Are the civil rights being violated for those being held for J6? 600 days in custody without due process

yeh, murdering someone: no bail

or if there is bail.. can get out after 3 years (Fetterman in PA wants to free 1/3 of prisoners! What a total loser)
but come up against the Dims and you will end up in Hell on Earth..

tyrants and bullies and thugs, Oh My
Homicide cases often result in the denial of any bail. The alleged killer gets remanded. Apparently, that’s not excessive bail.

But for non homicide cases (and let’s include non-sedition charges, too) a reasonable and affordable bail should be the standard. Risk of flight? Pfffft. For most folks, that’s a pipe dream. But, make ‘em wear ankle monitors.

But this wholesale denial of freedom, which has the effect of denying even the appearance of a presumption of innocence, is unconscionable.
That's how they roll. Our Republican Congressmen are fucking useless

I checked the owners manual, it said we hit Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot the whole thing if it ever get this bad
If we can amend the Constitution, we can amend Congress. Now seems like a good time.
They haven't been indicted? Their lawyers haven't asked for a speedy trial?
Defense Lawyers always tell their clients to not request a speedy trial. It's a good way to get run through the wringer with a long sentence.

It sucks, but that's how it works in american justice.
Defense Lawyers always tell their clients to not request a speedy trial. It's a good way to get run through the wringer with a long sentence.

It sucks, but that's how it works in american justice.
The justice system is designed to only benefit those who can afford to withstand the system trying to run out the clock on your savings and ability to defend yourself against their unending taxpayer funded unlimited funds.
They haven't been indicted? Their lawyers haven't asked for a speedy trial? If their civil rights have been infringed, where are their lawyers to argue that?

Lawyers shouldn't have to ask for anything. Nobody needs to request their constitutional rights until the Communists took over.

Amendment VI​

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
The Constitution is not a bumper sticker.

These people have been in prison without due process.
They haven't been indicted? Their lawyers haven't asked for a speedy trial? If their civil rights have been infringed, where are their lawyers to argue that?

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