Are Republicans stupid?

two presidential terms of gas lines in the US, one in the 1970
Jimmy Carter-D
Creepy Xiden-D.

I think your projections are again showing that the real deserts were in demofk presidents. hahahahahahahaahah

Now name anything either goof up did for americans.

People like him are lost.
They do everything they can to abuse their power. When they get stopped, they try to go around it.
There is nothing that will change his mind. "Cultist" comes to mind.
It's actually good to have him around as a living example of the pathology
I have no "partisan love" for any party, please don't confuse me with the Republican cult, thanks.

Educated people like myself cannot vote for Republicans, and in a two party system, we are left with the Democrats. I've also voted for the Green Party in local elections.
The irony is killing me... please shut up.


This video is a must see. Here we have Joe Biden weaponizing, of all things, the National Archives with one of his loon Marxist partisan supporters.

But she is grilled about her previous statements about Republicans being anti-intellectual, going back as far as Eisenhauer.

Democrats really do think they are the master race, as they continuously smear their political opponents as either being stupid, much like blacks were judged to be stupid when they were out of political power in the 1800's, or monsters as labeled by Joe Biden as semi-fascists.

The arrogance then from the Left is that they are both intellectually superior as well as morally superior.

We now have a master race of democrats governing the country.

So,.. let's review all that we've learned here:

1. A president isn't supposed to be anti-intellect.
2. Is supposed to speak common sense.
3. Is able to be understood when they speak.

What the fuck does that make Biden because he doesn't qualify for any of these three things.

99% of them are, yes.

At least ninety-nine percent didn't vote for Biden though.

Electing Trump proves they are.

Excuse me?

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the age of rightwinger Democrat intellectualism

Exactly. This just goes to show how "intelligent" the democrats are.

This video is a must see. Here we have Joe Biden weaponizing, of all things, the National Archives with one of his loon Marxist partisan supporters.

But she is grilled about her previous statements about Republicans being anti-intellectual, going back as far as Eisenhauer.

Democrats really do think they are the master race, as they continuously smear their political opponents as either being stupid, much like blacks were judged to be stupid when they were out of political power in the 1800's, or monsters as labeled by Joe Biden as semi-fascists.

The arrogance then from the Left is that they are both intellectually superior as well as morally superior.

We now have a master race of democrats governing the country.

Republicans are the stupid party, the Democrats the evil party,

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