The US heat dome is a warning for the 2024 elections

No one would describe Saudi Arabia in the summer as chilly, but pilgrims at this year’s Hajj experienced something unusual even for this largely desert nation. According to the Saudi weather service, temperatures at the Grand Mosque in Mecca reached an astonishing 125 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday; 2,700 people reportedly were overcome by heat exhaustion, and dozens of pilgrims died from the temperatures.

If you have grandchildren and you want them to see a bright future, you will not vote for trump. He has vowed to roll back all environmental efforts to battle climate change. His view into the future extends no farther than the end of his orange nose. With trump is is all about power and money. He is thinking of his Saudi friends and their dependence on fossil fuel revenue.

Within five years, we may be seeing 120+ degrees temperature in the US, on a regular basis. Then the repubs will come up with another excuse to deny climate change.
Your report that it’s hot in the summer is astonishing. What is the supporting data for your alarmist statement about “we may be seeing 120+ degrees temperature in the US, on a regular basis.”;

You might want to send a strongly worded email to the Chinese and tell them to revise their energy policies. Type your email in all caps so they know you mean business. Why don’t you tell us what the great Satan, singularly, is supposed to do to fight climate change? You do know that climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon, right?
You do know that climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon, right?
A statement not indicating what AGW is about…… The RATE OF CHANGE is faster than at anytime man has been on earth, IS NOT NATURAL.
CNN's first comment on it was 128F. Commie DemoKKKrats!
Ever been to an air show and see fast movers emitting smoke for effect? You think they use special fuel?

Are you...intoxicated? The acro planes that use smoke simply inject paraffin (and usually some sort of dye, essentially food coloring) into the exhaust. It's not burned in the engine.
Climate change is a well-established scientific reality supported by overwhelming evidence. The US Republican party's stance on climate change denial is influenced by various factors, including political ideology, financial interests, and skepticism towards government intervention.

Some Republicans may deny climate change due to their belief in limited government regulation and opposition to policies that may restrict economic growth, such as environmental regulations.

Additionally, some individuals and organizations within the Republican party have financial ties to industries that benefit from the status quo and may therefore downplay or deny the existence of climate change.

However, not all Republicans deny climate change, and there are members of the party who support taking action to address this critical issue.

Overcoming climate change denial requires a coordinated effort to educate and engage individuals across the political spectrum, as well as to promote policies that balance environmental protection with economic interests. :)
Climate change denial is synonymous with ignorance. Ignorance is synonymous with MAGA. And MAGA has become synonymous with the GOP.

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