Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

With the scientific consensus now accepted by all nations, the military, and the private sector coming aboard, being joined by an increasingly-enlightened populace is an index of how the ideologically-hamstrung denialists are increasingly marginalized.

Half of Americans feel the current U.S. policies aimed at reducing
the impact of climate change don’t go far enough.

Majorities of Americans think the U.S. and global community
is doing too little to address climate change.

Nov. 1, 2021

With the scientific consensus now accepted by all nations and the private sector coming aboard, being joined by an increasingly-enlightened populace is an index of how the ideologically-hamstrung denialists are increasingly marginalized.

Half of Americans feel the current U.S. policies aimed at reducing
the impact of climate change don’t go far enough.

Majorities of Americans think the U.S. and global community
is doing too little to address climate change.

Nov. 1, 2021



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With the scientific consensus now accepted by all nations, the military, and the private sector coming aboard, being joined by an increasingly-enlightened populace is an index of how the ideologically-hamstrung denialists are increasingly marginalized.

Half of Americans feel the current U.S. policies aimed at reducing
the impact of climate change don’t go far enough.

Majorities of Americans think the U.S. and global community
is doing too little to address climate change.

Nov. 1, 2021

so you haven't answered my question on the climate predictions, why?
With the scientific consensus now accepted by all nations, the military, and the private sector coming aboard, being joined by an increasingly-enlightened populace is an index of how the ideologically-hamstrung denialists are increasingly marginalized.

Half of Americans feel the current U.S. policies aimed at reducing
the impact of climate change don’t go far enough.

Majorities of Americans think the U.S. and global community
is doing too little to address climate change.

Nov. 1, 2021

Are you saying out of all these fkers you support, not one can give you one prediction to post up for the class to see?
so you haven't answered my question on the climate predictions, why?
It is necessary that one first acknowledge the scientific reality before any remedies to it can be understood and embraced.

There is an induced ideological-derangement that results in climatologists, scientists in general, the community of nations, the Pentagon, and, increasingly, the private sector, all being mindlessly rejected.

Are you saying out of all these fkers you support, not one can give you one prediction to post up for the class to see?
I'm saying that I find the global community of nations, climatological and scientific bodies, the Pentagon, and, increasingly, private sector financiers, far more apt to have a grasp of reality that a faction of ideologues in denial.

Some may differ.
I'm saying that I find the global community of nations, climatological and scientific bodies, the Pentagon, and, increasingly, private sector financiers, far more apt to have a grasp of reality that a faction of ideologues in denial.

Some may differ.
so you have nothing to present to the class to support the global predictions of doom and gloom? And you still support it. Well good for you. See, I need proof before my life changes. It would be appreciated if one of your so called scientists could prove their story. It's fiction right now.
It is necessary that one first acknowledge the scientific reality before any remedies to it can be understood and embraced.

There is an induced ideological-derangement that results in climatologists, scientists in general, the community of nations, the Pentagon, and, increasingly, the private sector, all being mindlessly rejected.

nope, not necessary at all. I call all of them liars.
The ideological dogma that decrees one is free to poop into the heavens with impunity appears to be tenacious.

Housebreaking the obstinate is a challenge.

Spewing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere impacts the atmosphere.

The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Trump was sort of right but not very precise

The climate does change and it always has

NY City used to be under 100 feet of ice but over time the climate changed to what it is now

The scam is liberals giving us the bums rush that we are facing environmental armageddon if we dont turn over control of our lives to the crazy freaked greenies
At this point, the crackpots who still fantasize that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese can be ignored. The science has been validated, and the bullshit exposed. It is the short-term profiteers that constitute the impediment.

Since the predicted and predictable consequences are unfolding, an ongoing comprehensive compilation of the costs might capture the astronomical price some are willing to pay. Maybe, a Times Square display of the ever-expanding price tag for disaster relief from fires and floods, coastal inundations, infrastructure destruction, crop failures, famine, mass migrations, political instabilities triggering warfare, etc., etc.etc.

Exploiting living things has a formidable price tag. Who's liable?

Well. . it seems to me, since the same folks pushing this bullshit, are the same folks making all the money, and are the same folks in control of the entire system, why don't YOU figure it out genius?

The ideological dogma that decrees one is free to poop into the heavens with impunity appears to be tenacious.

Housebreaking the obstinate is a challenge.

Spewing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere impacts the atmosphere.
you put a plug in your butthole?
Trump was sort of right but not very precise

The climate does change and it always has

NY City used to be under 100 feet of ice but over time the climate changed to what it is now

The scam is liberals giving us the bums rush that we are facing environmental armageddon if we dont turn over control of our lives to the crazy freaked greenies
I would like to know what changes?
yo dude, name one climate claim that has come true. just one.

That's easy.
There had not been a NorthWest Passsage through the Arctic, (except for a coastal zigzag that took years, until 2009,

{...Until 2009, the Arctic pack ice prevented regular marine shipping throughout most of the year. Arctic sea ice decline has rendered the waterways more navigable for ice navigation.
In 2016, a Chinese shipping line expressed a desire to make regular voyages of cargo ships using the passage to the eastern United States and Europe, after a successful passage by Nordic Orion of 73,500 tonnes deadweight tonnage in September 2013.[14][15][needs update] Fully loaded, Nordic Orion sat too deep in the water to sail through the Panama Canal....}

And the problem is not that this slow rate of warming is continuing, but that slight warming releases billions of tons of now frozen methane hydrate, which along with increasing water vapor in the warmer air, will accelerate global warming by over a factor of 20, at some point.
We do not know when it will happen, but consider an increase of 30 degrees instead of just 1.5 degrees.
The danger is not just the carbon, but the methane and water vapor the carbon will initiate.
It will not happen slowly.
Once it gets to the point of melting methane and adding water vapor, it will then happen way too fast to react to it.
It will then be too late.
Maybe if you sacrifice an infant to Moloch each morning it will appease Gaia and absolve your carbon sins?

Planned Parenthood temples are open now....

Unfortunately birth control is too late.
We already have over 3 times the viable world population that can be sustained.
We could talk about food, water, etc., but when it comes down to it, there is not even enough oxygen.
Sure we have about a 200 year reserve of free oxygen in the atmosphere, but if there are not enough trees and ocean plankton to keep it replenished, our future generations will run out.
And we already have deforested way too much, and polluted the coastal banks that used to supply oxygen from the oceans.
censored, the local news here in Chicago tried to play one of those climate warming games this week. Weather dude made the statement that the first frost of the year was later than normal due to global warming. Then after making that statement reported the latest date for first frost was November 22 back in 1931. Dude, can't make it up.

A weatherman can tell if an event 90 years ago was a freak condition and the current event is due to normal seasonal conditions.
I don't know, and likely either do you, but a weatherman should be able to tell.
I would like to know what changes?

Very simple.
We have always known there is a 110,000 year long ice age/warming cycle.
The plants do well, remove carbon, the planet gets colder, the plants die, they rot and release the carbon again, so it warms back up.
Happened over 12 times.

But we are adding a new warming cycle on top of the previous high, in 40 years instead of 55,000 years.
An additional artificial warming on top of an existing warm period, will reach temperature highs that have not been seen on earth since the dinosaur swamps of over 200 million years ago. For example, they predict perpetual cloud cover and fog, so no more star gazing.

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