Are Presidential candidates getting worse every election?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Or is it just a function of getting older every election it seems like Presidential candidates are worse and worse? Both sides have lousier and lousier looking candidates. We don't elect good leaders any more but good actors it seems. People who do well in front of a camera moreso than actually know the business and how to get things done.

If the leader of the country is a piece of dog shit, then what's that say about the country as a whole?
Or is it just a function of getting older every election it seems like Presidential candidates are worse and worse? Both sides have lousier and lousier looking candidates. We don't elect good leaders any more but good actors it seems. People who do well in front of a camera moreso than actually know the business and how to get things done.

If the leader of the country is a piece of dog shit, then what's that say about the country as a whole?

My concern is who will most closely do the job as prescribed by the US Constitution. There are a few running this year I think will do that.
Or is it just a function of getting older every election it seems like Presidential candidates are worse and worse? Both sides have lousier and lousier looking candidates. We don't elect good leaders any more but good actors it seems. People who do well in front of a camera moreso than actually know the business and how to get things done.

If the leader of the country is a piece of dog shit, then what's that say about the country as a whole?

Candidates, and music. They get worse and worse, on an exponential scale, because society's level of suckage is increasing exponentially.
Or is it just a function of getting older every election it seems like Presidential candidates are worse and worse? Both sides have lousier and lousier looking candidates. We don't elect good leaders any more but good actors it seems. People who do well in front of a camera moreso than actually know the business and how to get things done.

If the leader of the country is a piece of dog shit, then what's that say about the country as a whole?
If Bernie Sanders were younger he would be ideal.
A year and a month+ until the election. The campaign should not have even started yet. I get the idea that we are getting what we deserve.
Considering Hillary is still running I'm pretty sure the problem is candidates who are the same.
just the republican ones ... to each debate they arrive in a VW bug ... then they empty out like clowns ... thats repub-lie-clowns
just the republican ones ... to each debate they arrive in a VW bug ... then they empty out like clowns ... thats repub-lie-clowns

Yep, the race this year is the clown car VS the Senior Citizens bus. That's the bus with Democrats in it that's been driving down the road the last five miles with the turn signal blinking.
Or is it just a function of getting older every election it seems like Presidential candidates are worse and worse? Both sides have lousier and lousier looking candidates. We don't elect good leaders any more but good actors it seems. People who do well in front of a camera moreso than actually know the business and how to get things done.

If the leader of the country is a piece of dog shit, then what's that say about the country as a whole?

Americans vote for politicians the way they vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: How do they look, how do they smile, how do they dress, how do they speak??????

I don't know about anybody else here, but when I vote, I vote to keep the other person out--not vote my person in. And when we see how the media and opposing party treats candidates, it's not a wonder why good people won't run. What good person would want to subject themselves and their family to all this nonsense?

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