Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

Fringe dogmatists can pleasure themselves with their science denial, but normal folks must confront the scientific reality.

The U.K.’s national weather service declared its first-ever extreme heat warning on Monday. The alert now sits alongside age-old ones, such as thunderstorms, fog and lightning. In explaining why a new category was needed, the Met Office was unequivocal: “Research shows that, as a result of climate change, we are now much more likely to see prolonged spells of hot weather.”...
Global warming has heated the planet about 1.2°C above pre-industrial levels. That’s having all kinds of impacts, and perhaps on the worse end of the predicted spectrum... “It’s no longer a vague concern about things happening in the future.” Jennifer Atkinson, professor of environmental humanities at the University of Washington...
The record-breaking heatwave on the west coast of North America got worldwide attention, especially after scientists found it was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change, but the heatwaves that followed did not.
Is the reality that the science is settled?
Yup. That is true. Climatologists have completely stopped making predictions of any kind. They have been wrong so many times that now every "prediction" is preceded by "suggests", or "could", but never a "will happen".

Climatologists use ∆t ... everyone else uses dt ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... (inside joke) ...
Fringe dogmatists can pleasure themselves with their science denial, but normal folks must confront the scientific reality.

The U.K.’s national weather service declared its first-ever extreme heat warning on Monday. The alert now sits alongside age-old ones, such as thunderstorms, fog and lightning. In explaining why a new category was needed, the Met Office was unequivocal: “Research shows that, as a result of climate change, we are now much more likely to see prolonged spells of hot weather.”...
Global warming has heated the planet about 1.2°C above pre-industrial levels. That’s having all kinds of impacts, and perhaps on the worse end of the predicted spectrum... “It’s no longer a vague concern about things happening in the future.” Jennifer Atkinson, professor of environmental humanities at the University of Washington...
The record-breaking heatwave on the west coast of North America got worldwide attention, especially after scientists found it was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change, but the heatwaves that followed did not.

Main findings​

  • Based on observations and modeling, the occurrence of a heatwave with maximum daily temperatures (TXx) as observed in the area 45–52 ºN, 119–123 ºW, was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change.
  • The observed temperatures were so extreme that they lie far outside the range of historically observed temperatures. This makes it hard to quantify with confidence how rare the event was. In the most realistic statistical analysis the event is estimated to be about a 1 in 1000 year event in today’s climate.
  • There are two possible sources of this extreme jump in peak temperatures. The first is that this is a very low probability event, even in the current climate which already includes about 1.2°C of global warming — the statistical equivalent of really bad luck, albeit aggravated by climate change. The second option is that nonlinear interactions in the climate have substantially increased the probability of such extreme heat, much beyond the gradual increase in heat extremes that has been observed up to now. We need to investigate the second possibility further, although we note the climate models do not show it.
Ralph Nader continues to recommend calling climate change "climate catastrophe" or something equivalent. I've seen it argued (somewhat convincingly) that the term "climate change" was in wide use among climatologists before "global warming," well before that damned Republican wordsmith recommended using "climate change" instead simply for political advantage. But I think Ralph is spot on. It can't be taken seriously until its actual seriousness is reflected in the mainstream media. Far too easy for political hacks and deniers like those assembled here to poo poo it all to death with their incessant "alarmist" crap. Getting the terminology right would make a huge difference.
Ralph Nader continues to recommend calling climate change "climate catastrophe" or something equivalent. I've seen it argued (somewhat convincingly) that the term "climate change" was in wide use among climatologists before "global warming," well before that damned Republican wordsmith recommended using "climate change" instead simply for political advantage. But I think Ralph is spot on. It can't be taken seriously until its actual seriousness is reflected in the mainstream media. Far too easy for political hacks and deniers like those assembled here to poo poo it all to death with their incessant "alarmist" crap. Getting the terminology right would make a huge difference
At this point, the crackpots who still fantasize that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese can be ignored. The science has been validated, and the bullshit exposed. It is the short-term profiteers that constitute the impediment.

Since the predicted and predictable consequences are unfolding, an ongoing comprehensive compilation of the costs might capture the astronomical price some are willing to pay. Maybe, a Times Square display of the ever-expanding price tag for disaster relief from fires and floods, coastal inundations, infrastructure destruction, crop failures, famine, mass migrations, political instabilities triggering warfare, etc., etc.etc.

Exploiting living things has a formidable price tag. Who's liable?
At this point, the crackpots who still fantasize that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese can be ignored. The science has been validated, and the bullshit exposed. It is the short-term profiteers that constitute the impediment.

Since the predicted and predictable consequences are unfolding, an ongoing comprehensive compilation of the costs might capture the astronomical price some are willing to pay. Maybe, a Times Square display of the ever-expanding price tag for disaster relief from fires and floods, coastal inundations, infrastructure destruction, crop failures, famine, mass migrations, political instabilities triggering warfare, etc., etc.etc.

Exploiting living things has a formidable price tag. Who's liable?

You have a point, Schitlapper, now that the Himalayas are completely snow free as your religion predicted, with New York City underwater and uninhabitable as Pope Algore the Prevaricator told us, now that children in England have never seen snow, well we have no choice but acknowledge that you serve the one true religion....


Fucking retard...
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At this point, the crackpots who still fantasize that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese can be ignored. The science has been validated, and the bullshit exposed. It is the short-term profiteers that constitute the impediment.

Since the predicted and predictable consequences are unfolding, an ongoing comprehensive compilation of the costs might capture the astronomical price some are willing to pay. Maybe, a Times Square display of the ever-expanding price tag for disaster relief from fires and floods, coastal inundations, infrastructure destruction, crop failures, famine, mass migrations, political instabilities triggering warfare, etc., etc.etc.

Exploiting living things has a formidable price tag. Who's liable?
yo dude, name one climate claim that has come true. just one.
At this point, the crackpots who still fantasize that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese can be ignored. The science has been validated, and the bullshit exposed. It is the short-term profiteers that constitute the impediment.

Since the predicted and predictable consequences are unfolding, an ongoing comprehensive compilation of the costs might capture the astronomical price some are willing to pay. Maybe, a Times Square display of the ever-expanding price tag for disaster relief from fires and floods, coastal inundations, infrastructure destruction, crop failures, famine, mass migrations, political instabilities triggering warfare, etc., etc.etc.

Exploiting living things has a formidable price tag. Who's liable?
Well said and great question. Indeed, seems like a rude awakening for these short-term, shameless profiteers is long overdue.
At this point, the crackpots who still fantasize that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese can be ignored. The science has been validated, and the bullshit exposed. It is the short-term profiteers that constitute the impediment.

Since the predicted and predictable consequences are unfolding, an ongoing comprehensive compilation of the costs might capture the astronomical price some are willing to pay. Maybe, a Times Square display of the ever-expanding price tag for disaster relief from fires and floods, coastal inundations, infrastructure destruction, crop failures, famine, mass migrations, political instabilities triggering warfare, etc., etc.etc.

Exploiting living things has a formidable price tag. Who's liable?

What "science has been validated".

Not one of the predictions has ever come to pass. Well known charlatans like the famous clairvoyant sylvia brown has a better track record than climatologists do.
Well said and great question. Indeed, seems like a rude awakening for these short-term, shameless profiteers is long overdue.



You're such a fucking clown.

What is your accuracy rate clown?

Of 10,000 predictions, a total of 0 have come to pass - it just proves how right your mindless cult is....
Well said and great question. Indeed, seems like a rude awakening for these short-term, shameless profiteers is long overdue.
As bleak as the prospects are, there are encouraging signs that the private sector is coming in line with the planet's governments who are heeding the scientific reality and its blatant symptoms.

There is a growing consensus that the private sector must be involved if the world is to avoid catastrophic global warming.
A group of over 450 major financial institutions announced that they are aligning their investments with the 2015 Paris climate accord — which calls for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and other efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero — launched this year by former Bank of England chief Mark Carney — promised to follow scientific guidelines for cutting carbon emissions to “net zero” by 2050.
That goal — which means limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the amount that can be absorbed again through natural or artificial ways — is increasingly being embraced by companies and governments around the world.

There is profit in responsible, scientifically-savvy policy.

The alternative, besides being financially irresponsible, is an unacceptable abandonment of national security:

Screen Shot 2021-11-04 at 9.45.09 AM.png

The effects of climate change are "threat multipliers" that will force the Pentagon to rethink how it engages in training, missions and humanitarian aid around the world, the Defense Department said Tuesday in its Quadrennial Defense Review .
The review, released every four years, steps up calls made to address climate change in the last version. It noted climate change would "aggravate stressors" such as "poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and social tensions — conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence."
As bleak as the prospects are, there are encouraging signs that the private sector is coming in line with the planet's governments who are heeding the scientific reality and its blatant symptoms.

There is a growing consensus that the private sector must be involved if the world is to avoid catastrophic global warming.
A group of over 450 major financial institutions announced that they are aligning their investments with the 2015 Paris climate accord — which calls for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and other efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero — launched this year by former Bank of England chief Mark Carney — promised to follow scientific guidelines for cutting carbon emissions to “net zero” by 2050.
That goal — which means limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the amount that can be absorbed again through natural or artificial ways — is increasingly being embraced by companies and governments around the world.

There is profit in responsible, science-savvy policy.

The alternative, besides being financially foolish, is an unacceptable abandonment of national security:

The effects of climate change are "threat multipliers" that will force the Pentagon to rethink how it engages in training, missions and humanitarian aid around the world, the Defense Department said Tuesday in its Quadrennial Defense Review .
The review, released every four years, steps up calls made to address climate change in the last version. It noted climate change would "aggravate stressors" such as "poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and social tensions — conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence."
so which one of the climate change predictions have come true? Still waiting on you to support your posts.
As bleak as the prospects are, there are encouraging signs that the private sector is coming in line with the planet's governments who are heeding the scientific reality and its blatant symptoms.

There is a growing consensus that the private sector must be involved if the world is to avoid catastrophic global warming.
A group of over 450 major financial institutions announced that they are aligning their investments with the 2015 Paris climate accord — which calls for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and other efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero — launched this year by former Bank of England chief Mark Carney — promised to follow scientific guidelines for cutting carbon emissions to “net zero” by 2050.
That goal — which means limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the amount that can be absorbed again through natural or artificial ways — is increasingly being embraced by companies and governments around the world.

There is profit in responsible, scientifically-savvy policy.

The alternative, besides being financially irresponsible, is an unacceptable abandonment of national security:

The effects of climate change are "threat multipliers" that will force the Pentagon to rethink how it engages in training, missions and humanitarian aid around the world, the Defense Department said Tuesday in its Quadrennial Defense Review .
The review, released every four years, steps up calls made to address climate change in the last version. It noted climate change would "aggravate stressors" such as "poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and social tensions — conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence."

Maybe if you sacrifice an infant to Moloch each morning it will appease Gaia and absolve your carbon sins?

Planned Parenthood temples are open now....
Maybe if you sacrifice an infant to Moloch each morning it will appease Gaia and absolve your carbon sins?

Planned Parenthood temples are open now....
censored, the local news here in Chicago tried to play one of those climate warming games this week. Weather dude made the statement that the first frost of the year was later than normal due to global warming. Then after making that statement reported the latest date for first frost was November 22 back in 1931. Dude, can't make it up.
censored, the local news here in Chicago tried to play one of those climate warming games this week. Weather dude made the statement that the first frost of the year was later than normal due to global warming. Then after making that statement reported the latest date for first frost was November 22 back in 1931. Dude, can't make it up.

That's just like TODAY is the hottest day in all of recorded history, even though yesterday had a higher temperature.

Gaia be praised - blessed be.

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