Are Lefties Willing to Destroy Our Country...

Now that's interesting. I thought the reason you didn't vote Republican was because you're a flaming leftist. But it's actually these posts? usual.....Fiscally I am much more conservative than most "flaming leftists".....However, your ilk's stance on social issues is akin to what was believed about 100 years ago.

I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, I oppose the war on drugs as well as the war on terror, I think all drugs, prostitution, euthanasia and gambling should be legal and all morality laws should be rescinded.

And you think I'm a socon

Once again you proved yourself to be the complete and utter fucking moron that you are.

Or is it my position against the wars in the middle east you have a problem with?

What you described is a libertarian. Fiscally conservative, socially liberal. You sir, are no libertarian...

Your dick is flapping in the wind and you're laughing. Typical leftist authoritarian. The joke is you think you believe in liberty at any level
Who writes spending bills? The Republican Congress!

The only fact that most right wingers know about government, is that there is the 2nd. amendment......everything else, they wait for the "scholar" Hannity to tell them how government works and functions.
Who writes spending bills? The Republican Congress!

The only fact that most right wingers know about government, is that there is the 2nd. amendment......everything else, they wait for the "scholar" Hannity to tell them how government works and functions.

what's funny is you think you're libertarian. Here's a clue, Holmes. Taxing the economy into obscurity isn't "fiscally conservative." Leftist authoritarians are the biggest idiots. You may now proceed to laugh at yourself
You say the West is not ready for a black leader yet it is possible we could have another black US President in Ben Carsen. Quit the race card, affirmative action, entitlement bullshit. It's old.

The MAIN reason that Carson will never be elected is not his race......It is more because the guy is a religious zealot and a snake oil salesman.....

I am sure that is the way many liberals say they feel about him but underneath the attacks on Carsn's policies is you people really don't want a Black Conservative leading US. A Black Conservative in the White House gets all of the Alinksyites very uppity.
You say the West is not ready for a black leader yet it is possible we could have another black US President in Ben Carsen. Quit the race card, affirmative action, entitlement bullshit. It's old.

The MAIN reason that Carson will never be elected is not his race......It is more because the guy is a religious zealot and a snake oil salesman.....

I am sure that is the way many liberals say they feel about him but underneath the attacks on Carsn's policies is you people really don't want a Black Conservative leading US. A Black Conservative in the White House gets all of the Alinksyites very uppity.

They want a black community activist to lead us, black community activist being a euphemism for street thug
The idea was to pander to the minorities and poor which are Democrat voters in most cases. Before the bubble, minorities and poor often complained to their politicians about being left out in the cold when it comes to buying a home. It was tough to get a home loan years ago because banks watched their money.

When Bush and the Republicans took over, they allowed these programs to continue and even put them on steroids. After all, they were not about to put a stop to these programs in fear of being labeled racist by the left once again. In fact they figured they would try to take some credit for all these minority owned homes themselves.

Still no answer as to how banks were forced to make bad loans


The Government-Created Subprime Mortgage Meltdown

By Thomas DiLorenzo

The thousands of mortgage defaults and foreclosures in the "subprime" housing market (i.e., mortgage holders with poor credit ratings) is the direct result of thirty years of government policy that has forced banks to make bad loans to un-creditworthy borrowers. The policy in question is the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which compels banks to make loans to low-income borrowers and in what the supporters of the Act call "communities of color" that they might not otherwise make based on purely economic criteria.
If they fall and can't reach the landline phone, but have a cell phone, worn around their a case

like this one that I created:


They could call for help!

My number one seller for old folks....

Their 60 year old children :D are buying these necklace length strap cell phone cases for their parents!

Imagine the advertising:

"I fell and I couldn't reach the land line. My 23 year old son, who live in the basement, was playing video games and couldn't hear me screaming in pain. But I had my phone with me..."

"Keep your Obama phone with you at all time, it's a lifeline you always needed, especially when Republicans throw you over the cliff."
Yes when Bush first took over and we suffered 911. The housing bubble and collapse didn't come until much later after Bush got the economy rolling again.
Yes, Bush created his own disaster by inflating the housing market.

Nope. Inflation only happens for one reason, and that is more demand than supply. When there is more demand than supply, prices increase. Bush couldn't provide that if he wanted to.
Are you always this obtuse? Demand for home buyers was always there, Bush didn't need to provide it. All he needed to do was widen the avenue between home buyers and the markets.

And so one of the things that I'm going to talk about a little bit today is how to create a sustained commitment by the private sector that will have a powerful impact. First of all, we want to make sure that we help work to expand capital available to buyers, and as I mentioned, overcome the barriers that I've delineated, as well as provide the education component. In other words, this is not just a federal responsibility.

That's why I've challenged the industry leaders all across the country to get after it for this goal, to stay focused, to make sure that we achieve a more secure America, by achieving the goal of 5.5 million new minority home owners. I call it America's home ownership challenge.

And let me talk about some of the progress which we have made to date, as an example for others to follow. First of all, government sponsored corporations that help create our mortgage system -- I introduced two of the leaders here today -- they call those people Fannie May and Freddie Mac, as well as the federal home loan banks, will increase their commitment to minority markets by more than $440 billion. (Applause.) I want to thank Leland and Franklin for that commitment. It's a commitment that conforms to their charters, as well, and also conforms to their hearts.

This means they will purchase more loans made by banks after Americans, Hispanics and other minorities, which will encourage homeownership. Freddie Mac will launch 25 initiatives to eliminate homeownership barriers. Under one of these, consumers with poor credit will be able to get a mortgage with an interest rate that automatically goes down after a period of consistent payments. (Applause.)
President Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far
Posted by: Peter Coy on February 27, 2008

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far - BusinessWeek

Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

When all else fails....change the subject. Clinton's policies in no way have any bearing on the decisions Bush made which led directly to the economic collapse.

Lefties can's see the difference between opinion and truth. They often think they're the the same thing.
The idea was to pander to the minorities and poor which are Democrat voters in most cases. Before the bubble, minorities and poor often complained to their politicians about being left out in the cold when it comes to buying a home. It was tough to get a home loan years ago because banks watched their money.

When Bush and the Republicans took over, they allowed these programs to continue and even put them on steroids. After all, they were not about to put a stop to these programs in fear of being labeled racist by the left once again. In fact they figured they would try to take some credit for all these minority owned homes themselves.

Still no answer as to how banks were forced to make bad loans


The banks basically make two types of loans: Prime loans where the bank uses their own money, and subprime loans where the bank makes the loan, but sells the loan off in the market.

In order to make subprime loans, banks have to use the standards set forth by the government. HUD is the boss of Fanny and Freddy, so their orders come from HUD.

So the banks were not forced per se, they were pressured into making these loans. Banks made the loans and collected a processing fee. That's how they made their money. From that point, the loans were sold off to the market.

I'm 81 years old and the biggest goddam mess I've ever seen in my life was the Hoover 30's. Don't ever try to schit a schitter. Republicans have never seen a tax cut they didn't like and they've never...not once cut their spending. The National Debt is on their shoulders.....nobody else.
The idea was to pander to the minorities and poor which are Democrat voters in most cases. Before the bubble, minorities and poor often complained to their politicians about being left out in the cold when it comes to buying a home. It was tough to get a home loan years ago because banks watched their money.

When Bush and the Republicans took over, they allowed these programs to continue and even put them on steroids. After all, they were not about to put a stop to these programs in fear of being labeled racist by the left once again. In fact they figured they would try to take some credit for all these minority owned homes themselves.

Still no answer as to how banks were forced to make bad loans


The banks basically make two types of loans: Prime loans where the bank uses their own money, and subprime loans where the bank makes the loan, but sells the loan off in the market.

In order to make subprime loans, banks have to use the standards set forth by the government. HUD is the boss of Fanny and Freddy, so their orders come from HUD.

So the banks were not forced per se, they were pressured into making these loans. Banks made the loans and collected a processing fee. That's how they made their money. From that point, the loans were sold off to the market.

I'm 81 years old and the biggest goddam mess I've ever seen in my life was the Hoover 30's. Don't ever try to schit a schitter. Republicans have never seen a tax cut they didn't like and they've never...not once cut their spending. The National Debt is on their shoulders.....nobody else.

I guess you must have been asleep during the Obama years when he had a Democrat Congress that passed Commie Care and the Pork Bill that was close to a trillion dollars.

This is not to mention the fact that the biggest arguments between this Republican Congress and DumBama were about spending; DumBama always wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. If they didn't meet Obama's demands, the government shuts down which would be blamed on the Republicans thanks to the liberal MSM.
I am sure that is the way many liberals say they feel about him but underneath the attacks on Carsn's policies is you people really don't want a Black Conservative leading US. A Black Conservative in the White House gets all of the Alinksyites very uppity.

Actually I would not want a (black or otherwise) president telling me and other sane Americans that the earth is only 6,000 years old. His tax plan is based on biblical tithing - this idiot plans to base his tax policy on tithing .Carson has also compared the Affordable Care Act to slavery. He has called President Obama a psychopath. He disbelieves established science on evolution and climate change......and ALL these imbecility from a man who supposedly studied science.
This is not to mention the fact that the biggest arguments between this Republican Congress and DumBama were about spending; DumBama always wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. If they didn't meet Obama's demands, the government shuts down which would be blamed on the Republicans thanks to the liberal MSM.

Now that you got all that stupidity and lies out of your system......Wipe, flush and wash your hands thoroughly.
I am sure that is the way many liberals say they feel about him but underneath the attacks on Carsn's policies is you people really don't want a Black Conservative leading US. A Black Conservative in the White House gets all of the Alinksyites very uppity.

Actually I would not want a (black or otherwise) president telling me and other sane Americans that the earth is only 6,000 years old. His tax plan is based on biblical tithing - this idiot plans to base his tax policy on tithing .Carson has also compared the Affordable Care Act to slavery. He has called President Obama a psychopath. He disbelieves established science on evolution and climate change......and ALL these imbecility from a man who supposedly studied science.
Most of your rant is meaningless mumble. obama really is a psychopath and global warming is a hoax.
This is not to mention the fact that the biggest arguments between this Republican Congress and DumBama were about spending; DumBama always wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. If they didn't meet Obama's demands, the government shuts down which would be blamed on the Republicans thanks to the liberal MSM.

Now that you got all that stupidity and lies out of your system......Wipe, flush and wash your hands thoroughly.

Typical liberal response: all insults and no content.
Most of your rant is meaningless mumble. obama really is a psychopath and global warming is a hoax.

Can't fix stupidity and latent racism on a forum board.....Go on and believe what you wish....we need folks like you to tell our kids what happens when they balk at going to school and remain ignorant.
Tell you what right wingers on here.....Blame every ill on Obama......nominate zealots like Carson for your party.......and be prepared to bitch and moan for the next 8 years. LOL
Tell you what right wingers on here.....Blame every ill on Obama

Sweet Mother Christmas! "These people" are like broken record, over and over with same tired crap. No one is blaming ALL on OBAMA! Things were not great under GWB either. We know.

Debt and Size of GOVT is more out of control (still), you can see it in the $18T debt. Stop the stupid blame game and fix it. I have posted a fix (same as private industry would be forced to do).

p.s. now that you mention it, ~$3.7T FED spending for 7 straight years is not helping debt. Obama could have cut.......sigh.......hopeless.
This is not to mention the fact that the biggest arguments between this Republican Congress and DumBama were about spending; DumBama always wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. If they didn't meet Obama's demands, the government shuts down which would be blamed on the Republicans thanks to the liberal MSM.

Now that you got all that stupidity and lies out of your system......Wipe, flush and wash your hands thoroughly.

Typical liberal response: all insults and no content.

Your post was horseshit. The GOP ALWAYS wants to spend more on the military.
This is not to mention the fact that the biggest arguments between this Republican Congress and DumBama were about spending; DumBama always wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. If they didn't meet Obama's demands, the government shuts down which would be blamed on the Republicans thanks to the liberal MSM.

Now that you got all that stupidity and lies out of your system......Wipe, flush and wash your hands thoroughly.

Typical liberal response: all insults and no content.

Your post was horseshit. The GOP ALWAYS wants to spend more on the military.

Yep, the Republicans believe that a strong military means a strong country. Liberals on the other hand want to spend money on everything else like social programs that bog down the nation.
Actually I would not want a (black or otherwise) president telling me and other sane Americans that the earth is only 6,000 years old. His tax plan is based on biblical tithing - this idiot plans to base his tax policy on tithing .Carson has also compared the Affordable Care Act to slavery. He has called President Obama a psychopath. He disbelieves established science on evolution and climate change......and ALL these imbecility from a man who supposedly studied science.

Being forced into government health insurance or pay penalty if you don't submit is a form of slavery, to the government.

And you don't really need to be a doctor to recognize the psychopath.

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