Are McConnell and Grassley obstructing justice?

Do you support Sen. Flakes request to delay a vote on the nominee

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There's no reason for further delay, but delay.
Of course a chgeating bastasrd would say this.

New information canme up & the FBI should investigate

Or do you think we need more women abusers in government?

What are you afraid they will find?

A week delay????
RealDave, do you have a link to your new information source? I'd like to read it since I don't necessarily think "Me too" is a relevant strategy, considering that up until I went to bed last night, not one of the 3 reports against Judge Kavanaugh showed true probity. I will read if you provide them. Thanks.
There's no reason for further delay, but delay.
Of course a chgeating bastasrd would say this.

New information canme up & the FBI should investigate

Or do you think we need more women abusers in government?

What are you afraid they will find?

A week delay????

They'll find nothing. The Democrats will take the opportunity to pile on, thanks to the Flake.
There's no reason for further delay, but delay.
Of course a chgeating bastasrd would say this.

New information canme up & the FBI should investigate

Or do you think we need more women abusers in government?

What are you afraid they will find?

A week delay????
RealDave, do you have a link to your new information source? I'd like to read it since I don't necessarily think "Me too" is a relevant strategy, considering that up until I went to bed last night, not one of the 3 reports against Judge Kavanaugh showed true probity. I will read if you provide them. Thanks.

There are several reasons to reject Kavanaugh, Dr. Ford's credible and honest testimony is not the only one.

His hysterical anger, his claim of a Clinton Conspiracy, his allegation of a left wing conspiracy against him (paranoid?); his complete disrespect to Democratic Senators, especially Women Senators; his obsessive talk about beer, and the appearance that he repeatedly lied; demonstrated by his body language and emotional outbursts, his indigence to be accused of a violent sexual act, and his insistent denial of wrongdoing because he played ball and got accept by Yale (I was number 1 or number two or three in my class).

Even Billy-Kinetta found Kavanaugh's hysterical responses funny.
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There are several reasons to reject Kavanaugh, Dr. Ford's credible and honest testimony is not the only one.

His hysterical anger, his claim of a Clinton Conspiracy, his allegation of a left wing conspiracy against him (paranoid?); his complete disrespect to Democratic Senators, especially Women Senators; his obsessive talk about beer, and the appearance that he repeatedly lied; demonstrated by his body language and emotional outbursts, his indigence to be accused of a violent sexual act, and his insistent denial of wrongdoing because he played ball and got accept by Yale (I was number 1 or number two or three in my class).​

Honest testimony, Mr. Wry Catcher? A woman with a mental disability from trauma that is known to omit comprehensive data, that is known to substitute other data than actual truth, and which has been nullified not only by other enemies but also other friends at the time--I cannot agree that a feeling of misplaced anger should be relied on to convict someone who was conveniently substituted into the equation 30 years later. It doesn't pass my crucible for getting to the truth, which the DNC orchestrators and manipulators claimed they were after. Honest testimony is not borne out of the mind playing tricks on the victim of abuse, with all due respect. The crucible is, has the accuser removed all shadow of doubt of guilt with a pretty speech? The accuser is said to have been photographed in over one thousand photos to have been an active, angry participant against conservative causes and for liberal causes, and it's not a percentage less than a 100% intentional target of anything remotely conservative, from what the net grapevine is saying. Should net grapevine speak substitute for honesty any more than the deviations of omission in this dear victim's mind? God forbid!

In the the crucible of a fair justice system that radical Democrat Senators have burned somebody they hate as much as Judge Kavanaugh ahead of this impassioned statement claiming honesty, the nature of a fairy tale world known only to one person should never pass muster for convicting the very object of her hatred that she subsequently substituted at least 30 years after a crime committed by somebody else obviously committed. Often sick minds project their own wrongdoing onto the object of their extreme delusional anger.

Also, there is the very real possibility the "victim" could be capable of rendering an academy award performance by training herself to come across only because she knows every innuendo that persuasive successes have been scientifically found out by scientific researchers into successful persuasion technique including mannerisms, dress, posture, voice inflection, human kinetics, makeup tricks, lighting, background color, and other details people unaware that a good act can turn any given object to appear to be something it is not at all. Your committee to destroy Judge Kavanaugh plays dumb and deaf to its own wrongdoing but has keen ears for even things that didn't happen, and weren't done.

The only place this analysis goes is right straight back to the truth. Your political ally is a psychologist who for years has been revealed. It's like splitting the atom. You can use it to light cities in the poorest regions of the world or you can use it to commit a nuclear holocaust.

Your party is using the subtle academic psychological tricks to fool the American people, and this is not the first time they went all out to bag an innocent man for the purpose of total character assassination. Don't let them make you a part of this deception.

This nation needs liberal people who have a very valuable asset with them--human concern. But when you turn the good of the heart to do black arts, it's nothing but a kettle of rotten fish can come of it. Please be careful of the black art that psychological deception can bring to the table.

Rely instead upon truthful police evidence, such as the honesty of reporting a crime on a timely basis. Not one that is half a lifetime coming forward and has every earmark of manipulative deception to achieve a deleterious end to the annoyance of having to face a chief justice who tells it likes it is.

Anger has a place. Do you think a judge should kiss ass to someone who has borne false witness and caused 20 innocent people to die. That happened in America in 1692 in Salem Massachusetts. Some politically motivated young women got somebody else to hang 20 people they lied were witches, and they beat up one of the girls who refused to go along with the hoodwink. It really was ugly when the powers that be realized the error that was foisted upon them.

If your party persists in this miscarriage of justice, you may not only find yourself on the judgment seat, you could deprive free people their future by weakening the structures that divide right and wrong.

Please don't let your party leaders dig this nation a grave that would result in the massive calamity of having to teach American youth a language spoken by people who have not political freedom due to massive underground terrorists delivering false charges against those of us who survive their easily-won war should we ever lose our trust in ourselves and in each other.

Good day.
Feinstein and the Circus Party obstructed justice
Ford also sent letter to Grassley who failed to investigate
Did not. Provide a link. She sent THIS. Not at all what she sent to the corrupt congresswoman.

Btw, Grassley and the Republicans you despise are the only ones investigating. Your beloved Dems sat on this lie until it could do the most political damage.
There's no reason for further delay, but delay.
Of course a chgeating bastasrd would say this.

New information canme up & the FBI should investigate

Or do you think we need more women abusers in government?

What are you afraid they will find?

A week delay????
RealDave, do you have a link to your new information source? I'd like to read it since I don't necessarily think "Me too" is a relevant strategy, considering that up until I went to bed last night, not one of the 3 reports against Judge Kavanaugh showed true probity. I will read if you provide them. Thanks.

There are several reasons to reject Kavanaugh, Dr. Ford's credible and honest testimony is not the only one.

His hysterical anger, his claim of a Clinton Conspiracy, his allegation of a left wing conspiracy against him (paranoid?); his complete disrespect to Democratic Senators, especially Women Senators; his obsessive talk about beer, and the appearance that he repeatedly lied; demonstrated by his body language and emotional outbursts, his indigence to be accused of a violent sexual act, and his insistent denial of wrongdoing because he played ball and got accept by Yale (I was number 1 or number two or three in my class).

Even Billy-Kinetta found Kavanaugh's hysterical responses funny.

Au contraire, I found them authentic, though he raged at those stinking Democrats with far less vocabulary than I would have employed.

You don't speak for me, kumquat. You're completely unqualified.
"Statutes of Limitations (SOL) is the time in which a lawsuit is initiated by an injured person or victim. In most cases, unless there is a special circumstance, the SOL begins to run from the date of the occurrence that caused the injury. Statutes of limitations are enacted by the legislature, which might extend or reduce time limits, based on certain restrictions.

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, nearly every state has a basic suspension of the statute of limitation ("tolling") for civil actions while a person is a minor. Many states have also adopted additional extensions specifically for cases involving sexual abuse of children. Extensions for filing civil actions for child sexual abuse are most often based upon the discovery rule -- by the time the victim discovers the sexual abuse or the relationship of the conduct to the injuries, the ordinary time limitation may have expired. This "delayed discovery" may be due to emotional and psychological trauma and is often accompanied by repression of the memory of abuse. Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood -- usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy"

If they go forward with the absurd piece of nonfeasance, i.e. delaying a vote on Kavanaugh and he is confirmed and later arrested and convicted of this crime, should McConnell and Grassley be impeached or prosecuted for aiding and abetting Kavanaugh?
Fire your attorney... he's clueless..

There are these things called FACTS that you need to prove a crime... You don't have any..

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