Are Politics THAT Important?

I take great pride in my hatred for those I hate…just as I take pride in Leftists proclaiming me to be irrational and ignorant.
That’s how I know my positions are on-point…thanks for the affirmation.
What does that have to do with who I've chosen to make friends with?

Perhaps our definitions of what constitutes a friend differ. No friend of mine would promote a nanny state, cradle to grave, all intrusive federal government over the freedom of the individual. But hey, that's just me.

BTW using red text is a big no-no.

Come on, DrLove. Add me to your love letters. And quit downvoting so many of my posts! :)

Just kidding; I appreciate it.


Similarly, I quit giving large sums to the Catholic Church and other "charities" like the United Way long ago.

Instead, I give directly to the poor, and also to causes which I support. I donate to the local food bank which is staffed mainly by unpaid volunteers and my friend eats at daily. I donate to my local volunteer fire department. And I make a point to donate throughout the year to causes which I truly support. I will give a little to USMB this year. Would have been a lot, but a mod moved my test post to check on censorship.

Thanks for those specific examples. They are pretty good. I suppose raising one's family to be good people is probably one of the most effective and sincere convictions to actually doing things to support one's cause.

All reactions count the same on your reaction score, up, in the middle or down. So you should be thanking him for the reactions.

Perhaps our definitions of what constitutes a friend differ. No friend of mine would promote a nanny state, cradle to grave, all intrusive federal government over the freedom of the individual. But hey, that's just me.

BTW using red text is a big no-no.


Well, my definition of friend is somebody who likes you who you are despite the fact that you have differences. Oh, and tell me what to do when you aren't a staff member is a big no-no.
Well, my definition of friend is somebody who likes you who you are despite the fact that you have differences. Oh, and tell me what to do when you aren't a staff member is a big no-no.

LMAO, you can quote rules to others, but get butthurt when someone points out your violation of the rules? PM a mod and see how compliant post #56 is with the rules. Oh, and stop being a hypocrite.

Come on, DrLove. Add me to your love letters. And quit downvoting so many of my posts! :)

Just kidding; I appreciate it.


Similarly, I quit giving large sums to the Catholic Church and other "charities" like the United Way long ago.

Instead, I give directly to the poor, and also to causes which I support. I donate to the local food bank which is staffed mainly by unpaid volunteers and my friend eats at daily. I donate to my local volunteer fire department. And I make a point to donate throughout the year to causes which I truly support. I will give a little to USMB this year. Would have been a lot, but a mod moved my test post to check on censorship.

Thanks for those specific examples. They are pretty good. I suppose raising one's family to be good people is probably one of the most effective and sincere convictions to actually doing things to support one's cause.
Thanks for those good suggestions. I'm looking at a Veterans' charity called Midwest Honor Flight. I also give regularly to the Disabled American Veterans local chapter.
LMAO, you can quote rules to others, but get butthurt when someone points out your violation of the rules? PM a mod and see how compliant post #56 is with the rules. Oh, and stop being a hypocrite.


First of all there wasn't anything in the rules about not being allowed to post in red and Coyote never said anything about it and why would red even be an option as a color for us then? It was just talking about the fact that a lot of the time staff members post in red when they have to give out official warnings. That wasn't an official warning, it's just that having it big and in red means that I'm dead serious and it's easier to read that way.

Second of all, for those of you who think I'm past all hope,.. I'm about to post a flame zone post that might change your mind. It won't be bashing anybody in particular though except for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,.. but mostly will be bashing the politics of the democrats.
First of all there wasn't anything in the rules about not being allowed to post in red and Coyote never said anything about it and why would red even be an option as a color for us then? It was just talking about the fact that a lot of the time staff members post in red when they have to give out official warnings. That wasn't an official warning, it's just that having it big and in red means that I'm dead serious and it's easier to read that way.

Second of all, for those of you who think I'm past all hope,.. I'm about to post a flame zone post that might change your mind. It won't be bashing anybody in particular though except for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,.. but mostly will be bashing the politics of the democrats.

Yet as I'm typing this, post #56 has already been edited. I was being nice and tried to warn ya, but I guess you're one that has to learn the hard way. Carry on. LMAO

Yet as I'm typing this, post #56 has already been edited. I was being nice and tried to warn ya, but I guess you're one that has to learn the hard way. Carry on. LMAO

Well then it must be an unwritten rule because I couldn't find it anywhere in the rules,.. or it should have been phrased differently. The point is that telling somebody that you can report somebody for something and trying to do a staff member's job are two entirely different things.
Yet as I'm typing this, post #56 has already been edited. I was being nice and tried to warn ya, but I guess you're one that has to learn the hard way. Carry on. LMAO


Btw,.. it wasn't really what you said it was how you said it. I would have been a lot more appreciative of you if it actually sounded like you were trying to be helpful about it like saying something like "just to let you know, you're not allowed to post all in red like that" that way it wouldn't have sounded as mean and demanding. It is sort of weird that they let you choose red as an option though. :/
Well then it must be an unwritten rule because I couldn't find it anywhere in the rules,.. or it should have been phrased differently. The point is that telling somebody that you can report somebody for something and trying to do a staff member's job are two entirely different things.

Wow, you really are arrogant. Trying to show less experienced posters the ropes is not trying to do a staff members job, in my book, it's just trying to be helpful. But hey, no worries, feel free to screw up all you want, and I won't say a word about it. I'll just report you.

Btw,.. it wasn't really what you said it was how you said it. I would have been a lot more appreciative of you if it actually sounded like you were trying to be helpful about it like saying something like "just to let you know, you're not allowed to post all in red like that" that way it wouldn't have sounded as mean and demanding. It is sort of weird that they let you choose red as an option though. :/

So saying "BTW, using red text is a big no-no." is being mean and demanding? If that's really your opinion, you won't last long around here.

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I have little interest in people who are nothing but parrots who indulge in groupthink.

I can certainly be friends with those who disagree with me on various issues, but not if they are incapable of engaging in any discourse with any more nuance than a child's game of cowboys and Indians.

Oops - make that "Western colonial interlopers and oppressed indiginies."
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So saying "BTW, posting in red text is a no-no." is being mean and demanding? If that's really your opinion, you won't last long around here.


Not that I can't handle the flames just saying,.. and maybe not mean but certainly demanding.
Not that I can't handle the flames just saying,.. and maybe not mean but certainly demanding.

What you should have done is consider it informative, there was nothing demanding about it. Also I realize I misquoted myself, this is what I actually said. "BTW using red text is a big no-no." Yeah, really demanding. :laughing0301:

I'd have to disagree. Slade is a pseudo intellectual douchebag commie that believes he knows everything.

That's just my opinion. Some people hate OldLady, Care4all Coyote and a few others who are people I generally like, even though I disagree on just about every topic, but they at least have some intellectual quality most moonbats lack.

You nailed it on slade.could not have said it better.:yes_text12: had you just said Old lady i would have been okay with your last paragraph but coyoto and Idiotforall are just as bad,they LIE when they cannot refute facts about the massive vote fraud that took place this last election and on the virus being dangerous, they run off and evade the evidence when proven wrong.they hate America same as trollboy slade.
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Here's just a question. Why won't anybody let Coyote and Slade speak for themselves on whether or not they hate America? (I'm pretty sure they don't btw.)
Believe it or not, I tried to engage and keep things civil with that idiot Slade. He preferred to use pejoratives, lay blanket allegations, got butthurt when it was turned on him, refused to properly address the issue, then ran away from the conversation. I have no time for clowns like him.

He maybe of value to you on some personal level, and I'm glad you found a liberal you can interact with. I have a few, he isn't one.
Exactly... Which he didn't do, because he's full of shit like most leftists are.

Oh BTW...

He's a "moderate" too.

exactly,could not have said it any better the way slade behaves.

thank god for the ignore list.

Here's just a question. Why won't anybody let Coyote and Slade speak for themselves on whether or not they hate America? (I'm pretty sure they don't btw.)

Hate to break the news to you but those two as well as Idiotfor all are fucking pathological liars who ignore evidence of facts that massive election fraud took place this past election,something the entire WORLD knows that happened,to listen to what those 2 proven LIARS who cant open up their mouth without lying and lies so often their noses grow across the country,someone would have to be pretty damn stupid to believe THEM if they say they dont hate America.:cuckoo: they have about as much credibility in being honest as Dick IM NOT A CROOK Nixon did or Bill I NEVER HAD SEX WITH THIS WOMAN clinton does so we dont give a shit what those fucking liars have to say,nobody in their right mind would.:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
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