Are people around the world learning that Trump isn't the problem?

You're a little out of your jurisdiction hon, your own belief system informs you that you are unqualified to judge another. Fucking "christians", you people don't even follow your own shit.
Only in your mind. You really have no clue.....My husband would simply call you "clueless".
Fuck your husband too hon, clearly you're out of substance here, time for labels.
No you may not "fuck" my husband as we don't share like that.
No shoog, your husband may go fuck himself as well, your fantasy life will require other avenues.
Well I am certainly glad you cleared that up as I am certainly stingy when it comes to anyone "fucking" my husband other than myself. You do not have to believe what I believe but you cannot take away what I already have and both my faith and guns are protected from people like you in this country and my dogs are free to rip you apart if you try......
Yeah, I know many hide behind their religion and their guns. I think it's rather silly, but I do realize the grip it has on the simple minded. Your dogs can fuck themselves too love.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that 5000 people did not march in support of Donald Trump in Canada.

But a few dozen did respond to Trumps call for support in opposition of the March For Truth in DC yesterday. He went golfing while they looked stupid.
Yep.....and that is how we keep our abiding citizens with guns keep criminals and the government in check.........just ask the disarmed populations in Europe in the 1940s....oh yeah, they didn't have guns....and they were marched into gas chambers.....
They are handy for keeping rapist at bay too.

Guns are the most effective tool for stopping rapists.......
Worked for me and I didn't have to shoot the poor fool either.

In most self defense using a gun, the gun is never fired...that is the magic of the tool........the old, the weak, the outnumbered, aren't old, weak or outnumbered if they are allowed to use guns for self defense........
At 5'3 and less than a hundred pounds I was no match for a six foot 200 pound guy that manage to break into my home one early morning when I was young. I have repeated the story several times on this forum as to what happened that morning. God saved me and the young man both that morning as the young man did think he would take what would not be freely given. That 38. was at his temple and my finger was on the trigger when he flew off of me. He didn't want to die and I truly did not want to have to kill him either.
Had you killed him you would have saved other young women from a rapist.
They are handy for keeping rapist at bay too.

Guns are the most effective tool for stopping rapists.......
Worked for me and I didn't have to shoot the poor fool either.

In most self defense using a gun, the gun is never fired...that is the magic of the tool........the old, the weak, the outnumbered, aren't old, weak or outnumbered if they are allowed to use guns for self defense........
At 5'3 and less than a hundred pounds I was no match for a six foot 200 pound guy that manage to break into my home one early morning when I was young. I have repeated the story several times on this forum as to what happened that morning. God saved me and the young man both that morning as the young man did think he would take what would not be freely given. That 38. was at his temple and my finger was on the trigger when he flew off of me. He didn't want to die and I truly did not want to have to kill him either.
Had you killed him you would have saved other young women from a rapist.
Actually it worked out nicely for the young man and he no longer pulled any more stunts like that. I wrote about that in this thread... it goes for several pages as Penelope had questions about the incident.. Atheists want God out of Ky. homeland security
People are starting to wake up and realize he was right.

It's a damn shame it took the murder of many more innocent people for some to understand the stance Trump is taking.
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Only in your mind. You really have no clue.....My husband would simply call you "clueless".
Fuck your husband too hon, clearly you're out of substance here, time for labels.
No you may not "fuck" my husband as we don't share like that.
No shoog, your husband may go fuck himself as well, your fantasy life will require other avenues.
Well I am certainly glad you cleared that up as I am certainly stingy when it comes to anyone "fucking" my husband other than myself. You do not have to believe what I believe but you cannot take away what I already have and both my faith and guns are protected from people like you in this country and my dogs are free to rip you apart if you try......
Yeah, I know many hide behind their religion and their guns. I think it's rather silly, but I do realize the grip it has on the simple minded. Your dogs can fuck themselves too love.
There is no hiding to it as it is the absolute right we have here in the United States of America and we have no intentions of allowing you or anyone else take away those rights.

adjective: inalienable
unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.
"freedom of religion, the most inalienable of all human rights"
synonyms: inviolable, absolute, sacrosanct;
untransferable, nontransferable, nonnegotiable;
"that principle is an essential, inalienable part of having ownership"
Guns are the most effective tool for stopping rapists.......
Worked for me and I didn't have to shoot the poor fool either.

In most self defense using a gun, the gun is never fired...that is the magic of the tool........the old, the weak, the outnumbered, aren't old, weak or outnumbered if they are allowed to use guns for self defense........
At 5'3 and less than a hundred pounds I was no match for a six foot 200 pound guy that manage to break into my home one early morning when I was young. I have repeated the story several times on this forum as to what happened that morning. God saved me and the young man both that morning as the young man did think he would take what would not be freely given. That 38. was at his temple and my finger was on the trigger when he flew off of me. He didn't want to die and I truly did not want to have to kill him either.
Had you killed him you would have saved other young women from a rapist.
Actually it worked out nicely for the young man and he no longer pulled any more stunts like that. I wrote about that in this thread... it goes for several pages as Penelope had questions about the incident.. Atheists want God out of Ky. homeland security
Rape is not supposed to work out nicely for the young man.
Worked for me and I didn't have to shoot the poor fool either.

In most self defense using a gun, the gun is never fired...that is the magic of the tool........the old, the weak, the outnumbered, aren't old, weak or outnumbered if they are allowed to use guns for self defense........
At 5'3 and less than a hundred pounds I was no match for a six foot 200 pound guy that manage to break into my home one early morning when I was young. I have repeated the story several times on this forum as to what happened that morning. God saved me and the young man both that morning as the young man did think he would take what would not be freely given. That 38. was at his temple and my finger was on the trigger when he flew off of me. He didn't want to die and I truly did not want to have to kill him either.
Had you killed him you would have saved other young women from a rapist.
Actually it worked out nicely for the young man and he no longer pulled any more stunts like that. I wrote about that in this thread... it goes for several pages as Penelope had questions about the incident.. Atheists want God out of Ky. homeland security
Rape is not supposed to work out nicely for the young man.
He didn't accomplish the act and he most definitely was rehabilitated after his little act of stupidity. That is not the case for all would be rapist but for that one it did work out.
The only problem is not enough guns.

No...that is far from the only problem......and I think guns helped stop the London problem last night...once the police arrived..since none of the victims had guns.....

Trained v. untrained, that is the question.
Yeah liberal college kids still confused about which bathroom to use. Liberal teachers training our youth.

LOL, trained in combat / firefights with innocents abound. Ever heard of "friendly fire"?

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