Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

Please provide these documents ... pick any point on the Earth's surface, tell us what the climate was 100 years ago, what the climate is today and what the climate will be in 100 years ... if all three are the same, then climate isn't changing ...

After that, tell the class, under no uncertain terms, what the perfect temperature would/should be.
Rather than make up a snippet fake criteria, why not reference global expertise and the vast amount of data the most knowledgable and experienced have accrued and analyzed? The consensus is quite significant.

why not reference global expertise and the vast amount of data the most knowledgable and experienced have accrued and analyzed?

Yes ... please ... provide us with all this data ...
Please provide these documents ... pick any point on the Earth's surface, tell us what the climate was 100 years ago, what the climate is today and what the climate will be in 100 years ... if all three are the same, then climate isn't changing ...

After that, tell the class, under no uncertain terms, what the perfect temperature would/should be.
Rather than make up a snippet fake criteria, why not reference global expertise and the vast amount of data the most knowledgable and experienced have accrued and analyzed? The consensus is quite significant.

why not reference global expertise and the vast amount of data the most knowledgable and experienced have accrued and analyzed?

Yes ... please ... provide us with all this data ...
It is readily available to you. To begin, you might find NASA informative.

If you believe that you know more about climate than climatologists, there is nothing that I can provide that will help you.

I asked you to provide a list of societies who do not benefit monetarily from supporting the fraud.
All lof them. Why did you think that was a tough question?

Oh, I get it. Every person and organization on your own side is corrupt. Your side runs entirely on bribe money and paid propaganda, so you project your own lifestyle on to that of moral people.

Always remember that we are not like you. Your side's corruption and immorality is unique to your side.

You are correct. They ALL get money for supporting the fraud. So why should i believe anything that they have to say?

They are being paid to lie.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are also crackpots whose ideological dogma compels them to rave against lepidopterists, vulcanologists, cardiologists - or experts in any other scientific discipline.

It's odd, but some folks are just not rational in such matters.

Non sequiturs don't help you. You are doing nothing more than claiming we have to sacrifice virgins to the volcano god.
Please provide these documents ... pick any point on the Earth's surface, tell us what the climate was 100 years ago, what the climate is today and what the climate will be in 100 years ... if all three are the same, then climate isn't changing ...

After that, tell the class, under no uncertain terms, what the perfect temperature would/should be.
Rather than make up a snippet fake criteria, why not reference global expertise and the vast amount of data the most knowledgable and experienced have accrued and analyzed? The consensus is quite significant.

why not reference global expertise and the vast amount of data the most knowledgable and experienced have accrued and analyzed?

Yes ... please ... provide us with all this data ...
It is readily available to you. To begin, you might find NASA informative.

If you believe that you know more about climate than climatologists, there is nothing that I can provide that will help you.

It is readily available to you. To begin, you might find NASA informative.

Thank you ... that page says temperatures have risen 2.1ºF (= 1ºC) in the past 140 years ... where has climate changed? ... we're only expecting another 4ºF (=2ºC) rise over the next 100 years according to the latest IPCC report ... something we experience almost every morning ...

NASA should send this to a reputable scientific journal for publishing ... see if it survives the peer-review process ...
If you believe that Bruce Jenner is a woman, if you're even willing to entertain the idea that he might plausibly be a woman, then there is nothing that any sane person can tell you that will help you.
So gender science is also something you're completely ignorant of. I understand. You fascist cult woujld toss you out if you weren't completely ignorant of everything. Your stupidity is well-rounded, so you're a denier as well. You fall for every bit of nonsense that your cult feeds you.

You deniers all need to try to grasp that you're the retards here, across a broad spectrum of topics. It would make your lives so much simpler. You won't have to engage in any conspiracy theories if you just gain the awareness that you've been the paste-eaters.
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If you believe that Bruce Jenner is a woman, if you're even willing to entertain the idea that he might plausibly be a woman, then there is nothing that any sane person can tell you that will help you.
So gender science is also something you're completely ignorant of. I understand. You fascist cult woujld toss you out if you weren't completely ignorant of everything. Your stupidity is well-rounded, so you're a denier as well. You fall for every bit of nonsense that your cult feeds you.

You deniers all need to try to grasp that you're the retards here, across a broad spectrum of topics. It would make you lives so much simpler. You won't have to engage in any conspiracy theories if you just gain the awareness that you've been the paste-eaters.

Gender science?
So gender science is also something you're completely ignorant of. I understand. You fascist cult woujld toss you out if you weren't completely ignorant of everything. Your stupidity is well-rounded, so you're a denier as well. You fall for every bit of nonsense that your cult feeds you.

You deniers all need to try to grasp that you're the retards here, across a broad spectrum of topics. It would make you lives so much simpler. You won't have to engage in any conspiracy theories if you just gain the awareness that you've been the paste-eaters.
Gender science?

It's exactly as I said earlier in this thread, as I've been saying wherever else it comes up, and the point with which I've been trying to hit SHITlap

It always needs to be pointed out, whenever anyone on the left wrong makes any attempt to lay any claim to “science”, that theirs is the “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
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If you believe that Bruce Jenner is a woman, if you're even willing to entertain the idea that he might plausibly be a woman, then there is nothing that any sane person can tell you that will help you.
So gender science is also something you're completely ignorant of. I understand. You fascist cult woujld toss you out if you weren't completely ignorant of everything. Your stupidity is well-rounded, so you're a denier as well. You fall for every bit of nonsense that your cult feeds you.

You deniers all need to try to grasp that you're the retards here, across a broad spectrum of topics. It would make you lives so much simpler. You won't have to engage in any conspiracy theories if you just gain the awareness that you've been the paste-eaters.

So gender science is also something you're completely ignorant of.

Actually ... it's more about linguistics ... words have gender ... people have sex ... that's where babies come from ... [giggle] ...

I asked you to provide a list of societies who do not benefit monetarily from supporting the fraud.
All lof them. Why did you think that was a tough question?

Oh, I get it. Every person and organization on your own side is corrupt. Your side runs entirely on bribe money and paid propaganda, so you project your own lifestyle on to that of moral people.

Always remember that we are not like you. Your side's corruption and immorality is unique to your side.

Now that was rich.

Remind us again how Al Gore peddles a bike to his climate fear monger activities.
Yes, anthropogenic climate change is a matter of great concern for farmers, and so the Department of Agriculture, like the Department of Defense, Commerce, and other responsible entities, like the hundreds of mayors throughout America, are conscientiously attempting to mitigate the scientific reality.

[Climate Change and Agriculture]

For them to defer to a crackpot ideological fringe rather than heed the global consensus of experts would be criminally negligent.

Going to start putting corks in cow's rear ends, are they ?
Yes, anthropogenic climate change is a matter of great concern for farmers, and so the Department of Agriculture, like the Department of Defense, Commerce, and other responsible entities, like the hundreds of mayors throughout America, are conscientiously attempting to mitigate the scientific reality.

[Climate Change and Agriculture]

For them to defer to a crackpot ideological fringe rather than heed the global consensus of experts would be criminally negligent.

Going to start putting corks in cow's rear ends, are they ?

Going to start putting corks in cow's rear ends, are they ?


Cows belch methane ... this has to do with their ruminant stomach ...

The increase in severe weather events comport with climatological forecasts. Catastrophic flooding in Europe and conflagrations in the Northwestern United States will require extensive scientific analysis to assess the extent to which the reality of anthropological climate change contributed, but such natural disasters do nothing to sustain the remnant of ideologues in their pathological denial.

One certitude, given the impact of the documented increase in extremes - droughts, downpours, more frequent and severe heatwaves, hurricanes, blizzards, etc., is that willful ignorance would come with a devastating cost if normal folks were to ignore science and substitute ideology. Fortunately, rigorous, dispassionate study will not be impeded by the strident revilements of the raging dissenters.

Studies have shown an increase in extreme downpours as the world warms, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations-backed group that reports on the science and impacts of global warming, has said that the frequency of these events will increase as temperatures continue to rise...
Dr. van Oldenborgh is one of the primary scientists with World Weather Attribution, a loose-knit group that quickly analyzes specific extreme weather events with regard to any climate-change impact. He said the group, which just finished a rapid analysis of the heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest in late June, was discussing whether they would study the German floods.
One reason for stronger downpours has to do with basic physics: warmer air holds more moisture, making it more likely that a specific storm will produce more precipitation. The world has warmed by a little more than 1 degree Celsius (about 2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the 19th century, when societies began pumping huge amounts of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.
For every 1 Celsius degree of warming, air can hold 7 percent more moisture. As a result, said Hayley Fowler, a professor of climate change impacts at Newcastle University in England, “These kinds of storm events will increase in intensity.”
And although it is still a subject of debate, there are studies that suggest rapid warming in the Arctic is affecting the jet stream, by reducing the temperature difference between northern and southern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. One effect in summer and fall, Dr. Fowler said, is that the high-altitude, globe-circling air current is weakening and slowing down.
“That means the storms have to move more slowly,” Dr. Fowler said. The storm that caused the recent flooding was practically stationary, she noted. The combination of more moisture and a stalled storm system can lead to extra-heavy rains over a given area.
Kai Kornhuber, a climate scientist with the Earth Institute of Columbia University, said that his and his colleagues’ research, and papers from other scientists, drew similar conclusions about slowing weather systems. “They all point in the same direction — that the summertime mid-latitude circulation, the jet stream, is slowing down and constitutes a more persistent weather pattern” that means extreme events like heat waves and pounding rains are likely to go on and on...
The European storm is “part of this bigger picture of extremes we’ve been seeing all along the Northern Hemisphere this summer,” she said, which include the heat in the American West and Pacific Northwest, intense rainfall and cooler temperatures in the Midwest, and heat waves in Scandinavia and Siberia.
“It’s never in isolation when it comes to an odd configuration of the jet stream,” Dr. Francis said. “One extreme in one place is always accompanied by extremes of different types.”
“It is all connected, and it’s all the same story, really,” she added.
Whether a science hater sputters against all of science, or focuses his ire upon microbiologists, geologists, botanists, biophysics, or the plethora of practitioners of other scientific disciplines including medical specialties, is certainly peculiar, but hardly impactful as the world's scientific bodies persist in the advancement of their specializations, and that knowledge they accrue benefits all - even those whose dogma compels them to rail against it.
Maybe the ideological crackpots, in their anti-science frenzy, can be gently redirected to attack astrobiologists or rheumatologists for a while, and give climatologists a break. Surely, they have a plethora of disciplines to choose from.

Screen Shot 2021-07-17 at 8.44.53 AM.png

"Come out of there! We know you're a board-certified proctologist!"

Remind us again how Al Gore peddles a bike to his climate fear monger activities.
Gore Rule invoked. Whenever some crybaby loser brings up Gore, they forfeit the thread their side.

Those who can talk about the issues, do. Those who are helpless propaganda patsies, they focus on politicians.

Needless to say, you almost never see a liberal talking about Gore or any politician when the issue is climate science. We can talk about the science, so we do.

Remind us again how Al Gore peddles a bike to his climate fear monger activities.
Gore Rule invoked. Whenever some crybaby loser brings up Gore, they forfeit the thread their side.

Those who can talk about the issues, do. Those who are helpless propaganda patsies, they focus on politicians.

Needless to say, you almost never see a liberal talking about Gore or any politician when the issue is climate science. We can talk about the science, so we do.

Gore provided as a answer to your stupid unsupported claim about one-sided corruption.

Maybe you need to up the dosage of your ADD meds.

The entire post I countered was NOTHING BUT PROPAGANDA and one of the articles of faith of the brainless left.

Nice attempt at deflection.
The increase in severe weather events comport with climatological forecasts. Catastrophic flooding in Europe and conflagrations in the Northwestern United States will require extensive scientific analysis to assess the extent to which the reality of anthropological climate change contributed, but such natural disasters do nothing to sustain the remnant of ideologues in their pathological denial.

One certitude, given the impact of the documented increase in extremes - droughts, downpours, more frequent and severe heatwaves, hurricanes, blizzards, etc., is that willful ignorance would come with a devastating cost if normal folks were to ignore science and substitute ideology. Fortunately, rigorous, dispassionate study will not be impeded by the strident revilements of the raging dissenters.

Studies have shown an increase in extreme downpours as the world warms, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations-backed group that reports on the science and impacts of global warming, has said that the frequency of these events will increase as temperatures continue to rise...
Dr. van Oldenborgh is one of the primary scientists with World Weather Attribution, a loose-knit group that quickly analyzes specific extreme weather events with regard to any climate-change impact. He said the group, which just finished a rapid analysis of the heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest in late June, was discussing whether they would study the German floods.
One reason for stronger downpours has to do with basic physics: warmer air holds more moisture, making it more likely that a specific storm will produce more precipitation. The world has warmed by a little more than 1 degree Celsius (about 2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the 19th century, when societies began pumping huge amounts of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.
For every 1 Celsius degree of warming, air can hold 7 percent more moisture. As a result, said Hayley Fowler, a professor of climate change impacts at Newcastle University in England, “These kinds of storm events will increase in intensity.”
And although it is still a subject of debate, there are studies that suggest rapid warming in the Arctic is affecting the jet stream, by reducing the temperature difference between northern and southern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. One effect in summer and fall, Dr. Fowler said, is that the high-altitude, globe-circling air current is weakening and slowing down.
“That means the storms have to move more slowly,” Dr. Fowler said. The storm that caused the recent flooding was practically stationary, she noted. The combination of more moisture and a stalled storm system can lead to extra-heavy rains over a given area.
Kai Kornhuber, a climate scientist with the Earth Institute of Columbia University, said that his and his colleagues’ research, and papers from other scientists, drew similar conclusions about slowing weather systems. “They all point in the same direction — that the summertime mid-latitude circulation, the jet stream, is slowing down and constitutes a more persistent weather pattern” that means extreme events like heat waves and pounding rains are likely to go on and on...
The European storm is “part of this bigger picture of extremes we’ve been seeing all along the Northern Hemisphere this summer,” she said, which include the heat in the American West and Pacific Northwest, intense rainfall and cooler temperatures in the Midwest, and heat waves in Scandinavia and Siberia.
“It’s never in isolation when it comes to an odd configuration of the jet stream,” Dr. Francis said. “One extreme in one place is always accompanied by extremes of different types.”
“It is all connected, and it’s all the same story, really,” she added.
Whether a science hater sputters against all of science, or focuses his ire upon microbiologists, geologists, botanists, biophysics, or the plethora of practitioners of other scientific disciplines including medical specialties, is certainly peculiar, but hardly impactful as the world's scientific bodies persist in the advancement of their specializations, and that knowledge they accrue benefits all - even those whose dogma compels them to rail against it.

This from the same crew that said the gulf would be devastated by dozens of hurricanes each year.
As the evidence accrues, hardcore ideologues become increasingly hysterical in the face of the empirical data:

When professor Dieter Gerten learned that his home village was one of many hit with torrential rains and severe flooding this week, he was devastated, but not entirely surprised.
“These sorts of events are totally what is expected due to climate projections for the past 30 years, which have said there will be a higher intensity and frequency of heat waves, of droughts and of strong rain events” ...
Gerten acknowledged it was "not easy or possible to link a single event to climate change.” However, he said, it was “possible to link a series of events, as well as the increasing frequency and the increasing intensity.”
Pointing to the recent record-breaking deadly heat wave that affected parts of the western United States and Canada earlier this month, he said the frequency of such weather events could increase if the global community does not do more to combat climate change.
Experts have cautioned that it is too soon to directly blame the floods on climate change, but the science is clear that such disasters could become more common due to its impact.
German politicians, including President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, have nonetheless called for greater efforts to combat global warming.
“Only if we decisively take up the fight against climate change will we be able to limit the extreme weather conditions we are now experiencing,” he said Friday.
Acknowledging the opposing viewpoint:


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