Zone1 Are many Christians acting very un-Christian like?

Jesus did not crucify Jesus for treason. Jesus was not a traitor to the Roman Empire.

David and his men ate the Bread of Presence. Hunger overrode the Law. Even on Sabbath, Jews prepared food from their pantries. Pharisaical constraints on the Law prohibited even minimal exertion, which was ridiculous.
We have modern day pharisees. They're Jehovah's Witnesses. They would like you to die rather than have a blood transfusion to save your life.
A foolish notion that we've been taught, that “separation of church and state” means that Christians must not allow our moral standards to affect political policy. This has resulted in Satan being given free hand to exert heavy influence over public policy.

Wherever God's influence is driven out, Satan has free hand to take over the resulting void.
Christians were very active in America's war for independence, and not just on the battlefield, either.

Considering the improved standard of living in the world, especially in the US and Europe, can we not see that our relation to creation looks less and less like it is in bondage to corruption, as dispensational premillennial eschatology insists? Obviously, Paul was not writing about us.

Many of the scientific and engineering advances in the last centuries are the work of devout Christians - Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Michael Faraday, James Maxwell, George W. Carver, Lord Kelvin.

And Kingdom thought has indeed entered legislative halls from nearly the beginning, especially since the fourth century, and what has been the result? Excellence and prosperity. That's what.
Rome did not crucify Jesus for treason. Jesus was not a traitor to the Roman Empire.

David and his men ate the Bread of Presence. Hunger overrode the Law. Even on Sabbath, Jews prepared food from their pantries. Pharisaical constraints on the Law prohibited even minimal exertion, which was ridiculous.
They then took him to Pilate with accusations about Jesus disrupting Roman rule (Luke 23:1-5)
If I were you Fudd, I'd lay awake at night then very worried.
I repeat Freak, God will judge you by your actions. I would analyze your own actions. Those who are fearful their own actions are sinful will focus on other's actions. It is avoidance.
You should probably read that passage before making such a statement. The Jews accused Jesus of disrupting Jewish custom, not Roman rule.
The Jews brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate because they saw him as a threat. The truths he spoke thretened their way of thinking. Rather than listen and consider they wanted him dead. But Pontius Pilate was not a Jew. he was the Roman Govenor. His authority to have Jesus crucified came from Rome not the Jews.
The Jewish group who brought Jesus to to Pontius Pilate, remind me of many Christians today. They are thretened by anything that challenges their thinking. Rather than consider the words, they want to crucify the person who speaks the words.
You better read that chapter again. Herod and Pilate found no fault in Jesus.
I repeat
The Jews brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate because they saw him as a threat. The truths he spoke thretened their way of thinking. Rather than listen and consider they wanted him dead. But Pontius Pilate was not a Jew. he was the Roman Govenor. His authority to have Jesus crucified came from Rome not the Jews.
The Jewish group who brought Jesus to to Pontius Pilate, remind me of many Christians today. They are thretened by anything that challenges their thinking. Rather than consider the words, they want to crucify the person who speaks the words.
To be sure, many Christians - too many - believe that Christians must stay out of politics.
I feel Christians should not stay out of politics. What they advocate is based on their morals that are shaped by their religion. But no single religion should dictate the laws of a government that governs over many from different religions and athiests.
A democracy not a theocracy. That is what the founding fathers wanted.
The Jews brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate because they saw him as a threat. The truths he spoke thretened their way of thinking. Rather than listen and consider they wanted him dead. But Pontius Pilate was not a Jew. he was the Roman Govenor. His authority to have Jesus crucified came from Rome not the Jews.
Now you're getting it. The Jews were the ones who wanted Jesus dead.

But from what Roman authority did Pilate decide on crucifixion? Herod? Herod also found no fault in Jesus.

The Romans found him innocent, but contrary to popular opinion, the Jews did wield some political clout, even if just public pressure. Jesus would not have been executed but for the Jews.
I repeat
The Jews brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate because they saw him as a threat. The truths he spoke thretened their way of thinking. Rather than listen and consider they wanted him dead. But Pontius Pilate was not a Jew. he was the Roman Govenor. His authority to have Jesus crucified came from Rome not the Jews.
The Jewish group who brought Jesus to to Pontius Pilate, remind me of many Christians today. They are thretened by anything that challenges their thinking. Rather than consider the words, they want to crucify the person who speaks the words.
What words by unbelievers should I consider?
Now you're getting it. The Jews were the ones who wanted Jesus dead.

But from what Roman authority did Pilate decide on crucifixion? Herod? Herod also found no fault in Jesus.

The Romans found him innocent, but contrary to popular opinion, the Jews did wield some political clout.
Correct. Pilate gave them what they wanted to keep them happy and satisfied.
I feel Christians should not stay out of politics. What they advocate is based on their morals that are shaped by their religion. But no single religion should dictate the laws of a government that governs over many from different religions and athiests.
A democracy not a theocracy. That is what the founding fathers wanted.
Not so. The founders wanted a republic.
Are many Christians acting very un-Christian like? I agree with Rev. Benjamin Cremer.

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