Are Labor Laws, ObamaCare and out of control spending preventing a recovery?

Jobs and confidence in America are needed not BS from the right wing cheap labor conservative republicans. So long as republicans are out of power, corporate support and money will fight to get them back in power. Republicans are working hard to create a third world America, cheap labor is the corporate goal and so far it is working.
Republicans are working hard to create a third world America, cheap labor is the corporate goal and so far it is working.

thats funny....many Democrats out here are doing a good job of helping turn S.Cal into a third world Country.....
Q. Are Labor Laws, ObamaCare and out of control spending preventing a recovery?

A. Yes, just like they're supposed to.

Right. Because the economy will do much better with less spending. Where did you learn economics? The Moron School?

Yes, the economy does much better with less spending. How does taking money from productive people and giving it to useless tics on the ass of society help the economy?
Q. Are Labor Laws, ObamaCare and out of control spending preventing a recovery?

A. Yes, just like they're supposed to.
Wow....what an insightful-analysis....and, typically "conservative"; no details required.

Yeah....we wouldn't want to confuse the Teabaggers with too-many facts & figures.

July 2, 2011

"President Barack Obama pressed his case on Saturday for achieving deficit reduction, in part by ending tax breaks and singling out hedge fund managers, oil companies and billionaires to take the hit.

Obama is locked in a dispute with Republicans over how to bring down the deficit as part of a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent Washington from default.

Democrats insist that some tax increases be included in a deficit-cutting package.

Republicans say that would be bad for the economy.

"Now, it would be nice if we could keep every tax break, but we can't afford them," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address.

"Because if we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaire$ and billionaire$, or for hedge fund manager$ and corporate jet owner$, or for oil and gas companies pulling in huge profit$ without our help - then we'll have to make even deeper cuts somewhere else."

Obama listed a range of areas, some of which are considered top Democratic political priorities, that would face the chopping block if such tax breaks were allowed to continue.

"We've got to say to a student, 'You don't get a college scholarship.' We have to say to a medical researcher, 'You can't do that cancer research.' We might have to tell seniors, 'You have to pay more for Medicare,'" he said.

"That isn't right, and it isn't smart. We've got to cut the deficit, but we can do that while making investments in education, research and technology that actually create jobs."

Did you ever answer my question the other day? When I mentioned how cut backs in defense spending caused the layoff of 400 Sikorsky helicopter workers locally.

I wanted you to explain how cutting spending creates jobs.

All the money that wasn't spent on helicopters was retained by taxpayers who spent it on something they actually wanted, like orthodontia for their children or a flat screen television. Unfortunately, politicians don't get to take credit for that spending.
Q. Are Labor Laws, ObamaCare and out of control spending preventing a recovery?

A. Yes, just like they're supposed to.
The spending isn't out of control, The problem is the Demo's are controlling it and we all know how stupid they are. They are actually convinced you can spend your way out of too much spending.
Yeah.....The Marketplace is sooooooooooo much-more skilled at spending our tax-dollars, for us.


"Approximately 75 percent of drug coverage is financed by the federal government and 25 percent by beneficiaries through monthly premiums, co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles. As opposed to traditional Medicare, in which the government directly pays providers for services, Part D coverage is privatized--meaning government tax-payer funds and contributions from beneficiaries are passed on to private insurers to manage benefits.

Medicare Part D has attracted substantial controversy from major health advocacy organizations, including the Commonwealth Fund, the Center for Medicare Rights and Families USA, as well as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the government organization responsible for administering government health benefits. Criticism centers on effects of the plan's privatization. Instead of the government negotiating prices with drug companies, price controls are left up to the market, which critics argue makes the prices and the program overall too expensive."

August 27, 2009

"At a recent town-hall event, President Obama was asked about how to pay for health care reform without adding to the debt. "It's a great question," the presidents said. "First of all, I said I won't sign a bill that adds to the deficit or the national debt. Okay? So this will have to be paid for."

Obama then proceeded to take a stroll down memory lane. "That, by the way, is in contrast to the prescription drug bill that was passed that cost hundred$ of billion$ of dollars, by the previous administration and previous Congress, that was not paid for at all, and that was a major contributor to our current national debt. That's why you will forgive me if sometimes I chuckle a little bit when I hear all these folks saying, 'oh, big-spending Obama' -- when I'm proposing something that will be paid for and they signed into law something that wasn't, and they had no problem with it. Same people, same folks. And they say with a straight face how we've got to be fiscally responsible."

No, the Corporations moving all our jobs overseas is preventing a recovery. Not spending on rebuilding our infrastructure is preventing a recovery. The fact that we don't manufacture anything is stifling recovery. Banks and the wealthy sitting on trillions and trillions of dollars is preventing our recovery.

We've managed to have booming economies while protecting workers rights and paying them a fair wage. Why do right wingers suddenly think that is impossible?


'Cause, one-more asshole, in a cowboy-hat, told 'em so.​

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating." — Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

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Republicans are working hard to create a third world America, cheap labor is the corporate goal and so far it is working.

thats funny....many Democrats out here are doing a good job of helping turn S.Cal into a third world Country.....
Everything's temporary.....​

"Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday signed California's second on-time, balanced budget in a decade — one that will sharply curb the services the state offers and that relies on a windfall of revenue.

Unlike his predecessor, Brown used his line-item veto power relatively sparingly, dashing $270 million in spending, mostly from railway projects. He also reduced money for state commissions on higher education and women, eliminated funding for a data system to track teacher performance and further trimmed court spending.

The governor enacted the $129-billion package, with a general fund of $86-billion, in his Capitol office with little fanfare. "This is an honest but painful budget," he said in a statement.

The governor's budget director, Ana Matosantos, blamed Republican resistance to taxes for many of the latest cutbacks.

Though the budget is signed, the fight is not over. Brown, Democrats and their allies have indicated they will now begin to plot which taxes to seek through a ballot initiative next year, saying California's financial well-being cannot be restored until more revenue is on the books."

Frank's a good guy but he thinks that Hoover and FDR caused the Depression.

The fact that they did is virtually indisputable.
Aw, jeez....lemme guess....Your Historical-reference is a Texas-approved History text-book, right???



Let's HEAR IT! for....

Allowing The Marketplace To Regulate Itself!!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Great Depression‬‏[/ame]​
It rains because Milton Friedman cries in heaven at the economic illiteracy of Progressives.

They think the government IS the US economy. So, so, so sad that such stupid people cancel my vote.
Q. Are Labor Laws, ObamaCare and out of control spending preventing a recovery?

A. Yes, just like they're supposed to.

Right. Because the economy will do much better with less spending. Where did you learn economics? The Moron School?

Frank's a good guy but he thinks that Hoover and FDR caused the Depression.

I also think rain clouds make rain, Dear. (Milton Friedman's tears can also make it rain)
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Frank's a good guy but he thinks that Hoover and FDR caused the Depression.

I also think rain clouds make rain, Dear. (Milton Friedman's tears can also make it rain)

No doubt they will now attempt to make the argument that FDR brought us out of the Great Depression.

FDR had some affect for certain. Milton Friedman said that the establishment of the FDIC was one of the main reasons for the end of the Depression. Devaluing the dollar against gold was also a big reason why the economy started to grow again. But other policies such as NIRA were a disaster. Hardcore conservative ideologues under-estimate FDR's influence on the end of the Depression but hardcore liberal ideologues over-state FDR's influencing ending the Depression.

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