Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change
The ideological dogma that decrees one is free to poop into the heavens with impunity appears to be tenacious.

Housebreaking the obstinate is a challenge.

Spewing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere impacts the atmosphere.
C02 is not a pollutant, moron. Plants need it to live.

Statement: "C02 is not a pollutant, moron. Plants need it to live."

Response: Retention of CO2 is deadly in Human Beings.

Or is this also fake news and lying scientists, in your opinion?
Actually more co2 more the plant flourishes, get rid of C02 the plants die and so do we. Real science.
True, but only sophistry.
Facts tripping you up tonight?
You need to look up the word sophistry.

And read post above, #114

More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change
The ideological dogma that decrees one is free to poop into the heavens with impunity appears to be tenacious.

Housebreaking the obstinate is a challenge.

Spewing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere impacts the atmosphere.
C02 is not a pollutant, moron. Plants need it to live.

Statement: "C02 is not a pollutant, moron. Plants need it to live."

Response: Retention of CO2 is deadly in Human Beings.

Or is this also fake news and lying scientists, in your opinion?
Your link says that CO2 levels would have to be 100 times higher than normal in order to be life threatening.

That's like saying water is deadly, as if you consume 100 times the normal amount, you will most certainly die.
I don't know what percentage causes COPD and Pulmonary diseases though they may be caused by infection, smoking tobacco, or by breathing in secondhand tobacco smoke, radon, asbestos, or other forms of air pollution. Many of these can cause death.

I'm not suggesting CO2 will become a major gas in our atmosphere, I simply stated it is deadly when inhaled. So can Nitrogen when used by SCUBA Divers.
CO2 doesn't cause COPD and Pulmonary diseases, moron. Smoke and CO2 are two different things. CO2 is not deadly, any more than salt or water are deadly.
The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Well you know it was predicted that we were going to run out of food by the year 2000. I don't know about you, but I'm still eating. Oh and, all of Gore's predictions have been crap also. You be a good little pawn though.
More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change
You mean your predictions that are 100% wrong every time? There is climate change it got into the 70's last night and will get in the mid eighties today.

There is no doubt that climate change is having an impact. Liberal predictions may not be happening as soon as predicted but they are still happening.

How are Conservative claims that THERE IS NO CLIMATE CHANGE working out?

what predictions? There havent been any predictions coming true especially when you watch the snow come down at their global warming summits
They obviously aren't worried about C02 because they all fly their private jets around. All the while saying we are the problem.
Dumb comment. Why not add to your post all MLB, NBA, etc players and coaches and Donald Trump who flew to Mar a Loga? Oh yeah, Trump doesn't care about our planet or the people, Animals and plants.
He isn't the one's making money off global warming. Gore's energy bill for one month in one of his house could pay for mine for a year. If he is that worried about the climate, you would think he would cut back and that is from one of his homes. The one's that cry the most are the biggest polluters.
Who is making money off of climate change denial?

They appreciate your help
Considering there is nothing that can replace oil efficiency. I'll go with oil.

Oils days are numbered
You're gloating over having a much lower standard of living, moron.
The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Well you know it was predicted that we were going to run out of food by the year 2000. I don't know about you, but I'm still eating. Oh and, all of Gore's predictions have been crap also. You be a good little pawn though.
More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change
You mean your predictions that are 100% wrong every time? There is climate change it got into the 70's last night and will get in the mid eighties today.

There is no doubt that climate change is having an impact. Liberal predictions may not be happening as soon as predicted but they are still happening.

How are Conservative claims that THERE IS NO CLIMATE CHANGE working out?

what predictions? There havent been any predictions coming true especially when you watch the snow come down at their global warming summits
They obviously aren't worried about C02 because they all fly their private jets around. All the while saying we are the problem.
Dumb comment. Why not add to your post all MLB, NBA, etc players and coaches and Donald Trump who flew to Mar a Loga? Oh yeah, Trump doesn't care about our planet or the people, Animals and plants.
He isn't the one's making money off global warming. Gore's energy bill for one month in one of his house could pay for mine for a year. If he is that worried about the climate, you would think he would cut back and that is from one of his homes. The one's that cry the most are the biggest polluters.
How do you know his energy bill? For the record, we pay less than $5.00 each month, we have panels on our roof and we own two electric cars: Tesla and Chevy Bolt, so we don't need to buy gas.
How about in January?
Those scientists are paid by the politicians that want the climate change policies in place.
Trump's cult cannot accept the consensus of scientific expertise because it conflicts with their Master's proclamation that anthropogenic climate change is a Chinese hoax.

All the world's most respected climatologists and scientific institutions must be complicit in yet another of his evidence-free vast conspiracies, their enormous wealth of data that confirm the dramatic rise in global temperature concurrent with the industrial revolution and upsurge in CO
2 emissions all fake, all the scientists and scientific institutions corrupt.

Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 8.29.08 PM.png

Of course, the God Emperor know more about everything, as he insists:


The big picture: President Trump says he's an expert on a lot of things, including ISIS, taxes, technology, nuclear arms and even Sen. Cory Booker.​

Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)
“I deal with architects all the time. They have zero talent. I can draw better than they can. And you know, drawing is an important part of being an architect, in my opinion.”
What is he talking about? He doesn’t really know himself—when Birnbach asks him why the corners of Mar-a-Lago’s pool and tennis courts are cut off, Trump says these are chaffered corners, going as far as spelling the word for her. Trump was wrong about this—it’s actually chamfered, Birnbach clarifies. But the real point is to laugh and fantasize with this silly guy who is pouring ungodly amounts of money into making his club (memberships started at $25,000 but by November 1996 had jumped to $75,000) as “gorgeous” and “perfect” as possible. “There’s never been anything like it. There never will. You could never do it again,” he explains.​

... and, of course, he is a crackerjack meteorologist, as well:

Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 8.19.00 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 8.12.14 PM.png

Trump displayed an altered graphic purporting to show Hurricane Dorian potentially hitting Alabama
after he had incorrectly stated that it would hit Alabama.

[]Did Trump Display an Altered Hurricane Dorian Map Showing Alabama in Its Path?]​
Last edited:
How do you know his energy bill? For the record, we pay less than $5.00 each month, we have panels on our roof and we own two electric cars: Tesla and Chevy Bolt, so we don't need to buy gas.
>How do you know his energy bill?

>For the record, we pay less than $5.00 each month, we have panels on our roof and we own two electric cars: Tesla and Chevy Bolt, so we don't need to buy gas.

Excuse me, but I am skeptical about that ($5.00). How much did the panels cost?
Those scientists are paid by the politicians that want the climate change policies in place.
Trump's cult cannot accept the consensus of scientific expertise because it conflicts with their Master's proclamation that anthropogenic climate change is a Chinese hoax.

All the world's most respected climatologists and scientific institutions must be complicit in yet another of his evidence-free vast conspiracies, their enormous wealth of data that confirm the dramatic rise in global temperature concurrent with the industrial revolution all fake, all the scientists and scientific institutions corrupt.

Of course, the God Emperor know more about everything, as he insists:


The big picture: President Trump says he's an expert on a lot of things, including ISIS, taxes, technology, nuclear arms and even Sen. Cory Booker.​

Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)
“I deal with architects all the time. They have zero talent. I can draw better than they can. And you know, drawing is an important part of being an architect, in my opinion.”
What is he talking about? He doesn’t really know himself—when Birnbach asks him why the corners of Mar-a-Lago’s pool and tennis courts are cut off, Trump says these are chaffered corners, going as far as spelling the word for her. Trump was wrong about this—it’s actually chamfered, Birnbach clarifies. But the real point is to laugh and fantasize with this silly guy who is pouring ungodly amounts of money into making his club (memberships started at $25,000 but by November 1996 had jumped to $75,000) as “gorgeous” and “perfect” as possible. “There’s never been anything like it. There never will. You could never do it again,” he explains.​

... and, of course, he is a crackerjack meteorologist, as well:

View attachment 511197''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

View attachment 511195
Trump displayed an altered graphic purporting to show Hurricane Dorian potentially hitting Alabama.
[]Did Trump Display an Altered Hurricane Dorian Map Showing Alabama in Its Path?]​
Once again, consensus isn't science, it's politics. You also committed the logical fallacy known as the appeal to authority.

You chart is from the Hadley CRU, which has been shown to be bogus.

I could spend all day ripping your claims to pieces, but I really don't enjoy picking on the developmentally disabled.
The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Well you know it was predicted that we were going to run out of food by the year 2000. I don't know about you, but I'm still eating. Oh and, all of Gore's predictions have been crap also. You be a good little pawn though.
More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change
You mean your predictions that are 100% wrong every time? There is climate change it got into the 70's last night and will get in the mid eighties today.

There is no doubt that climate change is having an impact. Liberal predictions may not be happening as soon as predicted but they are still happening.

How are Conservative claims that THERE IS NO CLIMATE CHANGE working out?

what predictions? There havent been any predictions coming true especially when you watch the snow come down at their global warming summits
They obviously aren't worried about C02 because they all fly their private jets around. All the while saying we are the problem.
Dumb comment. Why not add to your post all MLB, NBA, etc players and coaches and Donald Trump who flew to Mar a Loga? Oh yeah, Trump doesn't care about our planet or the people, Animals and plants.
He isn't the one's making money off global warming. Gore's energy bill for one month in one of his house could pay for mine for a year. If he is that worried about the climate, you would think he would cut back and that is from one of his homes. The one's that cry the most are the biggest polluters.
Who is making money off of climate change denial?

They appreciate your help
Considering there is nothing that can replace oil efficiency. I'll go with oil.

Oils days are numbered
Hopefully when a reliable source replaces it. Biden's 10 year plan is insane. Let the free market work it out. Always does and we the tax payer won't pay for it.
The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Well you know it was predicted that we were going to run out of food by the year 2000. I don't know about you, but I'm still eating. Oh and, all of Gore's predictions have been crap also. You be a good little pawn though.
More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change
You mean your predictions that are 100% wrong every time? There is climate change it got into the 70's last night and will get in the mid eighties today.

There is no doubt that climate change is having an impact. Liberal predictions may not be happening as soon as predicted but they are still happening.

How are Conservative claims that THERE IS NO CLIMATE CHANGE working out?

what predictions? There havent been any predictions coming true especially when you watch the snow come down at their global warming summits
They obviously aren't worried about C02 because they all fly their private jets around. All the while saying we are the problem.
Dumb comment. Why not add to your post all MLB, NBA, etc players and coaches and Donald Trump who flew to Mar a Loga? Oh yeah, Trump doesn't care about our planet or the people, Animals and plants.
He isn't the one's making money off global warming. Gore's energy bill for one month in one of his house could pay for mine for a year. If he is that worried about the climate, you would think he would cut back and that is from one of his homes. The one's that cry the most are the biggest polluters.
Who is making money off of climate change denial?

They appreciate your help
Considering there is nothing that can replace oil efficiency. I'll go with oil.

Oils days are numbered
Hopefully when a reliable source replaces it. Biden's 10 year plan is insane. Let the free market work it out. Always does and we the tax payer won't pay for it.
Money spent on solar power is a waste. They should concentrate all their spending on Fusion. For that matter, there's nothing wrong with fission power. All it takes to resolve the disposal issue is simply to do it.
The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Well you know it was predicted that we were going to run out of food by the year 2000. I don't know about you, but I'm still eating. Oh and, all of Gore's predictions have been crap also. You be a good little pawn though.
More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change
You mean your predictions that are 100% wrong every time? There is climate change it got into the 70's last night and will get in the mid eighties today.

There is no doubt that climate change is having an impact. Liberal predictions may not be happening as soon as predicted but they are still happening.

How are Conservative claims that THERE IS NO CLIMATE CHANGE working out?

what predictions? There havent been any predictions coming true especially when you watch the snow come down at their global warming summits
They obviously aren't worried about C02 because they all fly their private jets around. All the while saying we are the problem.
Dumb comment. Why not add to your post all MLB, NBA, etc players and coaches and Donald Trump who flew to Mar a Loga? Oh yeah, Trump doesn't care about our planet or the people, Animals and plants.
He isn't the one's making money off global warming. Gore's energy bill for one month in one of his house could pay for mine for a year. If he is that worried about the climate, you would think he would cut back and that is from one of his homes. The one's that cry the most are the biggest polluters.
How do you know his energy bill? For the record, we pay less than $5.00 each month, we have panels on our roof and we own two electric cars: Tesla and Chevy Bolt, so we don't need to buy gas.
Good for you, if it works for nothing wrong with it. I can't do panels considering my land is old woods. But that being said I can build my tiny home with a basement dug out on one of the hills leading down to the creek. Then heat and cool my house on top for free. I'm not against getting off the grid, but everyone cannot do it. Why take away the 100% energy to them and replace it what happened in Texas last winter. They tried solar and windmills and it failed.
Those scientists are paid by the politicians that want the climate change policies in place.
Trump's cult cannot accept the consensus of scientific expertise because it conflicts with their Master's proclamation that anthropogenic climate change is a Chinese hoax.

All the world's most respected climatologists and scientific institutions must be complicit in yet another of his evidence-free vast conspiracies, their enormous wealth of data that confirm the dramatic rise in global temperature concurrent with the industrial revolution and upsurge in CO
2 emissions all fake, all the scientists and scientific institutions corrupt.

Of course, the God Emperor know more about everything, as he insists:


The big picture: President Trump says he's an expert on a lot of things, including ISIS, taxes, technology, nuclear arms and even Sen. Cory Booker.​

Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)
“I deal with architects all the time. They have zero talent. I can draw better than they can. And you know, drawing is an important part of being an architect, in my opinion.”
What is he talking about? He doesn’t really know himself—when Birnbach asks him why the corners of Mar-a-Lago’s pool and tennis courts are cut off, Trump says these are chaffered corners, going as far as spelling the word for her. Trump was wrong about this—it’s actually chamfered, Birnbach clarifies. But the real point is to laugh and fantasize with this silly guy who is pouring ungodly amounts of money into making his club (memberships started at $25,000 but by November 1996 had jumped to $75,000) as “gorgeous” and “perfect” as possible. “There’s never been anything like it. There never will. You could never do it again,” he explains.​

... and, of course, he is a crackerjack meteorologist, as well:

View attachment 511197''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

View attachment 511195
Trump displayed an altered graphic purporting to show Hurricane Dorian potentially hitting Alabama
after he had incorrectly stated that it would hit Alabama.

[]Did Trump Display an Altered Hurricane Dorian Map Showing Alabama in Its Path?]​
All I can say one of your best, fuck up Fauci, says you aren't following science if you don't believe him. That's all I need to know about your paid off scientists. Lol, Fauci is bought and paid for by China.
Considering there is nothing that can replace oil efficiency. I'll go with oil.

Oils days are numbered
Perhaps, but you still can't beat hydrocarbons for energy density. 20 gallons of gas will get you about 500 miles and weighs about 120 pounds.

A Tesla Model S 70 kWh battery weighs about 1300 pounds, and will get you about 230 miles if you don't use the heat.

I don't know what percentage causes COPD and Pulmonary diseases though they may be caused by infection, smoking tobacco, or by breathing in secondhand tobacco smoke, radon, asbestos, or other forms of air pollution. Many of these can cause death.

I'm not suggesting CO2 will become a major gas in our atmosphere, I simply stated it is deadly when inhaled. So can Nitrogen when used by SCUBA Divers.



Fucking retard anti-science loon....
Who is making money off of climate change denial?

They appreciate your help
Ha! Ha! You're such a fucking sucker troll. The only ones making money on climate change are the bureaucrats in D.C. who administer all the environmental agencies with YOUR tax dollars!!! So far they spent BILLIONS and have not yet been successful at changing the global climate. But you just keep supporting this expensive lie. In the meantime, keep digging deep in your pockets to pay for inflated energy prices, food, goods and services.
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But what does a car engine weigh compared to an electric motor?
Car engines weigh from approx. 240lbs up to a 1931, Caddy V-16 cylinder which is 1,300lbs. Most are in the 300lb to 600lb range. The electric motors are useless without those heavy batteries.
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The resolution of the ideologues vs the climatologists squabble over who had a better grasp of climate was always silly.

"I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is...


...‘By the way, it is!"

[Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh—’]

Knowledge respects reality. Ignorance must have reality forced upon it. When ignorance is sustained by ideological dogma, it's a bitch to overcome, particularly in especially resistant cases.

The predictions are being validated. The theoretical is becoming blatant. The forecasts are being realized. Denial is becoming an increasingly costly ideological self-indulgence - agricultural failures, wildfires, flooding, soaring energy costs, droughts, mass starvation, relentless human migrations, etc., etc., etc.

By midcentury, if greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly curtailed, the coldest and warmest daily temperatures are expected to increase by at least 5 degrees F in most areas by mid-century rising to 10 degrees F by late century. The National Climate Assessment estimates 20-30 more days over 90 degrees F in most areas by mid-century. A recent study projects that the annual number of days with a heat index above 100 degrees F will double, and days with a heat index above 105 degrees F will triple, nationwide, when compared to the end of the 20th century.
Extreme heat can increase the risk of other types of disasters. Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot dry conditions can in turn create wildfire conditions. In cities, buildings roads and infrastructure can be heated to 50 to 90 degrees hotter than the air while natural surfaces remain closer to air temperatures. The heat island effect is most intense during the day, but the slow release of heat from the infrastructure overnight (or an atmospheric heat island) can keep cities much hotter than surrounding areas. Rising temperatures across the country poses a threat to people, ecosystems and the economy...
An early summer heatwave across the western United States broke all-time records in multiple states, with temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for days on end in some places. This event marked yet another climate extreme for residents of a region already suffering through a devastating drought and with memories of last year’s horrific wildfire season likely still fresh on people’s minds.
Truth not only endures. It has an irresistible way of imposing itself upon even the most willfully obtuse:

Expect Americans to demand their elected representatives confront reality.

Some may be a bit slow, but eventually, everybody will get it, one way or another.

View attachment 511009
"If there is one thing that really burns my ass, it's

Well you know it was predicted that we were going to run out of food by the year 2000. I don't know about you, but I'm still eating. Oh and, all of Gore's predictions have been crap also. You be a good little pawn though.
More accurate than predictions from Conservatives saying there is no climate change

Climate has always been changing dumb ass, man didn't make it happen and man won't stop it.


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