Are Republicans keeping their fingers crossed hoping plane was blown up by terrorists?

Details don't matter. Hillary can claim to be a women's champion despite trashing those she says should be heard and believed and Trump can claim to oppose something for which she voted affirmatively. This is politics, baby!

You all are scared of Hillary ...she is going to castrate your "alpha male " ....must see TV
Scared of a narcissistic, angry president carrying a massive chip on her shoulder? That would be scared of the status quo. It will be entertaining to watch Trump go off. The Clinton MO is to have a proxy make an attack, which the Republican tries to ignore, then keep escalating the attacks. Trump doesn't play that game. He's going to fight back, which is something I don't think Hillary is ready for.
He is going to get castrated watch..gelded
If Drumpf is so strong, why does he cry like a little bitch every time someone says something "mean" about him?
Funny how when Trump stands up for himself Liberals call it 'crying like a little bitch' but when someone says anything about Hillary she throws a tantrum, pulls the 'gender' card, whines about a 'vast right wing conspiracy', & barks like a dog...behavior that draws nothing but silence from the left.
Trump is a chicken shit punk...
The two are not related, but you knew that. Trump is a strong leader. He could not have become the tycoon he is if her were not. Yet, he is not likely to whoop anyone's ass politically. Do you see where you wandered astray?
If Drumpf is so strong, why does he cry like a little bitch every time someone says something "mean" about him?
Because he's only now learning how to be a politician. He's not accustomed to having a hostile media intent on filming every grimace, every snort, every twitch, hoping to find something that can be magnified and twisted into a scandal. He'll get the hang of it, or not. Either way, it will be entertaining to watch Hillary go up against someone who's not afraid to get in the mud with her, unlike most Republicans.

That and Trump's a whiny little bitch. He sure dishes it out, he has no excuse:

That's why it will be entertaining to watch the general election. Trump can't help himself. Hillary will get negative and nasty, that's a given, and he'll lash out at her, which Republicans generally do not do. Whether it'll help him or not is another issue, but I don't think Hillary is ready for someone who can be just as nasty, with minions like hers ready to do battle on his behalf. I predict the mods on this board are going to be very busy between July and November.

Hillary already launched the 1st salvo...and Trump immediately shut her up by quickly posting a video of her 'presidentially' barking like a dog.

Unlike wussy GOP candidates form the past, Trump is not going to hold his tongue or pull his punches, which Hillary quickly learned to her surprise.

Hillary might want to try a brand new approach this time - avoid the negative poo slinging...because she has a lot more skeletons and a lot more baggage than Trump has.

Woof, woof, woof...

Actually, that would rob Trump of one of his biggest weapons, because she would look presidential and he would look like a bully. I don't think she can do it, though. IOW, she needs to act like a Republican.
Details don't matter. Hillary can claim to be a women's champion despite trashing those she says should be heard and believed and Trump can claim to oppose something for which she voted affirmatively. This is politics, baby!

You all are scared of Hillary ...she is going to castrate your "alpha male " ....must see TV
Scared of a narcissistic, angry president carrying a massive chip on her shoulder? That would be scared of the status quo. It will be entertaining to watch Trump go off. The Clinton MO is to have a proxy make an attack, which the Republican tries to ignore, then keep escalating the attacks. Trump doesn't play that game. He's going to fight back, which is something I don't think Hillary is ready for.
He is going to get castrated watch..gelded
I don't think that would help Hillary much because she's already known as a bullying ball buster. Being statesman like might, though.
Why aren't all the anti-Trump Republicans who are rolling over to support him putting principle ahead of party?
I guess it falls under the category of picking the lesser of 2 evils.
Yep. Democrats control 95% of our media, and their main function is trashing anyone who opposes the political establishment.

The Democrats control 95% of the media?

So what if that were true? The media is just a group of businesses. I guess that makes Democrats better businessmen than are Republicans.

No surprise there.
If you consider the mofia a business, then yes. You are correct.:2up:
Trump opposed the war that Hillary voted for. Hmmmm, that has a nice rhyming ring to it. I can see it on bumper stickers and ads now.
Here is my Bumper sticker "Trump Gonna Make America Virtually Great Again"
He "virtually opposed " LOL
In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

Trump Is Making Up His Opposition to Iraq War -
Trump: 'I may have' backed Iraq war invasion in 2002 -
It amazes me that these Trump supporters/apologists haven't realised that there are things called 'Search Engines'.
What's truly amazing is watching posters insist on absolute adherence to factual details for those with whom they disagree while granting those with whom they agree the widest possible latitude.

Details don't matter. Hillary can claim to be a women's champion despite trashing those she says should be heard and believed and Trump can claim to oppose something for which she voted affirmatively. This is politics, baby!

Yes, if Hillary were a "woman's champion" she would put woman before party, clearly she doesn't which leaves her just a Democrat champion
not if she wants to win.
If I was running I would constantly be talking about how I would help the Hispanic populations in this country, how much better they should have it and how this shadow of illegal presence is hurting them. And I would mean every word of it. However, I would not mention that I was only talking about the ones legally here, that had a right to everything the country can offer them, and I certainly would not mention that the best way to make it better for them would be to ship the 14 million filthy illegals back.
The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
It is the Democrats who are the war mongers. They get the US into wars that have absolutely nothing to do with US national security. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam....hell the Dems throw a hairy conniption when the US loses 4,000 soldiers In Iraq, but act like they didn't enslave US citizens to use as cannon fodder and lost 4,000 soldiers in ONE FUCKING DAY in Europe.
That was only the D-Day practice.

Besides, more people are killed in Chicago on Friday night than a bad day in Fallujah.
President Obama took a moment to step up to a podium to comment about the Egypt air crash on his way to a meeting.

OBAMA: "First off let me say I have not heard any of the details about the incident, BUT IT'S PRETTY CLEAR THE POLICE ACTED STUPIDLY....

(As ONE OF HIS AIDES WHISPERS SOMETHING TO HIM HE RESPONDS BACK:What? A plane went down? This isn't about another black professor getting arrested or a 'looks-like-my-son' kid getting shot?)

OBAMA: This was obviously a case of work-place violence...umm...I will make another comment when more details come in"

Trump opposed the war that Hillary voted for. Hmmmm, that has a nice rhyming ring to it. I can see it on bumper stickers and ads now.
Here is my Bumper sticker "Trump Gonna Make America Virtually Great Again"
He "virtually opposed " LOL
In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

Trump Is Making Up His Opposition to Iraq War -
Trump: 'I may have' backed Iraq war invasion in 2002 -
It amazes me that these Trump supporters/apologists haven't realised that there are things called 'Search Engines'.
What's truly amazing is watching posters insist on absolute adherence to factual details for those with whom they disagree while granting those with whom they agree the widest possible latitude.

Details don't matter. Hillary can claim to be a women's champion despite trashing those she says should be heard and believed and Trump can claim to oppose something for which she voted affirmatively. This is politics, baby!

Yes, if Hillary were a "woman's champion" she would put woman before party, clearly she doesn't which leaves her just a Democrat champion
not if she wants to win.
If I was running I would constantly be talking about how I would help the Hispanic populations in this country, how much better they should have it and how this shadow of illegal presence is hurting them. And I would mean every word of it. However, I would not mention that I was only talking about the ones legally here, that had a right to everything the country can offer them, and I certainly would not mention that the best way to make it better for them would be to ship the 14 million filthy illegals back.

What does that have to do with what I said?
President Obama took a moment to step up to a podium to comment about the Egypt air crash on his way to a meeting.

OBAMA: "First off let me say I have not heard any of the details about the incident, BUT IT'S PRETTY CLEAR THE POLICE ACTED STUPIDLY....

(As ONE OF HIS AIDES WHISPERS SOMETHING TO HIM HE RESPONDS BACK:What? A plane went down? This isn't about another black professor getting arrested or a 'looks-like-my-son' kid getting shot?)

OBAMA: This was obviously a case of work-place violence...umm...I will make another comment when more details come in"


Yep, must be work place violence. The one who snuck on the bomb probably worked for the airline. That makes it workplace violence, just like San Bernardino!
Trump fires back at Clinton over Muslim ban: 'Ask Hillary who blew up the plane last night'

What if it turns out to be mechanical failure. Will that make Republicans mad?

Cheering as people die is a far left religious trait.

As long as you can blame republicans for it that is all you far left drones care about!

The far left watches as the world burns instead of admitting they are wrong!
Right...that's exactly why Obama has refused to put boots on the ground to fight ISIS. Because he is so gung-ho about killing our soldiers.
It amazes me that these Trump supporters/apologists haven't realised that there are things called 'Search Engines'.
What's truly amazing is watching posters insist on absolute adherence to factual details for those with whom they disagree while granting those with whom they agree the widest possible latitude.

Details don't matter. Hillary can claim to be a women's champion despite trashing those she says should be heard and believed and Trump can claim to oppose something for which she voted affirmatively. This is politics, baby!

Yes, if Hillary were a "woman's champion" she would put woman before party, clearly she doesn't which leaves her just a Democrat champion
not if she wants to win.
If I was running I would constantly be talking about how I would help the Hispanic populations in this country, how much better they should have it and how this shadow of illegal presence is hurting them. And I would mean every word of it. However, I would not mention that I was only talking about the ones legally here, that had a right to everything the country can offer them, and I certainly would not mention that the best way to make it better for them would be to ship the 14 million filthy illegals back.

What does that have to do with what I said?
and here is the main problem with a liberal.
I suppose its not politically correct to speak of the brain disease that causes this.
It amazes me that these Trump supporters/apologists haven't realised that there are things called 'Search Engines'.
What's truly amazing is watching posters insist on absolute adherence to factual details for those with whom they disagree while granting those with whom they agree the widest possible latitude.

Details don't matter. Hillary can claim to be a women's champion despite trashing those she says should be heard and believed and Trump can claim to oppose something for which she voted affirmatively. This is politics, baby!

Yes, if Hillary were a "woman's champion" she would put woman before party, clearly she doesn't which leaves her just a Democrat champion
not if she wants to win.
If I was running I would constantly be talking about how I would help the Hispanic populations in this country, how much better they should have it and how this shadow of illegal presence is hurting them. And I would mean every word of it. However, I would not mention that I was only talking about the ones legally here, that had a right to everything the country can offer them, and I certainly would not mention that the best way to make it better for them would be to ship the 14 million filthy illegals back.

What does that have to do with what I said?
and here is the main problem with a liberal.
I suppose its not politically correct to speak of the brain disease that causes this.

I'm a liberal? Haven't been reading my posts, have you? My post was about women, you said what you would do with Hispanics. And?
Off the general topic of bashing liberals over the head, did anyone notice some eery similarities between this crash and the disappeared Malaysian flight two years ago? Middle of the night over a large body of water, just as the plane left one country's airspace/control tower and entered another, unexplained loss of communication prior to erratic behavior of the plane, veerying suddenly one way and then another, while taking a steep dive. And aviation experts initially saying they got a distress signal, only to be contradicted and shut down by the Egyptian military.
What if someone has figured out a way to hack into and control a plane's computerized flight system? What if the Malaysian flight was supposed to crash like this plane, only the auto pilot fought back and kept the plane in the air without a pilot? And what is the military hiding?
Another far left drone chimes in to protect another drone..

Terrorism suspected in crash of Egyptian plane; 66 missing

Terrorism suspected in crash of Egyptian plane; 66 missing

Do try and keep up with current events instead of protecting your religious brothers..

The minute anyone saw the flight plan, they suspected terrorism. Only a leftwing douche bag wouldn't.

Big difference between suspecting and making a definite claim. The idiot would go off half cocked on all his decisions.

Hillary said the same thing, douche bag. How is she qualified to be President?

No she didn't.

Yes she did.
At first Hillary said it was too early to tell what exactly happened because that's what the investigators said. Later they said it looked like it might have been terrorism, and she repeated what they said. Nobody with the investigation is willing to say they know exactly what happened yet. That is far from claiming to know it was terrorism from the start. He makes claims about things he could not possibly know. Of course, if you have a link to show she said it was terrorism before investigators determined that I would like to see it.
The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
In case you were asleep for the past seven years, we have been involved in wars during the entire Obama administration.
Sure enough, but not the war against Islam, that Trump and his minions want..
Not only do his boot-licking supporters want to declare war against an entire religion, these fucking idiots would love to go to war with Mexico, provided they don't actually have to step away from their keyboards and actually participate.

Seriously, you are one of THE dumbest motherfuckers on this board and given the competition? That's quite an accomplishment. It is stupid fucks like you that keeps me from taking leftards seriously. Nicely done, dumb ass.
Trump fires back at Clinton over Muslim ban: 'Ask Hillary who blew up the plane last night'

What if it turns out to be mechanical failure. Will that make Republicans mad?

That sick logic cuts both ways. Gabriel Giffords shooting, Nadal Hassan shooting, San Bernardino Shooting, and Boston Bombing.... Left wingers immediately took to the stage saying that it was right wing, anti government white guys......unfortunately, in each of these terrorist acts it was Muslim terrorism or an Anarchist fitting the Occupy prototype. It was not until Charleston, SC shootings did the Left finally get a right wing wacko not seen since Timothy McVeigh.

You left out the two rightwing Bundy supporters who shot two cops in Nevada. Not to mention several other rightwing terrorist acts.

"Several other rightwing terrorist acts".... according to sources or are those acts simply what lies between your ears?

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