Are the Democrats/progressives/liberals slowly adopting socialism?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
We knew Obama was secretly a socialist because he had made actual statements that supported that observation.
Here are a few.

BUT has the Democratic Party become more socialistic and more akin to the Communist Manifesto then the US Constitution?

Check out the following for more proof.
Of course they. They've been moving toward socialism since the 1970's. But Democratic Socialism is a hierarchy where the fringe element of society are the controlling elite, while the majority of normal Americans are being forced down to the level of the controlling fringe element.
"slowly adopting"


The Democrats have been socialist since way before anyone here was born....
Dem's seem to have adopted the methods of the Nazi party. Single out people and groups to demonize, blame, attack anyone who disagrees with a corrupt propaganda media, convince people that they have been cheated by the (fill in the blank).
"slowly adopting"


The Democrats have been socialist since way before anyone here was born....

Well, yes. They were socialist up until the 60's, at which point they became full-blown communist.
They WERE slowly adopting Socialism.

The process is now complete... they're there.
We knew Obama was secretly a socialist because he had made actual statements that supported that observation.
Here are a few.

BUT has the Democratic Party become more socialistic and more akin to the Communist Manifesto then the US Constitution?

Check out the following for more proof.

I agree with the other poster, "slowly?" They are the poster children of the police state now, as proven by the Obama Administrations actions. Watch and see what is going to happen, and I got a buck 3.80 that a few are going to start singing (if they aren't already) to avoid being ruined.
They WERE slowly adopting Socialism.

The process is now complete... they're there.

Personally, I think they've passed the point of being mere "socialists" Even Lenin came right out and stated that "The goal of socialism is communism."
The Democrats have got their collective nose buried so far up Communism's asshole their ears have turned brown.

Compare the writings on the CPUSA site with the party platform.
The entire American Political Class has been at this for decades.
The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.

The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.


My friend, sadly it is not just the Dems.
The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.


My friend, sadly it is not just the Dems.

So you assume people like me with principles like "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" are just ideologues?
The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.


My friend, sadly it is not just the Dems.

So you assume people like me with principles like "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" are just ideologues?

I don't assume anything, I know that our Political Classes have been pursuing Socialism for decades. I am a Christian too.
The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.


My friend, sadly it is not just the Dems.

So you assume people like me with principles like "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" are just ideologues?

I don't assume anything, I know that our Political Classes have been pursuing Socialism for decades. I am a Christian too.

You are assuming the GOP is pursuing "socialism" for decades. Proof?
The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.


My friend, sadly it is not just the Dems.

So you assume people like me with principles like "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" are just ideologues?

I don't assume anything, I know that our Political Classes have been pursuing Socialism for decades. I am a Christian too.

You are assuming the GOP is pursuing "socialism" for decades. Proof?

The Political Class. This includes elements of both sides. You have but to admit to have seen what the Repubs have refused to do over this last year to see that they are Socialist.
When has the Democratic Party not been Socialist?
The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.


My friend, sadly it is not just the Dems.
The basic aim of today’s Democratic Party is to gain and retain power, period. They will and have done just about anything towards that end. It is now plain to see that the Dems, overall, use two strategies to accomplish the goal of overall power thru democratic elections. The first is a divide and conquer tactic in which they divide the population into different factions and then cobble together various factions into a coalition large enough to win elections. This is reminiscent of Marx’s effort to portray the population as different “classes”. Additionally, the Dem’s need a permanent underclass (‘they are for the ‘little guy’) which then allows them to use the second strategy of becoming Santa Claus (i.e. so called free health care, food stamps, welfare, free education). Their need for a permanent underclass is manifest in the Dem’s desire for amnesty for all illegal aliens and therefore their hostility towards a wall on the southern border of the United States which helps provide the illegals in the first place. This Dem need is ongoing because in America with its capitalistic economy individuals, generally and over generations, move out of the lower classes into better income levels after acquiring the requisite education/skills. Therefore the need for Dems to replace those that have moved up and out of that underclass presents a problem for the Dems which they strive to solve via the illegal immigrant.

The Dems proclivity towards socialism dovetails with their desire for absolute power since socialism demands central control, eventually, of, well…everything. However, humanity’s innate desire for freedom (people feel they have a better handle on how to run their lives then some bureaucrat thousands of miles away) chafes at the all-out control needed to create the utopia that such statists desire. It is not long before the state finds it necessary to force its will on each and every individual. Examples include Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Cuba just to name a few. But the best example of socialism destroying a nation is even closer… Venezuela. Twenty to twenty-five years ago Venezuela was one of the richest and best place to live in South America. Compare to present. Go ahead Bing it.

The Democratic Party’s desire for raw power cares not a whit about individual citizens and certainly not about the future our constitutional republic.


My friend, sadly it is not just the Dems.
We knew Obama was secretly a socialist because he had made actual statements that supported that observation.
Here are a few.

BUT has the Democratic Party become more socialistic and more akin to the Communist Manifesto then the US Constitution?

Check out the following for more proof.

Republicans haven't slowly supported fascism.

They have wholeheartedly embraced it.

Hint: Nazi's are NOT very fine people.

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