Are Lefties Willing to Destroy Our Country...

You say the West is not ready for a black leader yet it is possible we could have another black US President in Ben Carsen. Quit the race card, affirmative action, entitlement bullshit. It's old.

The MAIN reason that Carson will never be elected is not his race......It is more because the guy is a religious zealot and a snake oil salesman.....
Whatever makes you feel better about it.

But I have to reinforce the point that Bush wasn't doing it for reasons that you express. He was doing it to pump up the markets during a weakened economy.

The economy was doing fine before the housing bubble. Bush didn't need to send 20 million to Africa to fight AIDS either, but he did it to try and earn favor from the minority community.
We were in a recession.
Early 2000s recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes when Bush first took over and we suffered 911. The housing bubble and collapse didn't come until much later after Bush got the economy rolling again.
Yes, Bush created his own disaster by inflating the housing market.


I very much agree, and both Franks and Schumer were pandering.......However, let me also state that the conservative "push" was to further regulate the GSEs and to basically imply that anything that is "too big to fail" should not exist.........Have you noticed that when it came to Wall Street banks the conservatives did NOT share that same belief?

Who exactly repudiated the Glass-Steagal Act?
The economy was doing fine before the housing bubble. Bush didn't need to send 20 million to Africa to fight AIDS either, but he did it to try and earn favor from the minority community.
We were in a recession.
Early 2000s recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes when Bush first took over and we suffered 911. The housing bubble and collapse didn't come until much later after Bush got the economy rolling again.
Yes, Bush created his own disaster by inflating the housing market.


I very much agree, and both Franks and Schumer were pandering.......However, let me also state that the conservative "push" was to further regulate the GSEs and to basically imply that anything that is "too big to fail" should not exist.........Have you noticed that when it came to Wall Street banks the conservatives did NOT share that same belief?

Who exactly repudiated the Glass-Steagal Act?

Bill Clinton.
You say the West is not ready for a black leader yet it is possible we could have another black US President in Ben Carsen. Quit the race card, affirmative action, entitlement bullshit. It's old.

The MAIN reason that Carson will never be elected is not his race......It is more because the guy is a religious zealot and a snake oil salesman.....

And Obama is not? If you like your healthcare plan..........

However the difference is anything you say about Obama is racist according to most on the left.
Now that's interesting. I thought the reason you didn't vote Republican was because you're a flaming leftist. But it's actually these posts? usual.....Fiscally I am much more conservative than most "flaming leftists".....However, your ilk's stance on social issues is akin to what was believed about 100 years ago.
The economy was doing fine before the housing bubble. Bush didn't need to send 20 million to Africa to fight AIDS either, but he did it to try and earn favor from the minority community.
We were in a recession.
Early 2000s recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes when Bush first took over and we suffered 911. The housing bubble and collapse didn't come until much later after Bush got the economy rolling again.
Yes, Bush created his own disaster by inflating the housing market.


I very much agree, and both Franks and Schumer were pandering.......However, let me also state that the conservative "push" was to further regulate the GSEs and to basically imply that anything that is "too big to fail" should not exist.........Have you noticed that when it came to Wall Street banks the conservatives did NOT share that same belief?

Who exactly repudiated the Glass-Steagal Act?

That would be Bill Clinton.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Country was destroyed a long time ago. Corporations rule. Politicians are the public scapegoats to deflect scrutiny away from the real rulers behind the curtain. We blame who we can see. Meanwhile the ones truly responsible go on with their profit-driven agendas untouched.

Think tanks decide who we go to war with. Defense contractors make money from them. And politicians take all the heat. And as long as we continue blaming the wrong people, this isn't going to change.

That is correct.

Banking and credit were destroyed when the Federal Reserve Act was enacted in 1913.

The system tried to warn us when the economy collapsed in 1935. But politicians will blame everyone but themselves whenever economic calamities occur. So they blamed our gold . The government nationalized it - the narcotized populace approved.

Since we went belly up in 1935 the economy is subject to crash at any time.

Comrade Sanders , Krugman , the rest of the Keynesians will blame everyone but their interventionist policies.
Are you always this obtuse? Demand for home buyers was always there, Bush didn't need to provide it. All he needed to do was widen the avenue between home buyers and the markets.

And so one of the things that I'm going to talk about a little bit today is how to create a sustained commitment by the private sector that will have a powerful impact. First of all, we want to make sure that we help work to expand capital available to buyers, and as I mentioned, overcome the barriers that I've delineated, as well as provide the education component. In other words, this is not just a federal responsibility.

That's why I've challenged the industry leaders all across the country to get after it for this goal, to stay focused, to make sure that we achieve a more secure America, by achieving the goal of 5.5 million new minority home owners. I call it America's home ownership challenge.

And let me talk about some of the progress which we have made to date, as an example for others to follow. First of all, government sponsored corporations that help create our mortgage system -- I introduced two of the leaders here today -- they call those people Fannie May and Freddie Mac, as well as the federal home loan banks, will increase their commitment to minority markets by more than $440 billion. (Applause.) I want to thank Leland and Franklin for that commitment. It's a commitment that conforms to their charters, as well, and also conforms to their hearts.

This means they will purchase more loans made by banks after Americans, Hispanics and other minorities, which will encourage homeownership. Freddie Mac will launch 25 initiatives to eliminate homeownership barriers. Under one of these, consumers with poor credit will be able to get a mortgage with an interest rate that automatically goes down after a period of consistent payments. (Applause.)
President Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far
Posted by: Peter Coy on February 27, 2008

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far - BusinessWeek

Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

When all else fails....change the subject. Clinton's policies in no way have any bearing on the decisions Bush made which led directly to the economic collapse.

Sorry, but that's where it all started. Or do you suppose it was all Bush's idea to pander to minorities where we get few votes? That's like saying we have a gun problem in this country because the Democrats catered to the NRA. It makes no sense.

I think I have been pretty clear about my position, though I thank you for answering my earlier question about being obtuse. It matters not that you think Bush was pandering for votes. He was in office and clearly and openly expressed his desires on home ownership and how to achieve his stated goals. I thought you people believed in personal responsibility.

We do, that's why I didn't say Bush didn't have anything to do with it. I admitted he was at fault, but you refuse to blame anybody but Bush in spite of the evidence I presented in earlier posts.

If you believed in personal responsibility then you wouldn't be deflecting.
Bush was the only president we had when he openly and honestly stated his desires to increase home ownership and laid out the plans to achieve it. Clinton didn't make him do it, so why would I agree to blame someone else, it doesn't make sense.
However the difference is anything you say about Obama is racist according to most on the left.

Nonsense......there may be a FEW right wingers who genuinely dislike Obama for his policies, but the vast majority dislike him for his "uppity" attitude while being [half] black and beating them TWICE.

Comparing Obama to Carson is moronic.......and wiser republicans fully know that if reluctant to admit it..
However the difference is anything you say about Obama is racist according to most on the left.

Nonsense......there may be a FEW right wingers who genuinely dislike Obama for his policies, but the vast majority dislike him for his "uppity" attitude while being [half] black and beating them TWICE.

Comparing Obama to Carson is moronic.......and wiser republicans fully know that if reluctant to admit it..

A few?
It wouldnt matter if barry was lily white....we'd still hate him.
So a man believes in God, raised himself from the depths of poverty, achieved the American dream, and he is unworthy? As I recall the founders of this country also believed in God, personal accountability, and had the pride, courage, to face and overcome adversity without the government holding their hand. Fits the SOP of the liberal mindset. He may have a better understanding of what it takes to pull this country out of this entitlement mindset then the run of the mill give us more money and we can fix whats wrong song and dance we have been plagued with over the past 50+years by the best and brightest liberal minds that has amounted to nothing but fail and perpetuate the entitlement mentality predicated on being an American. So how has that worked for you?
So Phil Graham signed it into law?

I am NOT holding Bill Clinton blameless for the repeal of Glass Steagal.....However, Republicans led by Sen. Phil Gramm, at the behest of the big banks, pushed the repeal through in 1999. What happened over the next eight years was an almost exact replay of the Roaring Twenties. Once again, banks originated fraudulent loans and once again they sold them to their customers in the form of securities. The bubble peaked in 2007 and collapsed in 2008. The hard-earned knowledge of 1933 had been lost in the arrogance of 1999.
A few?
It wouldnt matter if barry was lily white....we'd still hate him.

I know you may not be responsible for the stupidity within your ilk....BUT, you cannot deny these elements within you party.

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far
Posted by: Peter Coy on February 27, 2008

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far - BusinessWeek

Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

When all else fails....change the subject. Clinton's policies in no way have any bearing on the decisions Bush made which led directly to the economic collapse.

Sorry, but that's where it all started. Or do you suppose it was all Bush's idea to pander to minorities where we get few votes? That's like saying we have a gun problem in this country because the Democrats catered to the NRA. It makes no sense.

I think I have been pretty clear about my position, though I thank you for answering my earlier question about being obtuse. It matters not that you think Bush was pandering for votes. He was in office and clearly and openly expressed his desires on home ownership and how to achieve his stated goals. I thought you people believed in personal responsibility.

We do, that's why I didn't say Bush didn't have anything to do with it. I admitted he was at fault, but you refuse to blame anybody but Bush in spite of the evidence I presented in earlier posts.

If you believed in personal responsibility then you wouldn't be deflecting.
Bush was the only president we had when he openly and honestly stated his desires to increase home ownership and laid out the plans to achieve it. Clinton didn't make him do it, so why would I agree to blame someone else, it doesn't make sense.

I never said blame someone else, I said share the blame. Even Clinton himself admitted to fault.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Nonsense, the economy was in the ditch when he got there. You may recall Bush talking about borrowing $1T dollars to avoid the whole thing being washed out to sea. You don't ? Here is the video. Feel free to blame the media for recording it.

And of course, you'll blame the Congress. See, that is how it works. Your guy is in the White House, it's the fault of Congress and the president is powerless. Right? When the other guy is in the White House, he gets all the blame and Congress is helpless. Hence your OP.

I don't mind the partisanship as much as I mind the dishonesty.

But that is the past. Lets talk about the future. Shall we?

Tell us who is a better candidate based on their plans. So we can examine them, how realistic they are, and go on from there. Care to name someone specifically? I'm guessing no.


But Bush made matters worse by engaging in two UNNECESSARY wars during a recession and then encouraging Bernanke to inflate the fuck out of the currency in order to pay for his two wars.


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