The US heat dome is a warning for the 2024 elections

I particularly enjoy the condescending BS outa the ultra-Stain when they spout off “do you understand the difference between Climate and Weather?” Right there you can shut them down as paid foot soldiers for the Globalist commeee movement.//
The climate change people? The people warning us about global warming are thousands of scientists from every nation on Earth.
Yup….aamof, there are no climate research facilities that are at odds with AGW. The only people who are are inactive in any actual climate research at all. The deniers are ALL just commentators and do nothing what so ever to demonstrate anything. They essentially just lie and make up shit.
OOOOoooo another 5 yr prediction to be mocked in five more....
And one that isn’t true….name it, post it and reference and link it. Not just shit the Tucker spouts but actual predictions from climate science INSTITUTIONS. .
No, not at all. First there is a massive amount of lab work in real science.
There are many fields of science that make no use of labs whatsoever. I just named several.
Second, the fundamental theory of AGW: 120PPM additional CO2 causes catastrophic temperature can easily and readily be demonstrated in a lab, but it never is.
That is NOT the fundamental theory of AGW and it is NOT possible to demonstrate because you cannot reproduce the entire planet's climate over a period of 150 years in a laboratory. You know that but you continue to make this assinine claim because you still seem to think its a good gotcha and its the only one you know.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
As you've heard me say dozens of times, there are mountains of evidence. But you don't really care.
The deniers are caught in a conundrum. They deny climate change while rebuking the mass immigration problems caused by those moving into temperate zones. Areas of the earth are becoming uninhabitable at a rate faster than we can adapt or assimilate the population shits. This inability to understand what is happening is directly related to their ignorance of science.

Are you on crack?
Are you on crack?
You obviously are… think you’re smarter than every climate research facility in the world. I suppose next you’ll claim you’re smarter about medicine than every medical research facility….oh, you’ve done that already too.
Only every prediction since algore to stupid AOC types (yours too).
Al Gore and AOC ? They aren’t climate scientists, dah. But, Go ahead, tell us one that was wrong. Be sure and reference it with a link so we know it’s not what you claim they said, and not what you made up.
You obviously are… think you’re smarter than every climate research facility in the world. I suppose next you’ll claim you’re smarter about medicine than every medical research facility….oh, you’ve done that already too.
I know I am smarter than you, though that's a very low bar.

If you hear voices in your head regularly, see a doctor.
I know I am smarter than you, though that's a very low bar.

If you hear voices in your head regularly, see a doctor.
You’re smarter than me because why ? You think you’re smarter than MIT ? That’s funny. Only idiots don’t know their limitations.
I've posted that same info on other forums, previously. Interesting......Notice the contrail thing has become open admissions of cloud seeding by insane rich people?

Who openly admitted it? Where?
I've seen posts by people on X with photos of bright clear morning skies followed up around noon with jets crisscrossing contrail patterns creating a light haze.

I've seen posts by people on X with photos of bright clear morning skies followed up around noon with jets crisscrossing contrail patterns creating a light haze.

Yes, water vapor from jets is often visible.
Water vapor isn't "cloud seeding".

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