Are Leftists Intentionally Creating Chaos?

If so, for what purpose? Tucker on Gavin Newsome and what he's done for to California

Never let a crisis go to waste.
Especially if you have to create that crisis in the first place.

The Left doesn't do Positive proactive.
The Left deals in Negative debilitation to excuse and enable regressive non-solutions.
Why are the dems trying to implode America? No, not from stupidity. you can see that as they will go to war to keep the flow of illegals coming into America. You must have heard of the Cloward–Piven strategy. If not, Google it. No one has a scenario 'to fix' America. People...America is over. America only worked when it worked. No one can save us. All Trump can do is slow down the destruction...if we are lucky. Old America is all gone. The answer or 'fix' was...when we had citizens that knew there were 2 genders. The fix was, when we had citizens that hated commies. The fix was when he had politicians that abided by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Now the citizens love commies, at least in enough amounts to vote in the dem commie scum.

The American commies have found themselves in a pickle. One day American commies realized they can't seize the means of production anymore. (We don't make that much to seize; we are just a pimp for China.) So, American commies have evolved from classical communism theory and have accepted, that for now, redistribution is the best the American commies can do...along with disarming, canceling and reeducating the reps.

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Tucker Carlson was fired because he's a loser.

The loser Tucker is creating chaos because his followers are too stupid to know that they are being played by a member of The Establishment
So, are you saying they're creating chaos because they're stupid and incompetent?

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