Are most people "sheeple".....?

Are most people "sheeple"?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 18 94.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes or No with qualifiers (please explain)

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
In the way of party alliance?
In the way of popular thought?
In the way of anything perceived "popular" or "normal"?

people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led.
long before the Smith were trying to keep up with the Jones.
Since I have never lived in any other nation, I can only speak for Americans. Let's give some examples:

Pet Rocks
Not everyone can afford to keep up with Madison Avenue.....
Every class has it's thing.

To me the most evident thing is the kind of cell phone you use. Keeping up with the technology and always having to be the FIRST to have it.
Not everyone can afford to keep up with Madison Avenue.....
Every class has it's thing.

To me the most evident thing is the kind of cell phone you use. Keeping up with the technology and always having to be the FIRST to have it.

To me the most evident thing is the kind of cell phone you use. Keeping up with the technology and always having to be the FIRST to have it.

and Madison Avenue tells you you need that technology.

You need a new cellphone, because Madison Avenue tells you the new one has better technology.

I use a landline unless I go on a trip, and I pick up a burn phone that I trash as soon as the trip is over.

I don't need to carry a phone 24/7 to interrupt me during a night out, in the middle of a movie, or a sporting event.

I have a landline at the house. If I'm not home when you call, leave a message, I'll call back.
Yes, most people are sheeple. They want to be protected and expect government to do it. People have a copycat syndrome by nature and follow the flock, it's why we have different dialects across the country and different languages across the globe. So it isn't entirely a bad thing but following along mindlessly to be fashionable or hip has always been weird to me.

Even back in high school, in the early 70s the hippy types liked to be called non-conformists. Now, in oder to be a non-conformist, you had to like the same music, hold the same world views and even dress the same to a large degree. Bellbottom pants had to be 1/4" too long so the exact amount of shredding would occur, this identified you are as a member f the cutting edge of society. Then there were the jocks, motorheads, etc. Very few making their own way.
In the way of party alliance? In the way of popular thought? In the way of anything perceived "popular" or "normal"?
sheeple people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led.
IMO, it's just a cheap way to bash someone you don't agree with.
Most of the far left and the far right are indeed cultural and political "sheeple", following their pied pipers down the lane.
Just we ALL tend to prefer people who are the most like us, its human nature to seek out that which supports what we already believe.
Just we ALL tend to prefer people who are the most like us, its human nature to seek out that which supports what we already believe.


This. We gravitate towards those with similar interests and those who like to do similar activities. It doesn't make a person a "sheeple." There are going to be those who don't really fit into any group. Maybe they have unusual activities or interests. Most people are "conforming" to one group or another. Rare is the lone wolf.
A sheeple is someone who blindly follows a religion. Now you all know.
Sheeple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a derogatory term that highlights the herd behavior of people easily controlled by a governing power which likens them to sheep, a herd animal that is easily led about. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research in large part because the majority of others possess a similar mindset.[1] Word Spy defines it as "people who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd (sheep + people)."[2]

The Wall Street Journal first reported the label in print in 1984; the reporter heard the word used by the proprietor of the American Opinion bookstore.[3]

The term can also be used for those who seem inordinately tolerant, or welcoming, of what can be perceived by the speaker as government overreach. In a column entitled "A Nation of Sheeple", columnist Walter E. Williams writes, "Americans sheepishly accepted all sorts of Transportation Security Administration nonsense. In the name of security, we've allowed fingernail clippers, eyeglass screwdrivers, and toy soldiers to be taken from us prior to boarding a plane."[4]
Not everyone can afford to keep up with Madison Avenue.....
Every class has it's thing.

To me the most evident thing is the kind of cell phone you use. Keeping up with the technology and always having to be the FIRST to have it.

To me the most evident thing is the kind of cell phone you use. Keeping up with the technology and always having to be the FIRST to have it.

and Madison Avenue tells you you need that technology.

You need a new cellphone, because Madison Avenue tells you the new one has better technology.

I use a landline unless I go on a trip, and I pick up a burn phone that I trash as soon as the trip is over.

I don't need to carry a phone 24/7 to interrupt me during a night out, in the middle of a movie, or a sporting event.

I have a landline at the house. If I'm not home when you call, leave a message, I'll call back.

We've been contemplating getting rid of our landline. I really don't want to but it's so expensive.
They say there are plans for home phone service you can get for like $20 a month... not sure what they are would have to investigate. I guess I like to cling to my old ways ;)

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