Are republicans playing with fire when it comes to obamacare?

Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?

So you're speaking of those who are currently using taxpayer money to subsidize their healthcare? And you're concerned with Republicans, STEALING Insurance from them by removing the money that they're taking without the permission of those from whom they're taking it?


Man THAT is some twisted shit right there...
I have noticed that those who support the ACA need to use spin to support their arguments.

Those who must use spin to support their arguments make it clear to their opponents that they are insecure in their positions.

Liberals obviously hate America.

Obviously, to those too stupid to think things out.

Another liberal trait, they don't think. They parrot what they're told. Every progressive agenda is designed to weaken America and put in on par with Europe.
A lot of cons do the same thing especially the ones who are die hard beck fans, they are the worse

They are just like Al Sharpton and Jesse worshipers, god damn both of them are idiots

I've never listened to Beck.

The liberals are really getting worried when Obama care crashes and burns in July

Priceless :)

I wish I had the faith in the Supreme Court that you do.
Sweetheart I have a lot of faith in it after gruber , they are mad at Obama and were made to look like fools

I read a lot of liberal stuff, first they shrugged it off, now they are getting scared, writing scared
Liberals obviously hate America.

Obviously, to those too stupid to think things out.

Another liberal trait, they don't think. They parrot what they're told. Every progressive agenda is designed to weaken America and put in on par with Europe.
A lot of cons do the same thing especially the ones who are die hard beck fans, they are the worse

They are just like Al Sharpton and Jesse worshipers, god damn both of them are idiots

I've never listened to Beck.

The liberals are really getting worried when Obama care crashes and burns in July

Priceless :)

I wish I had the faith in the Supreme Court that you do.
Sweetheart I have a lot of faith in it after gruber , they are mad at Obama and were made to look like fools

I read a lot of liberal stuff, first they shrugged it off, now they are getting scared, writing scared

You have to see them defend the indefensible in this thread:

America...Hanging By Four Words US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Obviously, to those too stupid to think things out.

Another liberal trait, they don't think. They parrot what they're told. Every progressive agenda is designed to weaken America and put in on par with Europe.
A lot of cons do the same thing especially the ones who are die hard beck fans, they are the worse

They are just like Al Sharpton and Jesse worshipers, god damn both of them are idiots

I've never listened to Beck.

The liberals are really getting worried when Obama care crashes and burns in July

Priceless :)

I wish I had the faith in the Supreme Court that you do.
Sweetheart I have a lot of faith in it after gruber , they are mad at Obama and were made to look like fools

I read a lot of liberal stuff, first they shrugged it off, now they are getting scared, writing scared

You have to see them defend the indefensible in this thread:

America...Hanging By Four Words US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The way I read you over the years, you were not born here ( correct me if I am wrong) but became a US citizen, and fell in love with America and her constitution, you don't take it for granted because you know what it is like not to have it.

These liberals who post here are mostly young Americans, who were born here and take it all for granted

They want to make it better in there eyes towards socialism and keep on forgetting why we are so great is our military might and our constitution

They get away with talking stupid shit because they are free to talk nonsense like gutting are Military and the Like

Liberals take America for granted , they are like a child hiding behind a moms apron strings

That's all they are.
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The GOP boxed itself into a corner. They bitched about page count. It just does not get more retarded than that. Seriously.

So now, if they write any comprehensive health care reform (which they never will), they have to make it short or look like the idiots they are.
Yeah, the gop's done on that. btw, I wasn't referencing Boom Boom McCain's hail mary. The gop had been kicking around the tax credit thing for awhile, and he just latched onto it like a drowning sailor. and $5000 is a bad joke.
Considering the average cost of health insurance for a family of four was $12,000 in 2008, and has only gone up from there, a mere $5,000 would still keep insurance out of reach for millions of families.

But if the totality of health care reforms were truly effective, the cost of insurance should plummet.
While the gop long ago ceded rationality to the tea part, prior to that there was some thought to "giving" people a tax credit of some kind, and they could either use that to purchase healthcare, but if they didn't "spend" all of it, and actually chose to consume less, they they could still offset income with the tax credit.

As McCain's lame attempt showed, it became verboten in the GOP to raise any revenue from insurance companies or docs via taxes, even though govt policy would be lining their pocket,s because people who previously had neither Medicaid nor private insurance would have entry into the market ease. And market entry used to be the basis for determining whether a govt action was legitimate or an overreach. Back when people actually paid attention to Reagan and Thatcher.
The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us will be paying for.

Was talking to a lady at work yesterday. She put in the numbers for the ACA. Her deductable was $27,000.00. She almost fell out of her chair. She says she ran the number four times and four times that was her deductable.

Don't know about you but I sure couldn't afford Obamacare.

As for Govt involvment in HC? Not a good idea when the Govt has never run anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

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