Are Republicans stupid?

Then why are most of the richest states blue and the poorest red?

List of U.S. States and Territories by Income (Wiki)

Good Lord, we have been through this countless number of times. There are some very poor people in red states. They are generally Democrats. That is most certainly the case in my red state. There are many Democrats in large urban areas that actually make more than average salary but are collecting garbage thanks to unions. Individually or even county by county across the country, as your salary increases, as does the likelihood being a Republican.
Good Lord, we have been through this countless number of times. There are some very poor people in red states. They are generally Democrats. That is most certainly the case in my red state. There are many Democrats in large urban areas that actually make more than average salary but are collecting garbage thanks to unions. Individually or even county by county across the country, as your salary increases, as does the likelihood being a Republican.
But you have to admit the blue states are doing better, despite the obvious challenges of having large poor populations. What are the red state excuses for why they’re doing so poorly?
I don't believe for a second any of you morons have actually read the thing let alone understand it. I mean we can start with the first Amendment. Your side doesn't seem to understand that it isn't a violation of your first Amendment rights to get canceled for being trash.
Quote that sentence
But you have to admit the blue states are doing better, despite the obvious challenges of having large poor populations. What are the red state excuses for why they’re doing so poorly?
Illinois, New York and California say you’re wrong. Massachusetts?
At this point in history, the only people who don't believe that Republicans are anti-intellectual are stupid people. Their entire platform for my adult life has been God, Guns, and Gays.

And tax breaks for the wealthiest 1%, but they keep that on the down low.
Of course Republicans are stupid!

Why else would they be anti science-school-university- academia?

Because intelligence for them is like shining a bright light in a previously dark room full of cockroaches.
They can't take it and have to scurry for cover.
Of course Republicans are stupid!

Why else would they be anti science-school-university- academia?

Because intelligence for them is like shining a bright light in a previously dark room full of cockroaches.
They can't take it and have to scurry for cover.
Ah the little projectionists
I don't believe for a second any of you morons have actually read the thing let alone understand it. I mean we can start with the first Amendment. Your side doesn't seem to understand that it isn't a violation of your first Amendment rights to get canceled for being trash.

Do you have something specific, or are you just spewing commie talking points.

Of course Republicans are stupid!

Why else would they be anti science-school-university- academia?

Because intelligence for them is like shining a bright light in a previously dark room full of cockroaches.
They can't take it and have to scurry for cover.

ROFLMFAO, only the truly ignorant would conflate years of over priced indoctrination with intelligence.


This video is a must see. Here we have Joe Biden weaponizing, of all things, the National Archives with one of his loon Marxist partisan supporters.

But she is grilled about her previous statements about Republicans being anti-intellectual, going back as far as Eisenhauer.

Democrats really do think they are the master race, as they continuously smear their political opponents as either being stupid, much like blacks were judged to be stupid when they were out of political power in the 1800's, or monsters as labeled by Joe Biden as semi-fascists.

The arrogance then from the Left is that they are both intellectually superior as well as morally superior.

We now have a master race of democrats governing the country.

Republicans are stupid! Don't you remember the Tea Party? Get a brain, morans!
Case in point.
Thank you for illustrating my point.

So you think it's smart to go 10s of thousands in debt on indoctrination that won't get you a job above minimum wage. And then have the nerve to say someone else should pay off your debt because it's crimping your life style.

So you think it's smart to go 10s of thousands in debt on indoctrination that won't get you a job above minimum wage. And then have the nerve to say someone else should pay off your debt because it's crimping your life style.

Do you ha a heawing pwoblem?
I never said ANY of those things you dim-witted dolt!

TRY to keep up here ok?

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