Are Republicans keeping their fingers crossed hoping plane was blown up by terrorists?

The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
In case you were asleep for the past seven years, we have been involved in wars during the entire Obama administration.
Sure enough, but not the war against Islam, that Trump and his minions want..
Not only do his boot-licking supporters want to declare war against an entire religion, these fucking idiots would love to go to war with Mexico, provided they don't actually have to step away from their keyboards and actually participate.

Seriously, you are one of THE dumbest motherfuckers on this board and given the competition? That's quite an accomplishment. It is stupid fucks like you that keeps me from taking leftards seriously. Nicely done, dumb ass.
What exactly was said that isn't true?
If eventually it's determined that terrorism did NOT bring down the plane,

Trump and his retarded followers will simply claim it's a cover up and out of that manufacture a new conspiracy theory.
Republicans complained of Hillary's rush to judgement in Benghazi without knowing all the facts.

Course, for Donald, it's OK.
If you hate war why do you support Obama?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ......the guy has us in 3 wars right now.
Trump supporters are worried about being shot up at work by ISIS. You worry about cattle farts.

Then again Obama didn't start any of them.
Actually he did.

Libya, Syria, and now Iraq phase II.

(Afghanistan was over with and Obama restarted it btw)

No, Libya didn't start because of Obama, nore Syria, and nor did Iraq.

True, I think Libya was all Hillary's doing. The Obama administration regrets their action, Clinton touts her lies as a success.

Trump supported the Libya action, in fact, he pounded the table for it.

If Trump was my candidate it would mean something. Also, Trump didn't float the lies that Clinton did.

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Looks more and more like Trump jumped the gun. We call that bad judgement.

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