Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

The anti science fringe element are the fraudsters who decided the scientific method didn't apply to them.

That's YOU.
You can persist in fantasizing that all climatological academies, societies, and associations on earth, and all those in other, related scientific disciplines, as well as all the governments of the nations on earth that respect the scientific consensus, are wrong and you are right regarding the climatological reality, of course.

Your superiority as a climatological expert to such an overwhelming concurrence of knowledgable folks entitles you to do a celebratory dance.

You can persist in fantasizing that all climatological academies, societies, and associations on earth, and all those in other, related scientific disciplines, as well as all the governments of the nations on earth that respect the scientific consensus, are wrong and you are right regarding the climatological reality, of course.

Your superiority as a climatological expert to such an overwhelming concurrence of knowledgable folks entitles you to do a celebratory dance.

... all climatological academies, societies, and associations on earth ...

Please list these ... I think they aren't saying what you think they're saying ... with links please ...

Still waiting for a shred of evidence ... if it's overwhelming, then it shouldn't be hard for you to find ...
... all climatological academies, societies, and associations on earth ...

Please list these ... I think they aren't saying what you think they're saying ... with links please ...

Still waiting for a shred of evidence ... if it's overwhelming, then it shouldn't be hard for you to find ...
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"Really, Skipper! Who are you going to listen to?
The global community of climatological PhDs with all that analytical data,
or a guy who insists he can befoul the heavens with impunity"?
You can persist in fantasizing that all climatological academies, societies, and associations on earth, and all those in other, related scientific disciplines, as well as all the governments of the nations on earth that respect the scientific consensus, are wrong and you are right regarding the climatological reality, of course.

Your superiority as a climatological expert to such an overwhelming concurrence of knowledgable folks entitles you to do a celebratory dance.

You can persist in the logical fallacy known as "appeal to authority".

And, I am sure that you will.

Because it's all you have.

Just like the high priests demanding virgins be sacrificed to the volcano gods.

You're no different from them.
... all climatological academies, societies, and associations on earth ...

Please list these ... I think they aren't saying what you think they're saying ... with links please ...

Still waiting for a shred of evidence ... if it's overwhelming, then it shouldn't be hard for you to find ...
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"Really, Skipper! Who are you going to listen to?
The global community of climatological PhDs with all that analytical data,
or a guy who insists he can befoul the heavens with impunity"?
That you can't see that your behavior is textbook zealot is further confirmation that you are a zealot.

You have no basis for your beliefs other than you were told to have those beliefs. You have made no attempt to understand anything you believe in.

zealot: a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.
You can persist in the logical fallacy known as "appeal to authority".
Out of curiosity, what other scientific disciplines do you insist you know more about than those who specialize in climatology?

"My karma just ran over your dogma" --- some bumper sticker on a car I was stuck behind in a traffic jam ... (it was awful, too hot, too sunny, too much construction work) ...
Out of curiosity, what other scientific disciplines do you insist you know more about than those who specialize in climatology?


Still waiting for a shred of evidence ... if it's overwhelming, then it shouldn't be hard for you to find ...
Still waiting for a shred of evidence ... if it's overwhelming, then it shouldn't be hard for you to find ...
If the evidence that has been accrued and analyzed by the world's climatologists that has enlightened the governments of every nation on earth enough to acknowledge reality is insufficient for your needs, I'm afraid that we'll just have to progress without you and hope that you can eventually catch up.

Former United States Rep. Bob Inglis, a conservative Republican from South Carolina, admits he was “ignorant” on climate change...
But today Mr. Inglis waxes poetic about how trips to Antarctica and the Great Barrier Reef, as a member of the House Science Committee, helped upend his views and spur him to try to win over like-minded potential converts to action on climate change.
“Our deal is to go to conservatives and be able to speak the language of conservatism to them,” he said in an interview, calling such framing “our natural language.”
Mr. Inglis’ proposition was put to the test when researchers rolled out a month’s worth of online ads, aimed at Republican-leaning voters and featuring prominent conservatives talking about climate risks.
Mr. Inglis’ proposition was put to the test when researchers rolled out a month’s worth of online ads, aimed at Republican-leaning voters and featuring prominent conservatives talking about climate risks.
A study of those 2019 ads, published in June in the journal Nature Climate Change, found they significantly boosted belief among right-leaning U.S. voters that global warming was a serious threat – a sentiment that still borders on heresy for many conservative hardliners...
The campaign raises hopes that communicators are closing in on solving a long-thorny problem: How to shift public opinion on climate change among a relatively stubborn subset of the U.S. population.
Awareness and concern about climate change has been growing in the U.S., but the shift has been far smaller among right-learning voters in a country where views on climate change often are shaped more by political affiliation than science...
Will there always be a few knee-jerk ideological zealots contemptuous of climatological data that does not comport with their denialist dogma? No doubt.

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We can't take them seriously.

Increasingly, Republican politicians, especially those with national ambitions, can't afford to:

... DeSantis’ first days in office were a whirlwind of environmental boons from promises of an annual earmark of $625 million to restore the state’s iconic river of grass to the ousting of the South Florida Water Management District governing board, which was seen as too friendly to agriculture.

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The benchmark report of DeSantis’ blue-green algae task force mentions climate change on its first page as a contributor to toxic blooms, while the new chief science officer — a position DeSantis created — said on his inaugural day that climate change is real and that humans exacerbate it.
Since then, DeSantis moved to buy 20,000 acres of Everglades land that was slated for oil drilling so that it could be preserved. He is supporting a bill to create a Statewide Office of Resiliency and Statewide Sea-Level Rise Task force, which were part of his January 2019 executive order on the environment.
A resolution, simply titled “Climate Change,” also is moving through committees that expresses lawmaker backing for resiliency efforts, including the addition of a statewide grid of electric vehicle charging stations.

You can persist in fantasizing that all climatological academies, societies, and associations on earth, and all those in other, related scientific disciplines, as well as all the governments of the nations on earth that respect the scientific consensus, are wrong and you are right regarding the climatological reality, of course.

Your superiority as a climatological expert to such an overwhelming concurrence of knowledgable folks entitles you to do a celebratory dance.

But if the climate crusader folks are so knowledgeable, why has their science had virtually no impact on those who make energy policy in the western world? I mean, isnt that that goal? Otherwise, its just an internet debate and really, who cares?

Where is there any evidence that the "scientific consensus" means anything outside the consensus science club? Ive been waiting 10 years in this forum for any evidence. None has been submitted by anybody.

Celebratory dances for things symbolic = ghey. Liberals do it on guns, kneeling, climate change, crime, electric vehicles.....have nothing to show for it except egg on the face. :deal:

It only matters who's winning in the real world........not the world of conjecture and unicorn chasing activities. Nobody cares about that.
Out of curiosity, what other scientific disciplines do you insist you know more about than those who specialize in climatology?


I'm a PhD geologist who helped build LANDSAT 1. I am qualified to teach ANY climatology class, including graduate level.

They, on the other hand, are not qualified to teach graduate level geology classes.

So why should I be impressed by them?
But if the climate crusader folks are so knowledgeable, why has their science had virtually no impact on those who make energy policy in the western world? I mean, isnt that that goal? Otherwise, its just an internet debate and really, who cares?

Where is there any evidence that the "scientific consensus" means anything outside the consensus science club? Ive been waiting 10 years in this forum for any evidence. None has been submitted by anybody.

Celebratory dances for things symbolic = ghey. Liberals do it on guns, kneeling, climate change, crime, electric vehicles.....have nothing to show for it except egg on the face. :deal:

It only matters who's winning in the real world........not the world of conjecture and unicorn chasing activities. Nobody cares about that.

So, a bunch of opinion. But STILL no actual science.

Hello religious zealot.
And yet the only scientific experiment that was performed to date proves they are wrong.
The pretense by incorrigible ideologues to knowing more about climatological science than the world's scientists who have actually accrued and analyzed the empirical data is always amusing.

Do scientists agree on climate change?​

Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most of the leading science organizations around the world have issued public statements expressing this, including international and U.S. science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the world. A list of these organizations is provided here.
Rather than whining, just post your list of actively publishing climate scientists who deny that humans are causing global warming and climate change.


"Oh, yeah! I believes the dirty fuel cartel!
It was them liars at NASA

that faked them moon landings!"
The pretense by incorrigible ideologues to knowing more about climatological science than the world's scientists who have actually accrued and analyzed the empirical data is always amusing.

Do scientists agree on climate change?​

Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most of the leading science organizations around the world have issued public statements expressing this, including international and U.S. science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the world. A list of these organizations is provided here.
Rather than whining, just post your list of actively publishing climate scientists who deny that humans are causing global warming and climate change.

View attachment 514623
"Oh, yeah! I believes the dirty fuel cartel!
It was them liars at NASA

that faked them moon landings!"

Dirty fuel user!!!

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