Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

One certitude, given the impact of the documented increase in extremes - droughts, downpours, more frequent and severe heatwaves, hurricanes, blizzards, etc.,

More severe than the 1200s? Than the 800s BC? Than the 3000s BC?

Maybe you have a NASA link with proof?
The increase in severe weather events comport with climatological forecasts. Catastrophic flooding in Europe and conflagrations in the Northwestern United States will require extensive scientific analysis to assess the extent to which the reality of anthropological climate change contributed, but such natural disasters do nothing to sustain the remnant of ideologues in their pathological denial.

One certitude, given the impact of the documented increase in extremes - droughts, downpours, more frequent and severe heatwaves, hurricanes, blizzards, etc., is that willful ignorance would come with a devastating cost if normal folks were to ignore science and substitute ideology. Fortunately, rigorous, dispassionate study will not be impeded by the strident revilements of the raging dissenters.

Studies have shown an increase in extreme downpours as the world warms, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations-backed group that reports on the science and impacts of global warming, has said that the frequency of these events will increase as temperatures continue to rise...
Dr. van Oldenborgh is one of the primary scientists with World Weather Attribution, a loose-knit group that quickly analyzes specific extreme weather events with regard to any climate-change impact. He said the group, which just finished a rapid analysis of the heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest in late June, was discussing whether they would study the German floods.
One reason for stronger downpours has to do with basic physics: warmer air holds more moisture, making it more likely that a specific storm will produce more precipitation. The world has warmed by a little more than 1 degree Celsius (about 2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the 19th century, when societies began pumping huge amounts of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.
For every 1 Celsius degree of warming, air can hold 7 percent more moisture. As a result, said Hayley Fowler, a professor of climate change impacts at Newcastle University in England, “These kinds of storm events will increase in intensity.”
And although it is still a subject of debate, there are studies that suggest rapid warming in the Arctic is affecting the jet stream, by reducing the temperature difference between northern and southern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. One effect in summer and fall, Dr. Fowler said, is that the high-altitude, globe-circling air current is weakening and slowing down.
“That means the storms have to move more slowly,” Dr. Fowler said. The storm that caused the recent flooding was practically stationary, she noted. The combination of more moisture and a stalled storm system can lead to extra-heavy rains over a given area.
Kai Kornhuber, a climate scientist with the Earth Institute of Columbia University, said that his and his colleagues’ research, and papers from other scientists, drew similar conclusions about slowing weather systems. “They all point in the same direction — that the summertime mid-latitude circulation, the jet stream, is slowing down and constitutes a more persistent weather pattern” that means extreme events like heat waves and pounding rains are likely to go on and on...
The European storm is “part of this bigger picture of extremes we’ve been seeing all along the Northern Hemisphere this summer,” she said, which include the heat in the American West and Pacific Northwest, intense rainfall and cooler temperatures in the Midwest, and heat waves in Scandinavia and Siberia.
“It’s never in isolation when it comes to an odd configuration of the jet stream,” Dr. Francis said. “One extreme in one place is always accompanied by extremes of different types.”
“It is all connected, and it’s all the same story, really,” she added.
Whether a science hater sputters against all of science, or focuses his ire upon microbiologists, geologists, botanists, biophysics, or the plethora of practitioners of other scientific disciplines including medical specialties, is certainly peculiar, but hardly impactful as the world's scientific bodies persist in the advancement of their specializations, and that knowledge they accrue benefits all - even those whose dogma compels them to rail against it.

The increase in severe weather events comport with climatological forecasts.

You watch too much TV ... The Weather Channel's goal is to get you to buy a Ford F-150 pick-up with a snow plow attachment, and sow you everyplace in the world where's it's snowing ... because ... "this could happen to YOU !!!" ... this particular claim is not made within the scientific literature, unless you have a scientific citation you can post ...

You might want to read the the blurbs you copy/paste ... the one above fully supports my position in this matter ... the large-scale circulation is slowing down with rising temperatures ... as the blurb points out ... "bad" weather will last a little bit longer, but also "good" weather will last longer as well ... average wind speed is decreasing, thus it natural follows there is less average power in the atmosphere ... making it less likely for this power to concentrate into powerful storms ... this is offset by increased mass of water vapor at the surface ... the balance point no climatologist can say right now ... yeah, that 7% number applies to the upper atmosphere as well ... that fact is of profound importance ...

Catastrophic flooding in Europe and conflagrations in the Northwestern United States will require extensive scientific analysis to assess the extent to which the reality of anthropological climate change contributed

Of which many are returned "global warming had minimal contribution" ... this news isn't click-bait, so you've never seen it ... now have you? ...

The IPCC report takes into account quantum saturation ... why aren't you? ...
The increase in severe weather events comport with climatological forecasts. Catastrophic flooding in Europe and conflagrations in the Northwestern United States will require extensive scientific analysis to assess the extent to which the reality of anthropological climate change contributed, but such natural disasters do nothing to sustain the remnant of ideologues in their pathological denial.

One certitude, given the impact of the documented increase in extremes - droughts, downpours, more frequent and severe heatwaves, hurricanes, blizzards, etc., is that willful ignorance would come with a devastating cost if normal folks were to ignore science and substitute ideology. Fortunately, rigorous, dispassionate study will not be impeded by the strident revilements of the raging dissenters.

Studies have shown an increase in extreme downpours as the world warms, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations-backed group that reports on the science and impacts of global warming, has said that the frequency of these events will increase as temperatures continue to rise...
Dr. van Oldenborgh is one of the primary scientists with World Weather Attribution, a loose-knit group that quickly analyzes specific extreme weather events with regard to any climate-change impact. He said the group, which just finished a rapid analysis of the heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest in late June, was discussing whether they would study the German floods.
One reason for stronger downpours has to do with basic physics: warmer air holds more moisture, making it more likely that a specific storm will produce more precipitation. The world has warmed by a little more than 1 degree Celsius (about 2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the 19th century, when societies began pumping huge amounts of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.
For every 1 Celsius degree of warming, air can hold 7 percent more moisture. As a result, said Hayley Fowler, a professor of climate change impacts at Newcastle University in England, “These kinds of storm events will increase in intensity.”
And although it is still a subject of debate, there are studies that suggest rapid warming in the Arctic is affecting the jet stream, by reducing the temperature difference between northern and southern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. One effect in summer and fall, Dr. Fowler said, is that the high-altitude, globe-circling air current is weakening and slowing down.
“That means the storms have to move more slowly,” Dr. Fowler said. The storm that caused the recent flooding was practically stationary, she noted. The combination of more moisture and a stalled storm system can lead to extra-heavy rains over a given area.
Kai Kornhuber, a climate scientist with the Earth Institute of Columbia University, said that his and his colleagues’ research, and papers from other scientists, drew similar conclusions about slowing weather systems. “They all point in the same direction — that the summertime mid-latitude circulation, the jet stream, is slowing down and constitutes a more persistent weather pattern” that means extreme events like heat waves and pounding rains are likely to go on and on...
The European storm is “part of this bigger picture of extremes we’ve been seeing all along the Northern Hemisphere this summer,” she said, which include the heat in the American West and Pacific Northwest, intense rainfall and cooler temperatures in the Midwest, and heat waves in Scandinavia and Siberia.
“It’s never in isolation when it comes to an odd configuration of the jet stream,” Dr. Francis said. “One extreme in one place is always accompanied by extremes of different types.”
“It is all connected, and it’s all the same story, really,” she added.
Whether a science hater sputters against all of science, or focuses his ire upon microbiologists, geologists, botanists, biophysics, or the plethora of practitioners of other scientific disciplines including medical specialties, is certainly peculiar, but hardly impactful as the world's scientific bodies persist in the advancement of their specializations, and that knowledge they accrue benefits all - even those whose dogma compels them to rail against it.

All lies camouflaged as opinion. A simple review of historical fact exposes your claims as outright lies.
As the evidence accrues, hardcore ideologues become increasingly hysterical in the face of the empirical data:

When professor Dieter Gerten learned that his home village was one of many hit with torrential rains and severe flooding this week, he was devastated, but not entirely surprised.
“These sorts of events are totally what is expected due to climate projections for the past 30 years, which have said there will be a higher intensity and frequency of heat waves, of droughts and of strong rain events” ...
Gerten acknowledged it was "not easy or possible to link a single event to climate change.” However, he said, it was “possible to link a series of events, as well as the increasing frequency and the increasing intensity.”
Pointing to the recent record-breaking deadly heat wave that affected parts of the western United States and Canada earlier this month, he said the frequency of such weather events could increase if the global community does not do more to combat climate change.
Experts have cautioned that it is too soon to directly blame the floods on climate change, but the science is clear that such disasters could become more common due to its impact.
German politicians, including President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, have nonetheless called for greater efforts to combat global warming.
“Only if we decisively take up the fight against climate change will we be able to limit the extreme weather conditions we are now experiencing,” he said Friday.
Acknowledging the opposing viewpoint:

What evidence? You have presented none.

"Ah kin tell a lie real easy!
It's whenever experts in their field contradict my belief,
and they gussies up their phony consensus
with all that there "empirical data!"

As the evidence accrues, hardcore ideologues become increasingly hysterical in the face of the empirical data:

When professor Dieter Gerten learned that his home village was one of many hit with torrential rains and severe flooding this week, he was devastated, but not entirely surprised.
“These sorts of events are totally what is expected due to climate projections for the past 30 years, which have said there will be a higher intensity and frequency of heat waves, of droughts and of strong rain events” ...
Gerten acknowledged it was "not easy or possible to link a single event to climate change.” However, he said, it was “possible to link a series of events, as well as the increasing frequency and the increasing intensity.”
Pointing to the recent record-breaking deadly heat wave that affected parts of the western United States and Canada earlier this month, he said the frequency of such weather events could increase if the global community does not do more to combat climate change.
Experts have cautioned that it is too soon to directly blame the floods on climate change, but the science is clear that such disasters could become more common due to its impact.
German politicians, including President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, have nonetheless called for greater efforts to combat global warming.
“Only if we decisively take up the fight against climate change will we be able to limit the extreme weather conditions we are now experiencing,” he said Friday.
Acknowledging the opposing viewpoint:

What evidence? You have presented none.

To him evidence is by consensus.....

That is why I kept calling him a science illiterate since the fool doesn't even know what the AGW is about.

I have a consensus view that he is a 400 pound blob living off 50 hot pockets and a gallon of 7 up every day, I can't be wrong since it is a consensus......
View attachment 513869
"Ah kin tell a lie real easy!
It's whenever experts in their field contradict my belief,
and they gussies up their phony consensus
with all that there "empirical data!"

So you admit you have nothing. Good. Now everyone can see who the anti science religious nutjobs are.

Hello anti science religious nutjob!
if we don't enact the Green New Deal RIGHT NOW, people in a coupla years will have to set themselves on fire for warmth

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

... the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change ...

You keep saying this, I do not think you know what it means ... you've already admitted you have very little knowledge of science, how would you know if there's scientific evidence or not? ...

Death tolls from hurricanes was measured in the thousand when I was a kid, tornadoes in the hundreds ... today temperatures are 1ºC warmer and these death tolls rarely exceed 100 ... this tread is going to continue so should we be expecting deaths from weather to be eliminated? ...

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

... the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change ...

You keep saying this, I do not think you know what it means ... you've already admitted you have very little knowledge of science, how would you know if there's scientific evidence or not? ...

Death tolls from hurricanes was measured in the thousand when I was a kid, tornadoes in the hundreds ... today temperatures are 1ºC warmer and these death tolls rarely exceed 100 ... this tread is going to continue so should we be expecting deaths from weather to be eliminated? ...
Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

... the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change ...

You keep saying this, I do not think you know what it means ... you've already admitted you have very little knowledge of science, how would you know if there's scientific evidence or not? ...

Death tolls from hurricanes was measured in the thousand when I was a kid, tornadoes in the hundreds ... today temperatures are 1ºC warmer and these death tolls rarely exceed 100 ... this tread is going to continue so should we be expecting deaths from weather to be eliminated? ...
Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

This is based on Arctic Amplification ... the poles are warming twice as fast as the tropics, thus the temperature difference is decreasing between the two ... the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics demands the driving force of this energy be decreasing, which in turn decreases the power ... this you already know ... the part here in meteorlogy is that cyclones are part of this energy transport system ...

Hurricanes generally form at around 10º latitude, the tropics ... and more often than not they'll track towards the poles in a big curve ... moving warm tropical air towards the poles ... alternately we have cold-core cyclones spinning off the polar front heading towards the tropics moving cold polar air towards the equator ... we can model this behavior as turbulence within the general air flow of the large-scale convective circulation, for which the force involved is gravity via Navier/Stokes equations and/or Continuum Theory ...

The 2nd Law and the large scale atmospheric circulation are established scientific facts ... energy is more concentrated at the tropics than the poles, therefore energy MUST move toward the poles ... how fast (how powerfully) depends strictly on the temperature difference ... the larger the difference, the greater the force and the greater the power, and the greater the winds actually transporting this energy ... but we observe the opposite, the temperature difference is decreasing, so both force and power are decreasing ... with less power we have less turbidity (i.e. less frequent and less powerful cyclones) ...

You've made a very common mistake ... energy alone does not cause weather, we need this energy to be in motion to cause weather ... any average we calculate from weather is climate ... with average power in the atmosphere decreasing, the concentration of power becomes less likely ... this comes from the hurricanes experts at the NHC, who were all dismissed from the IPCC mainly for pointing out that all the empirical data collected on hurricanes show no treads either up or down on hurricane frequency or intensity ... any claims of increases are fabricated ...

Thank you to the OP for providing the citation to my claims here in his Post #394: "And although it is still a subject of debate, there are studies that suggest rapid warming in the Arctic is affecting the jet stream, by reducing the temperature difference between northern and southern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. One effect in summer and fall, Dr. Fowler said, is that the high-altitude, globe-circling air current is weakening and slowing down." ... Climatologists all know this, so when they write scientific papers to each other, they assume the reader knows this as well ... it seems you don't so you should definitely get a good textbook on meteorology and read it, and by "good" I mean chuck full of differentials and integrals, you'll need to be competent in calculus before you begin ... and of course basic physics, I shouldn't have to explain to you the relationship between force and power ... and you might want to go over the physics of solutions found in general chemistry textbooks ... again, climatologists assume the reader already understands saturation and equilibrium at the air/water interface, where both weather and climate begin ...

Climate change is real and natural

The climate is and always has been in a constant state of change

Its the man-made global warming doomsday hoax that people reject

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

... the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change ...

You keep saying this, I do not think you know what it means ... you've already admitted you have very little knowledge of science, how would you know if there's scientific evidence or not? ...

Death tolls from hurricanes was measured in the thousand when I was a kid, tornadoes in the hundreds ... today temperatures are 1ºC warmer and these death tolls rarely exceed 100 ... this tread is going to continue so should we be expecting deaths from weather to be eliminated? ...
Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

This is based on Arctic Amplification ... the poles are warming twice as fast as the tropics, thus the temperature difference is decreasing between the two ... the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics demands the driving force of this energy be decreasing, which in turn decreases the power ... this you already know ... the part here in meteorlogy is that cyclones are part of this energy transport system ...

Hurricanes generally form at around 10º latitude, the tropics ... and more often than not they'll track towards the poles in a big curve ... moving warm tropical air towards the poles ... alternately we have cold-core cyclones spinning off the polar front heading towards the tropics moving cold polar air towards the equator ... we can model this behavior as turbulence within the general air flow of the large-scale convective circulation, for which the force involved is gravity via Navier/Stokes equations and/or Continuum Theory ...

The 2nd Law and the large scale atmospheric circulation are established scientific facts ... energy is more concentrated at the tropics than the poles, therefore energy MUST move toward the poles ... how fast (how powerfully) depends strictly on the temperature difference ... the larger the difference, the greater the force and the greater the power, and the greater the winds actually transporting this energy ... but we observe the opposite, the temperature difference is decreasing, so both force and power are decreasing ... with less power we have less turbidity (i.e. less frequent and less powerful cyclones) ...

You've made a very common mistake ... energy alone does not cause weather, we need this energy to be in motion to cause weather ... any average we calculate from weather is climate ... with average power in the atmosphere decreasing, the concentration of power becomes less likely ... this comes from the hurricanes experts at the NHC, who were all dismissed from the IPCC mainly for pointing out that all the empirical data collected on hurricanes show no treads either up or down on hurricane frequency or intensity ... any claims of increases are fabricated ...

Thank you to the OP for providing the citation to my claims here in his Post #394: "And although it is still a subject of debate, there are studies that suggest rapid warming in the Arctic is affecting the jet stream, by reducing the temperature difference between northern and southern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. One effect in summer and fall, Dr. Fowler said, is that the high-altitude, globe-circling air current is weakening and slowing down." ... Climatologists all know this, so when they write scientific papers to each other, they assume the reader knows this as well ... it seems you don't so you should definitely get a good textbook on meteorology and read it, and by "good" I mean chuck full of differentials and integrals, you'll need to be competent in calculus before you begin ... and of course basic physics, I shouldn't have to explain to you the relationship between force and power ... and you might want to go over the physics of solutions found in general chemistry textbooks ... again, climatologists assume the reader already understands saturation and equilibrium at the air/water interface, where both weather and climate begin ...
Even the most fanatical ideologues will be impacted by the reality. Denial is not an option.

More than 60 Republican members of Congress recently launched the Conservative Climate Caucus to provide leadership in America’s fight against climate change. All Americans who care about our country and our planet should welcome this development....​
With this caucus, lawmakers now have a place to come together and learn about energy and environmental issues from each other, from their constituents, and from top experts in the field without having to worry about hidden political motives or partisan hubris...
As more Republicans engage on the topic, they’ll breathe new life into ideas designed to reduce pollution without putting people out of work, leverage natural solutions to lower emissions, and create pathways for all Americans – especially those closest to the environment, such as our farmers and ranchers – in the fight against climate change.
This acceleration of ideas and engagement was demonstrated by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s announcement of dozens of Republican-sponsored climate bills during Earth Week this year.
The threat of climate change is real, but so is the threat that our adversaries will exploit any economic harm America self-inflicts for environmental showmanship.
(This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: How conservatives can fight climate change and protect our economy}
Meanwhile, the crackpots appear to be convincing no one of their ideologically-induced paranoid fantasy of a vast, mysterious conspiracy perpetrated by climatologists and endorsed by the international community. As the forecasts of the extreme weather events are proven accurate, their jihad against science fizzles.
Last edited:

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

... the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change ...

You keep saying this, I do not think you know what it means ... you've already admitted you have very little knowledge of science, how would you know if there's scientific evidence or not? ...

Death tolls from hurricanes was measured in the thousand when I was a kid, tornadoes in the hundreds ... today temperatures are 1ºC warmer and these death tolls rarely exceed 100 ... this tread is going to continue so should we be expecting deaths from weather to be eliminated? ...
Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

This is based on Arctic Amplification ... the poles are warming twice as fast as the tropics, thus the temperature difference is decreasing between the two ... the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics demands the driving force of this energy be decreasing, which in turn decreases the power ... this you already know ... the part here in meteorlogy is that cyclones are part of this energy transport system ...

Hurricanes generally form at around 10º latitude, the tropics ... and more often than not they'll track towards the poles in a big curve ... moving warm tropical air towards the poles ... alternately we have cold-core cyclones spinning off the polar front heading towards the tropics moving cold polar air towards the equator ... we can model this behavior as turbulence within the general air flow of the large-scale convective circulation, for which the force involved is gravity via Navier/Stokes equations and/or Continuum Theory ...

The 2nd Law and the large scale atmospheric circulation are established scientific facts ... energy is more concentrated at the tropics than the poles, therefore energy MUST move toward the poles ... how fast (how powerfully) depends strictly on the temperature difference ... the larger the difference, the greater the force and the greater the power, and the greater the winds actually transporting this energy ... but we observe the opposite, the temperature difference is decreasing, so both force and power are decreasing ... with less power we have less turbidity (i.e. less frequent and less powerful cyclones) ...

You've made a very common mistake ... energy alone does not cause weather, we need this energy to be in motion to cause weather ... any average we calculate from weather is climate ... with average power in the atmosphere decreasing, the concentration of power becomes less likely ... this comes from the hurricanes experts at the NHC, who were all dismissed from the IPCC mainly for pointing out that all the empirical data collected on hurricanes show no treads either up or down on hurricane frequency or intensity ... any claims of increases are fabricated ...

Thank you to the OP for providing the citation to my claims here in his Post #394: "And although it is still a subject of debate, there are studies that suggest rapid warming in the Arctic is affecting the jet stream, by reducing the temperature difference between northern and southern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. One effect in summer and fall, Dr. Fowler said, is that the high-altitude, globe-circling air current is weakening and slowing down." ... Climatologists all know this, so when they write scientific papers to each other, they assume the reader knows this as well ... it seems you don't so you should definitely get a good textbook on meteorology and read it, and by "good" I mean chuck full of differentials and integrals, you'll need to be competent in calculus before you begin ... and of course basic physics, I shouldn't have to explain to you the relationship between force and power ... and you might want to go over the physics of solutions found in general chemistry textbooks ... again, climatologists assume the reader already understands saturation and equilibrium at the air/water interface, where both weather and climate begin ...
Even the most fanatical ideologues will be impacted by the reality. Denial is not an option.

More than 60 Republican members of Congress recently launched the Conservative Climate Caucus to provide leadership in America’s fight against climate change. All Americans who care about our country and our planet should welcome this development....​
With this caucus, lawmakers now have a place to come together and learn about energy and environmental issues from each other, from their constituents, and from top experts in the field without having to worry about hidden political motives or partisan hubris...
As more Republicans engage on the topic, they’ll breathe new life into ideas designed to reduce pollution without putting people out of work, leverage natural solutions to lower emissions, and create pathways for all Americans – especially those closest to the environment, such as our farmers and ranchers – in the fight against climate change.
This acceleration of ideas and engagement was demonstrated by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s announcement of dozens of Republican-sponsored climate bills during Earth Week this year.
The threat of climate change is real, but so is the threat that our adversaries will exploit any economic harm America self-inflicts for environmental showmanship.
(This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: How conservatives can fight climate change and protect our economy}
Meanwhile, the crackpots appear to be convincing no one of their ideologically-induced paranoid fantasy of a vast, mysterious conspiracy perpetrated by climatologists and endorsed by the international community. As the forecasts of the extreme weather events are proven accurate, their jihad against science fizzles.

Do you have an actual scientific citation that backs up your claims? ... no? ... didn't think so ...

You make for a good gorilla ... spewing the barf you've been eating ... you don't have to post anymore quotes from the National Enquirer or USA Today to show you're an idiot ...

When experts are paid to lie, they are no longer experts.

NASA and NOAA faked climate data in the GISTEMP global temperature record to exaggerate global warming.
[Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?]
If you actually know of anyone who is still spreading fake information concerning anthropogenic climate change who is still being paid by the dirty fuel cartel, you should name them, Skippy. An Exxon lobbyist spilled the beans, and the self-serving fraud of the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil and Shell Corporations has been exposed, but if you know of any such scams still afoot, out them, by all means!

Do crackpot notions with no credible evidence occur in threes? Willful ignorance concerning who the duly-elected President of the United States is, goofball ideological taboos concerning Covid vaccines, and nutcase refusal to recognize the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change seem to arise from the same susceptibility to conspiracy nonsense.

All such misconceptions have adverse consequences to the extent that gullible sorts are duped into swallowing them. Ignorance comes at a price. E.g.,

Insider reported on Tuesday that the highest number of new cases caused by the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant are mostly in states with low vaccination rates — which on the whole are Republican.

... the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change ...

You keep saying this, I do not think you know what it means ... you've already admitted you have very little knowledge of science, how would you know if there's scientific evidence or not? ...

Death tolls from hurricanes was measured in the thousand when I was a kid, tornadoes in the hundreds ... today temperatures are 1ºC warmer and these death tolls rarely exceed 100 ... this tread is going to continue so should we be expecting deaths from weather to be eliminated? ...
Did you actually expect ANYONE to accept that as a valid argument? Air and ocean temperatures have increased and that thermal energy is the source that drives hurricanes. With what part of that statement do you disagree?

Ocean surface temperature has been warm enough for millions of years to spawn Tropical storms and Hurricanes, thus your statement is misleading and after the fact. But temperature alone isn't enough, there are other factors that determine the development of storms to progress beyond the tropical depression level.

ReinyDays is correct the death toll has dropped dramatically over the decades as this chart that seems to anger many shows:


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