Are McConnell and Grassley obstructing justice?

Do you support Sen. Flakes request to delay a vote on the nominee

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Sen Flake is a great man, too bad more are not like him, he had the nerve to leave the tribe.
Wrong. Trump is draining Flake from the swamp. So Flake is pissed about losing his job, and will obstruct all Trump policies until he is replaced in January.
Sen Flake is a great man, too bad more are not like him, he had the nerve to leave the tribe.
Wrong. Trump is draining Flake from the swamp. So Flake is pissed about losing his job, and will obstruct all Trump policies until he is replaced in January.

Even if what you posted is true, and given your credibility is at the very best suspect, good for Flake.
None of the options listed are consistent with what I think on this matter.
Politics has a unique set of facets that is outside of the box of profit businesses but is also in. Business has 2 options: to make money sufficient for its owners to be able to prosper life, or to fail to achieve earnings that sustain its owner's life and ability to remain in a viable business. Politics takes into consideration not one individual or group. It takes into consideration what is best for the most people living within its borders. In the United States, that is approximately 619,000,000 acres of lands plus the waterways/seas/oceans that are within its jurisdictional powers.

I think it was shown on the evening of the hearing that only actual physical proof was acceptable. There was no corroborative evidence that supported claims made in the hearings, which were of a salacious nature, embittered by years of doing nothing to rectify any wrongs done to the person who claimed to be a victim. Not one single person of the several she mentioned remembers any such gathering related in unsupported claims. No truth was proven or disproven. Unconstitutional methods to obtain this salacious claim were employed against the accused by disallowing him to face his accuser. To someone whose ancestors both came over on the Mayflower as well as who lived on this continent, I feel that all men and women are created as political equals by the time they are conceived until the time of their death, and I do not support questioning a person who is suffering mental illness on account of never having received sufficient mental health care to live free of anxieties and worries as the person who gave a speech on her trouble that seemed reasonably true if you didn't know she was suffering from the kind of mental illness in which substitutions and omissions of extraneous events or identities are toxic to the truth, although it may not be evident to the average listener with no skills in interpreting body language known only to those who have communication or medical knowledge that some repeated things raise a red flag that a yarn may well be being spun. It's the easiest method to con someone else because most people, even those who are equipped to identify aren't specifically trying to catch spun extraneously acquired information which perverts truth to actually being a lie even the teller isn't aware of if she has suffered PTSD. I caught the same signal several times, and in my mind, this dear suffering woman may not have been aware she was venturing out into the fields of unstable truth as someone observing it. She indeed, thought she was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Another giveaway was a change in her demeanor under the pressure applied by her supporters when they flattered her in front of God and everybody for traits deserving only to someone who'd died for his or her country on a battlefield full of lethally-armed combatants. That said, there was a definite change in the speech-giver's confidence level that fired up one of the most hate-driven condemnations I have ever seen. Added to the other signals which I am not allowing myself to say, all I can say is the speech in its entirety contained more pent-up anger than the described encounter warranted, like a house of cards falling in upon itself roughly after the gentlest touch initiated the fall. While I cannot tell more than that there was anger, I can't tell whether it stemmed from blind hatred that polarization of politics can cause in a person, whether over 30 years prior than her decision to blame someone she hated with a poison becoming a Supreme Court Justice, whether her handlers intended to build her up for the kill on Kavanaugh because they had the same political feeling as the speaker, or whether she actually had been raped by someone else, conveniently substituting the name and face of the public figure who annoyed her; whether her bitter anger was transferred to a different kind of antagonist, whether she knew she was not truthful, or whether she did not know. The facts are that not one of the people she claimed were there remembered being with that particular group.

That makes the charge vapid in the real world of determining truth of allegations. The time to deal with a serious matter such as rape is to (1) go to a hospital where body fluids may be detected and identified. (2) review with an officer of the law (police) the facts of the case so they may determine who is responsible for the crime and go get an immediate bal from that person with or without his cooperation in the case or rape or intended rape, to determine state of mind, not to mention corroborating dna. (3) get immediate mental and social support from professionals in dealing with domestic or forcible rape attempts against a victim. Support groups are out there to help victims fight back against depression, anger, and PTSD. Keeping quiet for 30 or 36 years took its toll on this victim. Her handlers did not see to her needs to go back through the steps that would help her leave her troubles with anxiety behind, and begin living in the present.

I have only one suggestion about the hearing: all those who flattered the speaker, even interrupting her to flatter her, should go stand in the corner. Flattery does NOT overcome false memories, it does NOT bring about the truth that simple police work, done 36 years ago at the time of the event, which would have prevented failure of memory and socialization without anxiety that this victim has suffered for over 30 years. By the same token, quite often giving a perfect performance with pathos distributed in the most damaging way to a false memory is no way to determine either the truth much less, convicting a political adversary who just happens to have an opinion on one or more issues that are crazymakers (unpleasant thoughts) to a person of anxiety-based thinking, repeated over and over daily for 36 years.
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"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

Yeah, I don't think 'Obstruction of Justice' means what you think it means. A confirmation hearing isn't a trial or a charge of any crime. Its an job interview.

And there's no 'obstruction of justice' in a job interview.

How many job interviews have you went on and needed a lawyer?

No one on either side had explained to me what the FBI can ask that has not been asked already.

Easy question, but one I will not answer.

Look up the definitions of interviews and interrogations.

So this is not a job interview?


It was, it seem it has turned into a "job" interview / ethical evaluation of each member of the Senate, and Grassley and McConnell should be fired for their dastardly behavior. L. Graham needs to be medicated (or given an Oscar for his performance to be appointed by Trump to replace AG Sessions).
Flattery of the ability to lie only creates more liars. There are many women who want to be brave and courageous. They too want to be profiles in courage. They are now free to pick an acquaintance or even a stranger and accuse them of personal attack.

Did you not notice from all that questioning that Kavanaugh and Ford were strangers. They had no social history together.
No one on either side had explained to me what the FBI can ask that has not been asked already.

Easy question, but one I will not answer.

Look up the definitions of interviews and interrogations.

So this is not a job interview?


It was, it seem it has turned into a "job" interview / ethical evaluation of each member of the Senate, and Grassley and McConnell should be fired for their dastardly behavior. L. Graham needs to be medicated.

Hell I always hated McConnell but seriously to say that after the bullshit the left played is ridiculous.
So any word on if Ellison is going to be investigated by the FBI? Dont recall a thread in here.

And what of Feinstien? The one thing we can all agree upon from the hearing the other day is that Feinstein looked like a deer in the headlights about the leak. When is she going to be investigated?

You bozos with the political IQ of a handball. That's what's going on over the next few days..... no pressure on the Dums being investigated if Cavanaugh gets confirmed. Everybody wins that's how it works you dumbasses!! Booker too gets a pass from being dragged through the mud DUM style. Duh.... won't be discussed on any news outlet
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

I forgot to add just read Maryland is open to an investigation but they would have to go by 1980s law so the article said. It was just a misdemeanor back then and only one year statue of limitations.

Tipsycatlover, I missed your insight. All that pretentious anger blinded me, and so did the anger coming from Kavanaugh over the false and salacious nature of the spew made against him. I'm convinced by his body language he wasn't present at the time of her alleged ordeal which she could not state a time nor a place, which is absolutely necessary in convicting someone else of a crime. If somebody picked up a gun, aimed it at a Supreme Court Justice, and superficially wounded him--I'd expect a little anger. This assault on his character was in the wrong venue. Those who forced her by persuasion to go for his neck should go stand in the corner. The left brought dishonor down only upon itself for disrespecting their sick woman's privacy and what smacks of a false charge against a man who I am 99.9% certain did not do this crime.
None of the options listed are consistent with what I think on this matter.
Politics has a unique set of facets that is outside of the box of profit businesses but is also in. Business has 2 options: to make money sufficient for its owners to be able to prosper life, or to fail to achieve earnings that sustain its owner's life and ability to remain in a viable business. Politics takes into consideration not one individual or group. It takes into consideration what is best for the most people living within its borders. In the United States, that is approximately 619,000,000 acres of lands plus the waterways/seas/oceans that are within its jurisdictional powers.

I think it was shown on the evening of the hearing that only actual physical proof was acceptable. There was no corroborative evidence that supported claims made in the hearings, which were of a salacious nature, embittered by years of doing nothing to rectify any wrongs done to the person who claimed to be a victim. Not one single person of the several she mentioned remembers any such gathering related in unsupported claims. No truth was proven or disproven. Unconstitutional methods to obtain this salacious claim were employed against the accused by disallowing him to face his accuser. To someone whose ancestors both came over on the Mayflower as well as who lived on this continent, I feel that all men and women are created as political equals by the time they are conceived until the time of their death, and I do not support questioning a person who is suffering mental illness on account of never having received sufficient mental health care to live free of anxieties and worries as the person who gave a speech on her trouble that seemed reasonably true if you didn't know she was suffering from the kind of mental illness in which substitutions and omissions of extraneous events or identities are toxic to the truth, although it may not be evident to the average listener with no skills in interpreting body language known only to those who have communication or medical knowledge that some repeated things raise a red flag that a yarn may well be being spun. It's the easiest method to con someone else because most people, even those who are equipped to identify aren't specifically trying to catch spun extraneously acquired information which perverts truth to actually being a lie even the teller isn't aware of if she has suffered PTSD. I caught the same signal several times, and in my mind, this dear suffering woman may not have been aware she was venturing out into the fields of unstable truth as someone observing it. She indeed, thought she was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Another giveaway was a change in her demeanor under the pressure applied by her supporters when they flattered her in front of God and everybody for traits deserving only to someone who'd died for his or her country on a battlefield full of lethally-armed combatants. That said, there was a definite change in the speech-giver's confidence level that fired up one of the most hate-driven condemnations I have ever seen. Added to the other signals which I am not allowing myself to say, all I can say is the speech in its entirety contained more pent-up anger than the described encounter warranted, like a house of cards falling in upon itself roughly after the gentlest touch initiated the fall. While I cannot tell more than that there was anger, I can't tell whether it stemmed from blind hatred that polarization of politics can cause in a person, whether over 30 years prior than her decision to blame someone she hated with a poison becoming a Supreme Court Justice, whether her handlers intended to build her up for the kill on Kavanaugh because they had the same political feeling as the speaker, or whether she actually had been raped by someone else, conveniently substituting the name and face of the public figure who annoyed her; whether her bitter anger was transferred to a different kind of antagonist, whether she knew she was not truthful, or whether she did not know. The facts are that not one of the people she claimed were there remembered being with that particular group.

That makes the charge vapid in the real world of determining truth of allegations. The time to deal with a serious matter such as rape is to (1) go to a hospital where body fluids may be detected and identified. (2) review with an officer of the law (police) the facts of the case so they may determine who is responsible for the crime and go get an immediate bal from that person with or without his cooperation in the case or rape or intended rape, to determine state of mind, not to mention corroborating dna. (3) get immediate mental and social support from professionals in dealing with domestic or forcible rape attempts against a victim. Support groups are out there to help victims fight back against depression, anger, and PTSD. Keeping quiet for 30 or 36 years took its toll on this victim. Her handlers did not see to her needs to go back through the steps that would help her leave her troubles with anxiety behind, and begin living in the present.

I have only one suggestion about the hearing: all those who flattered the speaker, even interrupting her to flatter her, should go stand in the corner. Flattery does NOT overcome false memories, it does NOT bring about the truth that simple police work, done 36 years ago at the time of the event, which would have prevented failure of memory and socialization without anxiety that this victim has suffered for over 30 years. By the same token, quite often giving a perfect performance with pathos distributed in the most damaging way to a false memory is no way to determine either the truth much less, convicting a political adversary who just happens to have an opinion on one or more issues that are crazymakers (unpleasant thoughts) to a person of anxiety-based thinking, repeated over and over daily for 36 years.

WOW..... best analysis of Ford's presentation that I have seen in here so far. Some brilliant observations. Let's remember too that by now everyone knows she is a rabid Anti-Trumper......450,000 pics on the internet. People who vote know it and the people who are going to vote on Kavanaugh know that they know it.

No worries.... the confirmation is just a matter of when not if. Then it is going to get real fun in here..... like more fun than I've had by far in here for the last 10 years. Because we know the dozen or so nutter's in here whose heads are going to completely explode after next week. Of course the nutter types will still think they are winning.... but they won't be!:113::113:
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

Yeah, I don't think 'Obstruction of Justice' means what you think it means. A confirmation hearing isn't a trial or a charge of any crime. Its an job interview.

And there's no 'obstruction of justice' in a job interview.

How many job interviews have you went on and needed a lawyer?

I've never been on a job interview that disregarded my work history and relied on a high school yearbook.
No one on either side had explained to me what the FBI can ask that has not been asked already.

Easy question, but one I will not answer.

Look up the definitions of interviews and interrogations.

So this is not a job interview?


It was, it seem it has turned into a "job" interview / ethical evaluation of each member of the Senate, and Grassley and McConnell should be fired for their dastardly behavior. L. Graham needs to be medicated.

Hell I always hated McConnell but seriously to say that after the bullshit the left played is ridiculous.

Care to elaborate. I actually don't hate McConnell. I think he's an arrogant jerk, but there are many arrogant jerks around, and hate is never healthy for the hater, or effective in fixing a jerk.
No one on either side had explained to me what the FBI can ask that has not been asked already.

Easy question, but one I will not answer.

Look up the definitions of interviews and interrogations.

So this is not a job interview?


It was, it seem it has turned into a "job" interview / ethical evaluation of each member of the Senate, and Grassley and McConnell should be fired for their dastardly behavior. L. Graham needs to be medicated.

Hell I always hated McConnell but seriously to say that after the bullshit the left played is ridiculous.

Care to elaborate. I actually don't hate McConnell. I think he's an arrogant jerk, but there are many arrogant jerks around, and hate is never healthy for the hater, or effective in fixing a jerk.

All the B S. He said about Obama care before the 2012 election and then did nothing I was so hoping for the lady Democrat in Kentucky to beat him
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

Yeah, I don't think 'Obstruction of Justice' means what you think it means. A confirmation hearing isn't a trial or a charge of any crime. Its an job interview.

And there's no 'obstruction of justice' in a job interview.

How many job interviews have you went on and needed a lawyer?

I've never been on a job interview that disregarded my work history and relied on a high school yearbook.

Odd, the MQ's usually include proof of one's education, and includes some questions on activities as well as grades and deportment if not documented already. In fact in my career, I needed to provide all of that plus the names of three non relatives and three neighbors as references. I gave the names and addresses, and HR received the written documents which I never saw.

How do I know that, because several years later I supervised IA and my unit did background checks for applicants too.
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

One of the lamest most butthurt threads I've ever seen in this forum!
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?

One of the lamest most butthurt threads I've ever seen in this forum!

Cool, you may now go and further enjoy your mental masturbation.
There's no reason for further delay, but delay.
Of course a chgeating bastasrd would say this.

New information canme up & the FBI should investigate

Or do you think we need more women abusers in government?

What are you afraid they will find?

A week delay????

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