Are Republicans keeping their fingers crossed hoping plane was blown up by terrorists?

Trump tweeted that it had been blown up when all that was known was that it was missing.

Case closed.

Another far left drone chimes in to protect another drone..

Terrorism suspected in crash of Egyptian plane; 66 missing

Terrorism suspected in crash of Egyptian plane; 66 missing

Do try and keep up with current events instead of protecting your religious brothers..

The minute anyone saw the flight plan, they suspected terrorism. Only a leftwing douche bag wouldn't.
Not everyone. Why would anyone be SPECULATING at this point without the facts?

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By definition, if you are speculating, then you don't have all the facts. If you have all the facts, then you aren't speculating.

This logic stuff is difficult for you, isn't it?
How come none of you far rightwing nut jobs are calling for calm and for people to wait for all the facts like you do when some potentially racist story against blacks happen?

Why are you people gung-ho for this free-for-all speculation...huh?

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The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
If you hate war why do you support Obama?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ......the guy has us in 3 wars right now.
Trump supporters are worried about being shot up at work by ISIS. You worry about cattle farts.
I wish I was. Why do you think Drumpf was on Twitter a few hours proclaiming it was terrorism? Surely you do not believe he cares about the victims.
I don't do Twitter and I'm not a Trump supporter.

How do you know he doesn't personally care about the victims? I haven't heard him say he doesn't care.

The first comment would have been to express concern for them or their families for one thing.

I love how Drumpf supporters are the first to tell you that they are not Drumpf supporters; then turn around and defend this small fraction of a man at every turn.
Candy. I'm a Democrat. And I don't support Trump.

Stop thinking for me. It makes your head hurt.
If you're a democrat, you want somebody to think for you. You NEED somebody to think for you.
No. I'm a Democrat and I think for myself. I don't need someone to think for me.

I'M not a leftist or Socialist Democrat.

I'm probably the last of the conservative leaning Democrats remaining.
Why aren't you a full-blown Republican then? According to them, ALL Democrats are far left hippies.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
If you hate war why do you support Obama?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ......the guy has us in 3 wars right now.
Trump supporters are worried about being shot up at work by ISIS. You worry about cattle farts.

Then again Obama didn't start any of them.
How come none of far rightwing nut jobs aren't calling for calm and for people to wait for all the facts like you do when some potentially racist story against blacks happen?

Why are you people gung-ho for this free-for-all speculation...huh?
How come far leftwing nut jobs pose dishonest questions. Is that all you have?

Most conservatives do say wait for the facts. The deranged racist asshole on the left want to crucify the cops, even when they've been found innocent.
Trump fires back at Clinton over Muslim ban: 'Ask Hillary who blew up the plane last night'

What if it turns out to be mechanical failure. Will that make Republicans mad?
Cheering when Americans die is a leftwing thing. Remember when all the network news programs wanted to have a big celebration when the 1000th American was killed in Iraq?
No, I don't remember that.
Well I do. The only reason they didn't go through with it was the uproar from the public. CBS was going to spend the entire day listing each service person killed in Iraq.
The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
If you hate war why do you support Obama?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ......the guy has us in 3 wars right now.
Trump supporters are worried about being shot up at work by ISIS. You worry about cattle farts.

Then again Obama didn't start any of them.
Actually he did.

Libya, Syria, and now Iraq phase II.

(Afghanistan was over with and Obama restarted it btw)
The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
If you hate war why do you support Obama?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ......the guy has us in 3 wars right now.
Trump supporters are worried about being shot up at work by ISIS. You worry about cattle farts.

Then again Obama didn't start any of them.
Actually he did.

Libya, Syria, and now Iraq phase II.

(Afghanistan was over with and Obama restarted it btw)

No, Libya didn't start because of Obama, nore Syria, and nor did Iraq.
Details don't matter. Hillary can claim to be a women's champion despite trashing those she says should be heard and believed and Trump can claim to oppose something for which she voted affirmatively. This is politics, baby!

You all are scared of Hillary ...she is going to castrate your "alpha male " ....must see TV
Scared of a narcissistic, angry president carrying a massive chip on her shoulder? That would be scared of the status quo. It will be entertaining to watch Trump go off. The Clinton MO is to have a proxy make an attack, which the Republican tries to ignore, then keep escalating the attacks. Trump doesn't play that game. He's going to fight back, which is something I don't think Hillary is ready for.
Trump's only fact was that a plane went off the radar, and with that he proclaimed it an act of terrorism.

You see, Trump can do that, because he and his follower are oblivious to him being wrong, or lying, or flip flopping.
And of course now if it's determined with certainty that terrorists blew up the plane, Trump will crow about his guess as if he has some special powers of analysis to determine the nature of events.
Politicians have a bad habit of very quickly proclaiming knowledge of event causes. You know, like claiming a clearly staged attack was a spontaneous response to a video. Trump is becoming a politician. Isn't it precious to watch him learn how to walk?

Obama said Benghazi was an act of terror the day after it happened. I guess that makes him the smartest guy in the room back then.
Are you saying he didn't have control over the people he sent out who basically said that was a lie? The official line was that the attack was caused by a video, yet you say he claimed it was an act of terror. Is he really that weak?

There was never an official line that the video caused the attack.

Secondly, since we don't have the perpetrators' to ask, no one knows for certain what role the video played.

Do you want to dispute that?
You can argue semantics all you want, but when the administration's talking heads maintain for weeks that the attacks were the spontaneous result of a video while, as you claim, the president maintains that they were an act of terror, something is clearly wrong in the chain of command. If the president was confident in what he said, no administration figure has any business saying otherwise. Don't you agree? Yet, there was no immediate retraction, no one was taken to the woodshed for publicly contradicting the president, and the video meme continued. You can't have it both ways. Either the president was on board with the video story, which makes his statement a lie, or he was not, which makes him an incredibly weak leader. Which is it?
"An incredibly weak leader" that just whooped the Republicans A$$ES for 8 straight years non-stop and got a lot of what he wanted done accomplished.

How do you feel about that?

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The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
If you hate war why do you support Obama?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ......the guy has us in 3 wars right now.
Trump supporters are worried about being shot up at work by ISIS. You worry about cattle farts.

Then again Obama didn't start any of them.
Actually he did.

Libya, Syria, and now Iraq phase II.

(Afghanistan was over with and Obama restarted it btw)

No, Libya didn't start because of Obama, nore Syria, and nor did Iraq.
If you say so.

He's president and is responsible for foreign policy. Saying Obama isn't responsible for shit he took credit for is just using selective memory. Might as well say Bush had nothing to do with taking out Saddam.
I don't do Twitter and I'm not a Trump supporter.

How do you know he doesn't personally care about the victims? I haven't heard him say he doesn't care.

The first comment would have been to express concern for them or their families for one thing.

I love how Drumpf supporters are the first to tell you that they are not Drumpf supporters; then turn around and defend this small fraction of a man at every turn.
Candy. I'm a Democrat. And I don't support Trump.

Stop thinking for me. It makes your head hurt.
If you're a democrat, you want somebody to think for you. You NEED somebody to think for you.
No. I'm a Democrat and I think for myself. I don't need someone to think for me.

I'M not a leftist or Socialist Democrat.

I'm probably the last of the conservative leaning Democrats remaining.
Why aren't you a full-blown Republican then? According to them, ALL Democrats are far left hippies.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Since I live in Maryland, the chances of getting anything accomplished are slim to none as a Republican.

As far as the Republican party goes, as you probably already know, they roll over and concede ground repeatedly, against the wishes and demands of the constituency.

They make promises that they don't keep and as far as I'm concerned are really no better than the Democrat party. They are one in the same. They are taking us in the same direction as the Democrat party, just at a slower rate.

I'm not a Trump supporter but despise Hillary Clinton. She is a lying hypocrite and I do believe my fellow soldiers were left behind in Benghazi and a lie was created to deflect from the actual events. We do not leave our soldiers behind.

I don't care how it happened. It happened.

I do not like or support "ANY" politician. I am, as I believe you are, stuck with voting for the one who will do the least harm to this nation.

I haven't any experience on message boards prior to USMB, but it is obvious I am being pushed more to the right and see comments here that make me pause and think I am most assuredly supporting the wrong party.
How come none of you far rightwing nut jobs are calling for calm and for people to wait for all the facts like you do when some potentially racist story against blacks happen?
Did you see any Conservatives making this an issue, demanding this or that while the investigation is still on-going?


What's the name of this thread and who started it again? Oh yeah, it was started by some dumbass, sick Liberal who could not wait to use tis tragedy as a political weapon with which to attack the GOP / Conservatives.
The more fear, the better for Trump.

He will give the idiots the war they want since he, is an idiot.
If you hate war why do you support Obama?

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ......the guy has us in 3 wars right now.
Trump supporters are worried about being shot up at work by ISIS. You worry about cattle farts.

Then again Obama didn't start any of them.
Actually he did.

Libya, Syria, and now Iraq phase II.

(Afghanistan was over with and Obama restarted it btw)

No, Libya didn't start because of Obama, nore Syria, and nor did Iraq.

True, I think Libya was all Hillary's doing. The Obama administration regrets their action, Clinton touts her lies as a success.
The first comment would have been to express concern for them or their families for one thing.

I love how Drumpf supporters are the first to tell you that they are not Drumpf supporters; then turn around and defend this small fraction of a man at every turn.
Candy. I'm a Democrat. And I don't support Trump.

Stop thinking for me. It makes your head hurt.
If you're a democrat, you want somebody to think for you. You NEED somebody to think for you.
No. I'm a Democrat and I think for myself. I don't need someone to think for me.

I'M not a leftist or Socialist Democrat.

I'm probably the last of the conservative leaning Democrats remaining.
Why aren't you a full-blown Republican then? According to them, ALL Democrats are far left hippies.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Since I live in Maryland, the chances of getting anything accomplished are slim to none as a Republican.

As far as the Republican party goes, as you probably already know, they roll over and concede ground repeatedly, against the wishes and demands of the constituency.

They make promises that they don't keep and as far as I'm concerned are really no better than the Democrat party. They are one in the same. They are taking us in the same direction as the Democrat party, just at a slower rate.

I'm not a Trump supporter but despise Hillary Clinton. She is a lying hypocrite and I do believe my fellow soldiers were left behind in Benghazi and a lie was created to deflect from the actual events. We do not leave our soldiers behind.

I don't care how it happened. It happened.

I do not like or support "ANY" politician. I am, as I believe you are, stuck with voting for the one who will do the least harm to this nation.

I haven't any experience on message boards prior to USMB, but it is obvious I am being pushed more to the right and see comments here that make me pause and think I am most assuredly supporting the wrong party.


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