Are New Yorkers Really This Stupid??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Last night I saw this feature on Bill O'Reilly. He features "Water's World" where journalist Jessie Waters goes around parts of the country and asks the folks on the street simple questions about government. He doesn't selectively choose the dumbest comments, he shows just about everyone who is willing to answer the questions.

This one was on the 4th of July. He went to Long Island to ask beach-goers about the 4th and what if meant. Many of these people didn't even know why we celebrate the 4th, much less know who our first president was. One girl missed it even after Jessie gave her a tip....he's on the quarter. "I don't look at quarters" she said. Perfect Democrat.


Is this the kind of idiots our public school system is churning out? It appears that legal immigrants know more about America than our own people do. This seems to be more prevalent in the North East than just about anywhere else. Kids that slept their way through school and were allowed to pass just to get rid of them. Back in my school days, this wouldn't be possible unless you were in Special Ed:

Watters World 4th of July quiz edition On Air Videos Fox News
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He may not edit the video but he could be selective in whom he asks. Which is bad enough. All he needs to is pick a certain age group. But I am not sure that hasn't always been the case.
There's no excuse for a 5th grader not knowing the first president or what July 4th means. These days societal impact takes priority over academics in public school. And they want more money.
I know late night TV has been doing it for years. Mark Dice has been doing it for a long time as well. "The Stoopid" aint just limited to Noo Yawk:

Q: "What are we celebrating on the 4th of July?"
A: "It's the day we overtook the South."

I know late night TV has been doing it for years. Mark Dice has been doing it for a long time as well. "The Stoopid" aint just limited to Noo Yawk:

Q: "What are we celebrating on the 4th of July?"
A: "It's the day we overtook the South."

Late night TV is in New Yawk. They usually go outside of the studio to ask the man on the street.
Jay Leno did his "Jay walks" for years

Some people live in their own little world and see no reason to learn of anything outside it
I believe that Waters videos are accurate but in all fairness they probably eliminate the (80%?) of unentertaining Americans who get it right. Unfortunately, judging by the interviews of stoned college kids at spring break, the percentage of college age kids who "get it right" is probably lower than the average American but they know how to put a condom on a cucumber (or do they?)
How stupid of them. No woman ever got knocked up by a cucumber yet they waste time and money rubberin' them up. At least this explains why I have trouble finding Extra Large condums.
How stupid of them. No woman ever got knocked up by a cucumber yet they waste time and money rubberin' them up. At least this explains why I have trouble finding Extra Large condums.

At least this explains why I have trouble finding extra large cucumbers

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