Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.
The Jews were "chosen" to bring the Torah to mankind. That mission remains in effect; how well they are doing at it is a matter of some dispute. Keep in mind that the person we refer to as Jesus Christ was born an Orthodox Jew, lived as an Orthodox Jew, and died as an Orthodox Jew, proclaiming that he did not intend to change the Torah at all.

So one might say that Christianity has taken on the task of bringing the Torah - as enhanced by the teachings of Christ - to the rest of the world. Again, how "we" are doing is a matter for discussion.
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.
Actually, Christ was killed because the treasurer of his group betrayed him after a humiliating disagreement on disbursement of funds to benefit the children of unmarried women. The more things change the more things seem the same. When he realized what he had done, Judas committed suicide. The jealous high priests whose minions hammered Christs hands and feet to a cross were a sorry lot of leaders whose power had gone into their swollen heads. :cranky:

Regardless, Christ the Lord forgave all of them with his prayer to the Father God, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And he forgave them as they were hurting him to a physical, but not a spiritual, death. Christ rose from the grave to visit his disciples to charge them with good news that Christ, in accordance with Isaiah's prophecy, was still with us to be loved by us triunely as God the Father, God the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. The exact words are found in the Biblical Book of Isaiah, Chapter 9. Thousands of years ago, and Jesus fulfilled that prophecy. Even so, God does not forsake his people, the first of whom were parents of the human race, Adam and Eve, then their generations who became known as the Hebrew people or Jews as they are commonly called today. God would not cut himself off completely from his first family of humans, the Jews. And through Jesus Christ, the son of God, all humans may receive God's grace and a place at the table along with God's first family who dwell in Heaven according to their faith. As God told Moses who wanted to know his name, God said for him to call him, "I am who I am..." IOW, God's grace is through himself and no other according to Christ the Lord.
beautress I think the bible says that only the ones who follow christ are children of God the others are only creatures of God but not children of God is that true or I remember that wrong if it is true why would there be a exception for jews who still believe that Jesus was a bastard but not lets say for muslims or buddhists ?
Nearly all so called Jews actually have no Semitic DNA trace .
Their lineage is Khazarian —— Fake Jews .
A good or decent Khazarian never tells the truth about anything to outsiders . That is their most sacred belief .
If you want to ask them anything , beware the answer . Their own belief . Not my prejudice .
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.

What is the question?

Don't remember which Western philosopher said it,
but he said, that every nation is a chosen nation,
one that doesn't believe it, has lost its unique
purpose, and thus ceases, simple.

Forefathers of Israel made sure
our purpose is an eternal covenant,
even if by means of fighting and arguing with G-d.
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Actually, Christ was killed because the treasurer of his group betrayed him after a humiliating disagreement on disbursement of funds to benefit the children of unmarried women. The more things change the more things seem the same. When he realized what he had done, Judas committed suicide. The jealous high priests whose minions hammered Christs hands and feet to a cross were a sorry lot of leaders whose power had gone into their swollen heads. :cranky:

Regardless, Christ the Lord forgave all of them with his prayer to the Father God, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And he forgave them as they were hurting him to a physical, but not a spiritual, death. Christ rose from the grave to visit his disciples to charge them with good news that Christ, in accordance with Isaiah's prophecy, was still with us to be loved by us triunely as God the Father, God the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. The exact words are found in the Biblical Book of Isaiah, Chapter 9. Thousands of years ago, and Jesus fulfilled that prophecy. Even so, God does not forsake his people, the first of whom were parents of the human race, Adam and Eve, then their generations who became known as the Hebrew people or Jews as they are commonly called today. God would not cut himself off completely from his first family of humans, the Jews. And through Jesus Christ, the son of God, all humans may receive God's grace and a place at the table along with God's first family who dwell in Heaven according to their faith. As God told Moses who wanted to know his name, God said for him to call him, "I am who I am..." IOW, God's grace is through himself and no other according to Christ the Lord.
Isaiah 9?
beautress I think the bible says that only the ones who follow christ are children of God the others are only creatures of God but not children of God is that true or I remember that wrong if it is true why would there be a exception for jews who still believe that Jesus was a bastard but not lets say for muslims or buddhists ?
Every human is a child of God.

Isaiah 9:2-7

The “child” described in Isaiah 9 is likely Hezekiah son of Ahaz (727 BCE-698 BCE), one of the very few royal heroes of Kings, who receives rare praise from the book’s deuteronomistic editors: “He [Hezekiah] did what was right in the sight of the Lord just as his ancestor David had done” (2 Kings 18:3).

Hezekiah’s reign is described in 2 Kings 18-20. He receives even higher praise in the Chronicler’s parallel version (see 2 Chronicles 29-32), where he is depicted as both a new David and a new Solomon.1

Significantly, Hezekiah’s reign also plays an important role near the end of First Isaiah (Isaiah 1-39).

Contrary to his father Ahaz who trusted in foreign assistance from the Assyrians rather than Yhwh (see Isaiah 7:10-17), Hezekiah is the paragon of faith and faithfulness.

When Sennacherib’s armies threatened Jerusalem, Hezekiah trusted in Yhwh’s faithfulness and his power to save the city from Assyrian aggression (Isaiah 37). Hezekiah’s greatness, then, is not in his ability to bear the load of authority or to create an era of “peace” with his own hands. Rather, his greatness lies in his willingness to trust in God who can bring about these things, on earth as it is in heaven, and even we might add in a place as contentious as Jerusalem.
Every human is a child of God.

The correct translation from the original Hebrew is made in OUR image
So you will have to settle for being a DNA lab experiment by the Elohim and hope to later find out your purpose ( if any ) from Universe .
Not even from a tribe of super brainy beings flitting around in their ship .
So you will have to settle for being a DNA lab experiment by the Elohim and hope to later find out your purpose ( if any ) from Universe .
Not even from a tribe of super brainy beings flitting around in their ship .
Ok. Sure.
We now live in what is known as "The Times of the Gentiles". Back in the days when Christ was on the earth, the gospel was to go unto the Jews first and then unto the Gentiles. In these latter days the gospel is to go first unto the Gentiles and then unto the Jews. God loves us all!!!
Don't remember which Western philosopher said it,
but he said, that every nation is a chosen nation,
one that doesn't believe it, has lost its unique
purpose, and thus ceases, simple.
Only supreme egoists will invest in that bullshit. Or those looking to excuse their nation's actions.
Only supreme egoists will invest in that bullshit. Or those looking to excuse their nation's actions.

Or those who want to make sure their national purpose is eternal.

Look around, you may take it at Jews, but being a dissident
has a certain age limit to looking cool, and we've seen
all of your types vanish into the dustbin of history,
taking the rest of our enemies down with you.
So you will have to settle for being a DNA lab experiment by the Elohim and hope to later find out your purpose ( if any ) from Universe .
Not even from a tribe of super brainy beings flitting around in their ship .
i've been thinking about that "image and likeness" of genesis, not as a bearded biped with male features, but as some kind of creature with DNA similar to that of humans or primates.
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.
John Paul II was not one of the worst of the fake popes that came after Pius XII died but he was wrong to say much of what he said... and he kissed the Koran! He always seemed to want to send the msg that Jesus was optional for getting to Heaven, one of the absolute worst heresies ever, if not Number One Heresy. Actually, it looks like objectively it IS the worst

Non-Catholics took over the Vatican after Pius XII died. I don't trust ANY pope who came after Pius.

So there's that.

The Jews were the first Chosen people. The Catholics are now, as they accept the Promised Messiah. Non-Catholics who essentially believe the fundamental truths that the Catholic Church teaches (officially) are also followers of Christ. "He who is not against Me is for Me."
John Paul II was not one of the worst of the fake popes that came after Pius XII died but he was wrong to say much of what he said... and he kissed the Koran! He always seemed to want to send the msg that Jesus was optional for getting to Heaven, one of the absolute worst heresies ever, if not Number One Heresy. Actually, it looks like objectively it IS the worst

Non-Catholics took over the Vatican after Pius XII died. I don't trust ANY pope who came after Pius.

So there's that.

The Jews were the first Chosen people. The Catholics are now, as they accept the Promised Messiah. Non-Catholics who essentially believe the fundamental truths that the Catholic Church teaches (officially) are also followers of Christ. "He who is not against Me is for Me."

I don't think that's true. God probably has it all worked out.

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