Are Politics THAT Important?

You believe what I said. And your quote doesnā€™t need context as itā€™s stupid.
I believe what I believe and itā€™s not what you just saidā€¦.
You donā€™t think it needs context, thats very clear. Because if you honestly acknowledged the context it wouldnā€™t be the display of leftist shame that youā€™re trying to make itā€¦ thatā€™s fine and all, but itā€™s not honest
I give up! I'm staying out of this one and let the boys handle it for themselves! :rolleyes: I don't want to lose either of them as friends anyways,.. it's not worth it. :)
I battle with Az the Turd all the time and Iā€™m pretty sure if we ever met in a bar weā€™d share a beer and be buds. It he is still a Turd
I believe what I believe and itā€™s not what you just saidā€¦.
You donā€™t think it needs context, thats very clear. Because if you honestly acknowledged the context it wouldnā€™t be the display of leftist shame that youā€™re trying to make itā€¦ thatā€™s fine and all, but itā€™s not honest
There is no context. This is your direct quote.
I battle with Az the Turd all the time and Iā€™m pretty sure if we ever met in a bar weā€™d share a beer and be buds. It he is still a Turd
All true. Doesnā€™t mean I do not vehemently disagree with you on many issues
Broke Loser posts to trigger people. His posts arenā€™t really what he believes
Perhaps he doesnā€™t believe what he says but either way he has to be a pretty angry person to be filled with that much hate and need to trigger others
Perhaps he doesnā€™t believe what he says but either way he has to be a pretty angry person to be filled with that much hate and need to trigger others

Gosh, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were brothers. XD (I'm guessing you're both males right? I mean I know you are, but I'm not sure if they are?)
Perhaps he doesnā€™t believe what he says but either way he has to be a pretty angry person to be filled with that much hate and need to trigger others
Or he is just messing with people. IMO I am the angriest poster on this site. All kidding aside. I am pretty annoyed with the leftists and the Alt Right.
Or he is just messing with people. IMO I am the angriest poster on this site. All kidding aside. I am pretty annoyed with the leftists and the Alt Right.

Btw, for the most part I'm annoyed with the leftists too which is why I decided to give you a like,.. but today more conservatives were getting on my nerves than liberals.
Hi, BrokeLoser.

You and I are even on the same team, Not only do we have the same goals, but we are both Conservatives.

You have absolutely no idea how hard I fight for Conservative ideas. Probably a lot harder than you, but I don't know what you do. Much more than the average Conservative. I write my representatives frequently. I organize like-minded individuals to fight back against tyranny, and we are currently doing so. I fought back (and won) against the Federal Judge who "ordered" me to wear a mask all day long in his courtroom as a juror. I vote in every election. I speak out against nonsense at every opportunity. I do not comply with medical tyranny of any kind.

That doesn't mean I can't be nice to other people on the internet or in public.

What do you do? Must be way better than my "cuck" stuff I just mentioned.

If you can't even be nice to me, I am not sure how you can successfully persuade others.

If you are a true Conservative, you respect others' viewpoints. We are all about individual freedom, not one government viewpoint which everyone must abide to.

I think my methods are are much more effective than yours. But mine come naturally to me. Yours may come to you naturally too, so I can respect that.

So please tell me specifically, what you have done to "fight."

And kindness is a virtue.

Regards, Brother.
Trust me Jim...I am not a "conservative"....please don't insult me like that....truthfully I hate traditional conservatives. I am way too hardcore for conservatives.
"Conservatives" have no problem making friends with the enemy Left, they are nutless pussies, they would be friends with the man or woman that has been fucking their spouse, that's just how they're wired for some crazy fucking reason....I am not that guy. I know how to identify an enemy and I have no problem HATING the enemy like Hitler hated Jews but worse.
You will never catch me making friends or being cordial with Leftists...EVER...not in cyberspace and certainly not in life. These are people who hate America, people who ARE destroying America.....FUCK THEM...I long for the day where we have Leftists in Auschwitz type camps...I will volunteer to be the gasser.
Broke Loser posts to trigger people. His posts arenā€™t really what he believes

Or he is just messing with people. IMO I am the angriest poster on this site. All kidding aside. I am pretty annoyed with the leftists and the Alt Right.

I believe in and mean everything I say... in fact, I probably downplay how I really feel to be honest with you.
Trust me Jim...I am not a "conservative"....please don't insult me like that....truthfully I hate traditional conservatives. I am way too hardcore for conservatives.
"Conservatives" have no problem making friends with the enemy Left, they are nutless pussies, they would be friends with the man or woman that has been fucking their spouse, that's just how they're wired for some crazy fucking reason....I am not that guy. I know how to identify an enemy and I have no problem HATING the enemy like Hitler hated Jews but worse.
You will never catch me making friends or being cordial with Leftists...EVER...not in cyberspace and certainly not in life. These are people who hate America, people who ARE destroying America.....FUCK THEM...I long for the day where we have Leftists in Auschwitz type camps...I will volunteer to be the gasser.
Wowā€¦how do you feel about Jews, may I ask?
Wowā€¦how do you feel about Jews, may I ask?
Love me some Ben Shapiro and every word from his mouth...HATE me some Howard Stern and every word from his mouth.
I have no problem with Jews, I employ Jews.....they are clean, responsible, accountable, productive, positive contributing, law abiding good family folks here on an invite from The People.
I believe in and mean everything I say... in fact, I probably downplay how I really feel to be honest with you.
I respect your dedication to your convictions. It's so important these days. So many people are willing to sacrifice their integrity for the sake of trivial things such as "being liked" or "political correctness." And so many people are being coerced into doing so today with vaccine mandates and passports.

I won't comment on your delivery. To each, their own.

I would still be interested in hearing about what you specifically do to advance your viewpoints, other than the obvious (posting on the internet). I don't mean that as an insult; you use strong words and I am sincerely interested in actual actions. I shared some of mine. I am committed to my own integrity as well. Helps me stay happy and self-respecting.

Fortunately, like you, I am wealthy and intelligent, so I don't have much to worry about if people don't like me, LOL. It's nice to be a free man.


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