Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

... the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change ...

You keep saying this, I do not think you know what it means ... you've already admitted you have very little knowledge of science, how would you know if there's scientific evidence or not? ...

Death tolls from hurricanes was measured in the thousand when I was a kid, tornadoes in the hundreds ... today temperatures are 1ºC warmer and these death tolls rarely exceed 100 ... this tread is going to continue so should we be expecting deaths from weather to be eliminated? ...
Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

Ocean surface temperature has been warm enough for millions of years to spawn Tropical storms and Hurricanes, thus your statement is misleading and after the fact. But temperature alone isn't enough, there are other factors that determine the development of storms to progress beyond the tropical depression level.

ReinyDays is correct the death toll has dropped dramatically over the decades as this chart that seems to anger many shows:

View attachment 514221

ReinyDays is correct the death toll has dropped dramatically over the decades as this chart that seems to anger many shows:

This is mainly due to advances in science and technology, especially Doppler radar and to a lessor degree weather satellites ... truly amazing how much better we are today at preventing human suffering than just 50 years ago ... where will this be in 100 years? ... Brave New World indeed ...
ReinyDays is correct the death toll has dropped dramatically over the decades as this chart that seems to anger many shows:

This is mainly due to advances in science and technology, especially Doppler radar and to a lessor degree weather satellites ... truly amazing how much better we are today at preventing human suffering than just 50 years ago ... where will this be in 100 years? ... Brave New World indeed ...
Please provide your list of the international scientific bodies, national governments, and U.S. governmental departments and agencies, as well as any U.S. mayors, who have been won over by the ideologues in denial of science.
As more Republicans engage on the topic, they’ll breathe new life into ideas designed to reduce pollution without putting people out of work, leverage natural solutions to lower emissions, and create pathways for all Americans – especially those closest to the environment, such as our farmers and ranchers – in the fight against climate change.

That's great news!!

How many new nuke plants should we build?
That's great news!!

How many new nuke plants should we build?
That's debatable, but with the ideologists in denial of anthropogenic climate change unable to sell their notion to any scientific body anywhere on earth, and not a single nation sharing their refusal to respect the science, alternatives to dirty fuels are imperative.

Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?​

Don't know. But us anti-hoax "zealots" aren't. You can only fool some of the people all of the time.

Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?​

Don't know. But us anti-hoax "zealots" aren't. You can only fool some of the people all of the time.
The fact that the ideologues in denial are impotent in convincing any scientific body, or any nation, of their antic notion is encouraging.

It is necessary to deal with reality.
I'm glad that you are opting for science. A few are still in denial and cling to their ideological dogma.

Nuclear is among the alternatives to dirty fuels that must be debated.

What is there to debate?
It's reliable, large-scale, baseline power that emits no CO2.
What is there to debate?
It's reliable, large-scale, baseline power that emits no CO2.
If you wish to be an advocate for nuclear, or any other alternative to dirty fuels, you should initiate a thread to make your case. Others are likely to have differing preferences. Don't be afraid to discuss your solution. There are valid pluses and minuses for all.
The fact that the ideologues in denial are impotent in convincing any scientific body, or any nation, of their antic notion is encouraging.

It is necessary to deal with reality.
But the reality is the hoaxers want to keep people panicked so that they are easily controlled and separated from their valuables by the self-proclaimed "experts". Get a clue: Antarctica is still there. The polar bears remain happy. And costal cities are still dry. Follow the money
But the reality is the hoaxers want to keep people panicked so that they are easily controlled and separated from their valuables by the self-proclaimed "experts". Get a clue: Antarctica is still there. The polar bears remain happy. And costal cities are still dry. Follow the money
The fringe ideological dogmatists need to resort to such evidence-fee paranoid delusions to explain why all reputable scientific academies, societies and research centers as well as the governments of all the nations on earth acknowledge the reality, of course.

Yes, the dirty fuel cartel has profited handsomely, but the cost to humanity is far too great.
If you wish to be an advocate for nuclear, or any other alternative to dirty fuels, you should initiate a thread to make your case. Others are likely to have differing preferences. Don't be afraid to discuss your solution. There are valid pluses and minuses for all.

Don't be scared.
You can say you're for nuclear.
I won't tell your watermelon friends.
The fringe ideological dogmatists need to resort to such evidence-fee paranoid delusions to explain why all reputable scientific academies, societies and research centers as well as the governments of all the nations on earth acknowledge the reality, of course.

Yes, the dirty fuel cartel has profited handsomely, but the cost to humanity is far too great.
The fringe ideological dogmatists need to resort to such evidence-fee paranoid delusions to explain why all reputable scientific academies, societies and research centers as well as the governments of all the nations on earth acknowledge the reality, of course.

If they did I might but they don't; so I won't. You just see what you want to see.
The fringe ideological dogmatists need to resort to such evidence-fee paranoid delusions to explain why all reputable scientific academies, societies and research centers as well as the governments of all the nations on earth acknowledge the reality, of course.

Yes, the dirty fuel cartel has profited handsomely, but the cost to humanity is far too great.

The anti science fringe element are the fraudsters who decided the scientific method didn't apply to them.

That's YOU.
More propaganda drivel from those whom fail to grasp the math and science of one part versus 2,500 other parts;

Can Civilization Survive What’s Coming?​

According to the IPCC, we need to cut carbon pollution as fast as humanly possible to avoid catastrophic climate changes.

Note how the molecule essential to 99+% of life on this planet remains referred to as "pollution".
The pro-ACC/AGW idjoits are the anti-life killers of this world.

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