Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

Have you accepted Anthropogenic Climate Change as your Lord and Savior?

Do you Believe?

That is silly.
Fossil fuel is concentrated hundreds of millions of years worth of sunlight energy, stored in trillions of tons of carbon we release into the atmosphere every year.
How could such massive releases not have some sort of dramatic global effect.
You do realize that carbon in the atmosphere makes the planet 70 degrees warmer than it would be otherwise?
Water vapor does the same thing, which is why nights are always warmer if it is cloudy than if clear.
We all know this stuff already.
That is silly.
Fossil fuel is concentrated hundreds of millions of years worth of sunlight energy, stored in trillions of tons of carbon we release into the atmosphere every year.
How could such massive releases not have some sort of dramatic global effect.
You do realize that carbon in the atmosphere makes the planet 70 degrees warmer than it would be otherwise?
Water vapor does the same thing, which is why nights are always warmer if it is cloudy than if clear.
We all know this stuff already.
I posted millions of times that:

Fuel doesn't come from fossils
CO2 at those levels does NOTHING to raise temperature
Mankind did not move the CO2 dial by shutting the economy in 2020
AGW is a cult because it's not science
Fossil fuel is concentrated hundreds of millions of years worth of sunlight energy, stored in trillions of tons of carbon we release into the atmosphere every year.

I'm not sure you are up to date on the latest POV on both sides of the arguments on this. . .

Thomas Gold
The Origin of Methane (and Oil) in the Crust of the Earth
Thomas Gold
U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1570, The Future of Energy Gases, 1993

(From the conclusion;)

". . . Drilling to below 5 or 6 kilometers is still expensive and not much exploration to these levels will be done so long as the
good prospects there are not recognized. But despite the expense of drilling, which would no doubt greatly decrease if more
of it were done, the productivity from deep levels has frequently shown itself to be very high. Gas at depth below the critical
layer tends to have a pressure approaching the lithostatic value, which may be on the order of 2,000 bar. The density is thus
hundreds of times higher than it is in shallow wells, and may be as high as half the density of oils; therefore the content of
gas in a given volume of pore spaces is hundreds of times greater than in shallow wells. The high pressure differentials into
the well bore mean that very high flow rates can be obtained, even from rock which at shallower levels would be regarded as
of insufficient permeability for production. The ultimate production from a given well is greater, because a greater pressure
gradient drives gas to the wellbore, and the expansion of the gas will allow a large proportion of the initial gas in place to be
produced. It is therefore by no means true that gas production from the deep horizons must be expensive, and many
examples exist already that show that deep gas production can be quite competitive with shallow gas. The initial investment
in an area will be higher, but so will be the returns.

Because deep gas does not have many of the special requirements for its accumulation that oil has, one may expect it to be
in many more locations than oil. Many countries in all parts of the world will benefit from a more widely distributed fuel

Prospecting by the search for surface seepage of gas is a rational procedure, since large quantities of gas must constantly be
escaping. Oil was found mainly by the attention that oil seeps drew to an area; gas seeps require instruments to be found,
but, with more gas than oil coming up and escaping more readily, gas seeps are good indicators of the presence of gas
underneath. The quality of available prospecting methods is a major economic item, especially for the deep horizons where
exploratory drilling is expensive.

A flow of hydrocarbon fluids through the crust will have affected much of its chemical development. The concentration of
many types of mineral deposits, especially of metal ores, has not had adequate explanations. The leaching out of particular
components from the rocks requires fluids that can dissolve these components, and it requires large pressure differentials to
drive these fluids through the pores of a sufficient quantity of rock to gain access to the materials. Hydrocarbons ascending
from depth may provide these requirements. They will be present at a high temperature and pressure, where organo-metallic
compounds can readily form. Such compounds are largely soluble in hydrocarbons, and may thus be transported upwards by
them. These metals may include some that have quite inadequate solubilities to have been transported by aqueous fluids, but
that can form organo-metallics. Silver, gold, and the platinum group are in that category, but many others may come under
consideration for such processes. It is interesting to note that particularly gold has been found in many locations together
with elemental carbon. Vanadium and nickel have shown a strong association with petroleum, both by the presence of
compounds in the petroleum, and the deposition in or near oilfields. Several of the elements that would have a high vapor
pressure at mantle temperatures have been found associated with hydrocarbons, not only helium but also mercury, and all
the halides. A range of new processes will have to be investigated for the understanding of mineralization in the crust, and
the search for hydrocarbons may become associated with the search for certain minerals. The microbiology in the ground
which is fed by hydrocarbons may have contributed to highly selective processes; just as we saw concentrated magnetite in
the boreholes in Sweden, apparently concentrated by microbial action, so perhaps all the large magnetite deposits of Sweden
have a similar origin. Judging from the quantities of microbial material that have been identified in hydrocarbon regions
(Ourisson and others, 1984), microbial processing may have been of major importance in the evolution of the crust."
It is necessary that one first acknowledge the scientific reality before any remedies to it can be understood and embraced.

Says someone who believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Unfortunately birth control is too late.
We already have over 3 times the viable world population that can be sustained.
We could talk about food, water, etc., but when it comes down to it, there is not even enough oxygen.
Sure we have about a 200 year reserve of free oxygen in the atmosphere, but if there are not enough trees and ocean plankton to keep it replenished, our future generations will run out.
And we already have deforested way too much, and polluted the coastal banks that used to supply oxygen from the oceans.
well removing CO2 will remove trees.

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