Are McConnell and Grassley obstructing justice?

Do you support Sen. Flakes request to delay a vote on the nominee

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

Dipshit.....the fake crimes that are alleged are local, and if she wanted to press charges she would go to the county or town dumb shit.

You people are disgusting.......
Delay for what reason? Those who are supposed to have been witnesses have given statements under penalty of perjury there is no crime scene to examine no physical evidence to see no DNA evidence to examine. You wouldn’t know anymore a week from now than you do today.
Delay for what reason? Those who are supposed to have been witnesses have given statements under penalty of perjury there is no crime scene to examine no physical evidence to see no DNA evidence to examine. You wouldn’t know anymore a week from now than you do today.
The democrats know that. This is a delay to give time for another bimbo to make an accusation.
Delay for what reason? Those who are supposed to have been witnesses have given statements under penalty of perjury there is no crime scene to examine no physical evidence to see no DNA evidence to examine. You wouldn’t know anymore a week from now than you do today.
The democrats know that. This is a delay to give time for another bimbo to make an accusation.
That might happen but I think the majority of people are honest and fair minded and are no longer buying into these out of nowhere claims.
Sen Flake is a great man, too bad more are not like him, he had the nerve to leave the tribe.
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

Yeah, I don't think 'Obstruction of Justice' means what you think it means. A confirmation hearing isn't a trial or a charge of any crime. Its an job interview.

And there's no 'obstruction of justice' in a job interview.
Sen Flake is a great man, too bad more are not like him, he had the nerve to leave the tribe.

Flake has balls. I'll give him that.

I think history will justify his position on Trump. I strongly suspect that Trump will end up being one of those embarassing historical hangovers that everyone claims they opposed after the fact. Like segregation, interracial marriage bans, or torture after 911.

With Flake and McCain being the Trump opposition OGs.
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

There is no rule anywhere that says Dr. Ford, the Democrats, and whomever wants to support her, cannot hire a private investigator. They are more than welcome to beat the bushes in the Maryland and find anything that resembles evidence, compile it, and take it to the authorities, who may decide to send it to a grand jury should they feel it is warranted.

Nobody is stopping them, and currently, if they believe her so much, they need to go ahead and get to work instead of playing games.
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

Dems could have called for an FBI investigation in August. Dems could have questioned Kavanaugh during the process about this alleged assault. Dems didn’t do either of those things because they weren’t concerned about justice, they wanted to play the political,angle, not the justice angle.
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

Your analysis is well worded, verbose, and totally erroneous.
Sen Flake is a great man, too bad more are not like him, he had the nerve to leave the tribe.
Flake is a flake and a pussy....One of Lenin's useful idiots.

Odd....the man that Flake is opposing is the one that the Russians attacked the United States to support.
It's pathetic that you actually believe that claptrap.

And by 'clap trap', you mean the conclusion of 16 US intelligence agencies and the Republican lead Senate Intel Committe?

You really need to get out the right wing echo chamber. As you're missing so many relevant details by only listening to what you already believe.

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