hell is going on.

Science is considered by some to be the study of the natural world and experimenting with everything around them. At what point did early man discover the use of fire? Now THAT IMHO was the beginning of science.

Exactly. As soon as man started banging rocks against things science was born and as soon as people started talking to each other philosophy was born. Then later came religion.

Of course we may have worshiped gods even before we could talk. Ignorant primitive man is who made up god and he could have come up with the idea even before he could talk. I can imagine cave man looking at the sun and worshiping it, praying for it to return each night and each winter.

And primitive man wondered how he/we got here I'm sure. He thought, "all this must be made just for me" I must be special. This must be the center of the universe. What are those lights in the night sky. Are those camp fires like the one I'm keeping warm by?
I think it may go further back than that. One time, my wife and I were camped in Eastern Oregon in Catlow Valley, part of the big empty south of Burns. We had made supper, and were watching the sunset. As the last sliver of sun dipped below the horizon, about 100 yards from us, coyotes began howling, and howled for only 30 seconds or so. It was almost like a benediction. Never have had that experience before or since, but it definetely was eerie.
I too talk to my pets. They seem quite aware of what I'm saying, yet only rarely do I have any idea of what they are saying to me.
I fell sure that 99% of what they are saying to you is one of three things:

1. Feed me

2. Pay attention to me

3. Let me outside.

I too talk to my pets. They seem quite aware of what I'm saying, yet only rarely do I have any idea of what they are saying to me.
I fell sure that 99% of what they are saying to you is one of three things:

1. Feed me

2. Pay attention to me

3. Let me outside.

Those are the three messages they deliver that I have figured out. They say a few more things than that and that I've figured out too:
  • What the hell were you thinking closing the door and leaving me outside in the rain, cold, etc?
  • I don't like this flavor. I want one of the other ones.
  • I have a gift for you.
  • Play with me. I'm bored.
  • Don't move me from this chair, bed, table, etc.
  • Stop doing that, or put me down on the floor or something; I don't pick you up. (This tends not to be a verbal message.)
It's what they are saying when it's clear none of the above is what they are talking about.
If animals could actually communicate with humans they'd tell them how good the food is and how they love sleeping all day while the human is working. They they'd say "oh yeah I crapped on your bed so if you want you can go ahead and clean that up, thanks.Did I say how much I love it here yet!?"
Most people have direct experience with animals having learned "human speak," yet how many of us, in the same time span, manage to learn "animal speak?

I definitely communicate nonverbally with my cats, and verbally, too (although less effectively).

However, your post makes me think of one of my cats in particular. Ironically, I think of him as the dumbest one. He meows at me. I meow back, imitating him he best I can. We keep this up for as long as I will play. I often wonder what the hell he thinks I'm saying, but it must be good because he's always making eye contact and purring between the meows. Anyway, it makes me wonder if my dumb cat is trying to teach his slow learner human catspeak. And if he's incredibly patient, despite my atrocious accent......
If animals could actually communicate with humans they'd tell them how good the food is and how they love sleeping all day while the human is working. They they'd say "oh yeah I crapped on your bed so if you want you can go ahead and clean that up, thanks.Did I say how much I love it here yet!?"
Wow, a clearer case of projection I dont think I have ever read before.
Most people have direct experience with animals having learned "human speak," yet how many of us, in the same time span, manage to learn "animal speak?

I definitely communicate nonverbally with my cats, and verbally, too (although less effectively).

However, your post makes me think of one of my cats in particular. Ironically, I think of him as the dumbest one. He meows at me. I meow back, imitating him he best I can. We keep this up for as long as I will play. I often wonder what the hell he thinks I'm saying, but it must be good because he's always making eye contact and purring between the meows. Anyway, it makes me wonder if my dumb cat is trying to teach his slow learner human catspeak. And if he's incredibly patient, despite my atrocious accent......
it makes me wonder if my dumb cat is trying to teach his slow learner human catspeak.

If I've correctly understood your description of events, that meow is one my cats also use. I've discovered it's the one that means "I'm bored and I want you to play with me. Throw something for me to chase. Get something bouncy on a string that I swat at. Turn on one of the play machines. Do something entertaining....."
Looking at this board and the need to be "brain" washed into religion and the utter following like lemons most people do...I am starting to doubt the intelligence of humanity.

I think most people are really fucking stupid.

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