Are Republicans stupid?

I always enjoy threads like these... Bed wetters declaring their "intellectualism" and bloviating about how "educated" they are.

These are "people" who believe criminals would obey gun control laws and stop killing people if the laws were just written properly.

These are "people" who believe communism can work, as long as the right people manage it.

These are "people" who believe SUV's impact the climate more than the sun.

These are "people" who believed GW Bush was a blithering idiot and John Kerry was an intellectual, then were suddenly silent when college transcripts showed GW had better grades.

These are "people" who believe a fucking demented potato hidden in a basement got 81 million legitimate votes by mail and unmonitored ballot boxes. Never mind Trump was filling arenas and stadiums, with thousands outside supporting him, while the potato couldn't fill a high school parking lot.

These are "people" who believe 18 months of bed wetters rioting, cities on fire, several murders, and billions of dollars in damage was "peaceful" and that Jan 6th was as bad or worse than 9/11.

If bed wetters have to be "educated" to achieve that degree of stupid, what sort of fucking retards do they start out as?

That you clowns don't understand that canceling you isn't a violation of your first Amendment rights.

It is when the company is taking orders from the regime. It has been proven that they are, by emails exchanged between the company and regime officials.

It is when the company is taking orders from the regime. It has been proven that they are, by emails exchanged between the company and regime officials.
This is how you being a constant bitch affects your ability to understand your rights. It makes you mistake hyperbole for reality. Facebook didn't take orders from the regime. If Facebook were forced to take orders from the regime that would be a violation of Facebook's free speech, not yours. The First Amendment protects Facebook from being forced to promote the regimes propaganda. Facebook voluntarily chose to work with the regime and that makes all the difference. Now you're certainly free to cry about it and boycott Facebook over it, but it is not a violation of your First Amendment rights. You have no First Amendment rights on someone else's property for the simple fact that you have no right to be on anyone else's property without their consent.
This is how you being a constant bitch affects your ability to understand your rights. It makes you mistake hyperbole for reality. Facebook didn't take orders from the regime. If Facebook were forced to take orders from the regime that would be a violation of Facebook's free speech, not yours. The First Amendment protects Facebook from being forced to promote the regimes propaganda. Facebook voluntarily chose to work with the regime and that makes all the difference. Now you're certainly free to cry about it and boycott Facebook over it, but it is not a violation of your First Amendment rights. You have no First Amendment rights on someone else's property for the simple fact that you have no right to be on anyone else's property without their consent.

Facebook voluntarily chose to work with the regime and that makes all the difference.
Exactly, when FB voluntarily acts as an arm of the regime, they assume the same responsibilities to protect constitutional rights that the Constitution imposes on the regime itself. The regime is not legally allowed to violate the rights of citizens by proxy. FB is nothing but a mercenary doing the bidding of the regime in exchange for favorable treatment by the regime.

Exactly, when FB voluntarily acts as an arm of the regime, they assume the same responsibilities to protect constitutional rights that the Constitution imposes on the regime itself. The regime is not legally allowed to violate the rights of citizens by proxy. FB is nothing but a mercenary doing the bidding of the regime in exchange for favorable treatment by the regime.

You don't have First Amendment rights on other people's property you moron. If I decide to throw a block party and invite my neighbors and then the government puts out a warning about congregating without masks and I then ban people from my party who don't wear masks, I'm not acting as an agent for the government. Facebook didn't send Facebook agents to kick down your door and charge you with crimes for violating Facebook policies. Your argument is stupid.
You don't have First Amendment rights on other people's property you moron. If I decide to throw a block party and invite my neighbors and then the government puts out a warning about congregating without masks and I then ban people from my party who don't wear masks, I'm not acting as an agent for the government. Facebook didn't send Facebook agents to kick down your door and charge you with crimes for violating Facebook policies. Your argument is stupid.

Yeah, something is stupid here, but it's not my argument.

Here's what an actual lawyer says on the topic:

Yes. "State action" can be found where a private party (whether an entity or an individual) either: (a) performs public functions (i.e., commits acts that are traditionally and exclusively done by/associated with the government); or, (b) has significant state involvement (i.e., affirmatively facilitated, encouraged, or authorized by the government) in their activities.

Yeah, something is stupid here, but it's not my argument.

Here's what an actual lawyer says on the topic:

Yes. "State action" can be found where a private party (whether an entity or an individual) either: (a) performs public functions (i.e., commits acts that are traditionally and exclusively done by/associated with the government); or, (b) has significant state involvement (i.e., affirmatively facilitated, encouraged, or authorized by the government) in their activities.

Are you some sort of fucking idiot? :cuckoo:

Of course a person or private entity can violate another person's rights. That happens every time someone steals, rapes, assaults or murders another human being. What is not a violation of any of your rights is Facebook censoring whatever the fuck it wants on its own property.

This video is a must see. Here we have Joe Biden weaponizing, of all things, the National Archives with one of his loon Marxist partisan supporters.

But she is grilled about her previous statements about Republicans being anti-intellectual, going back as far as Eisenhauer.

Democrats really do think they are the master race, as they continuously smear their political opponents as either being stupid, much like blacks were judged to be stupid when they were out of political power in the 1800's, or monsters as labeled by Joe Biden as semi-fascists.

The arrogance then from the Left is that they are both intellectually superior as well as morally superior.

We now have a master race of democrats governing the country.

The Democrats are about as smart as their mascot, a donkey sometimes called an ass.


The Democrats have been advocating defunding police departments and have done so in many cities.

These supposedly intellectual politicians lacked the intelligence to understand that defunding police would cause crime to skyrocket.

Democrats also say a male can get pregnant.

Democrats also think they can turn this nation into a Marxist socialist workers paradise despite the fact socialism never works.


Socialism fails because while most individuals don’t want others to have more than they have, few are averse to having more than others. And without the pressure of survival—the governor that enforced cooperation and equality in the natural environment—most individuals continue to pursue their own private interests even if, according to the official goal, they’re supposed to be working for the common good. One thinks, for example, of high-ranking members of socialist parties.

This insight makes it possible to understand why lofty socialist ideals have produced such regrettable results. Once agriculture drove out foraging, the need to cooperate was no longer essential to survival. Individuals could thrive pursuing selfish goals, unchecked by guilt or shame—and they will continue to do so unless there are legal and political checks on their behavior in lieu of guilt and shame, which, of course, can lead to tyranny.


Democrats have fooled themselves into believing thy are more intellectual than conservatives. Part of the reason is many were brainwashed in liberal colleges and taught WHAT to think not HOW to think.
Are you some sort of fucking idiot? :cuckoo:

Of course a person or private entity can violate another person's rights. That happens every time someone steals, rapes, assaults or murders another human being. What is not a violation of any of your rights is Facebook censoring whatever the fuck it wants on its own property.

Run along moron, you just proved you can't be educated and are a total waste of band width.


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