Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 91.7%

  • Total voters
Tomorrow the first indictment(s) will be released.

The Russian investigation will now last beyond the 2018 cycle.

Can Trump live with that in his face every day without imploding?

And consider why the congressional leadership is going over Clear and Present Danger in terms of Amendment XXV.
Again in answer to the question, why should anyone be terrified? what's coming is information on Russian & our elections. that's good for all.
How will the left deal with the reality that there never was anything to the Russian fabrication.

Put on giant vagina suits and screech themselves hoarse

"Put on giant vagina suits"



Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

Well buddy...looks like your poll went about like the election did for you. I guess the Russians hacked it.
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

Well buddy...looks like your poll went about like the election did for you. I guess the Russians hacked it.
Of course, the poll denies the fear. So not only are they terrified, they lie about it. Nothing to the alt right doubling down in error.
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

Well buddy...looks like your poll went about like the election did for you. I guess the Russians hacked it.
Of course, the poll denies the fear. So not only are they terrified, they lie about it. Nothing to the alt right doubling down in error.

^^^^ This:

Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

Well buddy...looks like your poll went about like the election did for you. I guess the Russians hacked it.
Of course, the poll denies the fear. So not only are they terrified, they lie about it. Nothing to the alt right doubling down in error.

^^^^ This:


Poor, poor far right.

Of course, the poll denies the fear. So not only are they terrified, they lie about it. Nothing to the alt right doubling down in error.

Then why put a poll up, jake the jackass? If we say yes, then you say we admit we're scared. When we overwhelmingly vote no, you say we're denying the fear.

Take your losing fucking liberal ass and go suck a donkey cock.
Of course, the poll denies the fear. So not only are they terrified, they lie about it. Nothing to the alt right doubling down in error.

Confirmation bias much?
Do you know what is confirmation bias? If you want some evidence, look at the no's on the poll.


Alrighty we go.

Confirmation bias is taking any evidence you find, even evidence that directly contradicts the conclusion you wish to find, and twisting it around to support your pre-held conclusion.

About 20 or so people (including myself though I am not a part of the alt right...just my opinion on the situation), surmise that the alt right isn't scared of the indictments.

You have taken simple evidence that ostensibly disproves your point, and twisted it around using non falsifiable conjecture about the emotional state of those in the poll, in order to support your initial belief that they in fact are scared of the indictments.

Your actions constitute textbook confirmation bias, and a poor attitude when it comes to seeking knowledge about political opponents (though I think that much was already obvious).

Accept the results you have garnered and learn from them, don't pretend they don't exist or mean something that they clearly don't. This is how political research functions.
Of course, the poll denies the fear. So not only are they terrified, they lie about it. Nothing to the alt right doubling down in error.

Then why put a poll up, jake the jackass? If we say yes, then you say we admit we're scared. When we overwhelmingly vote no, you say we're denying the fear.

Take your losing fucking liberal ass and go suck a donkey cock.
More ad homs by another blundering silly from the far right.

You are in denial of your own actual fear.

People like marxist trash try to pretend they understand terms they don't. Their problem, not mine.
People like marxist trash try to pretend they understand terms they don't. Their problem, not mine.

con·fir·ma·tion bi·as
  1. the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.
Google's definition, not mine.

How about you open up a conversation with these people instead of dismissing them in an endless cycle of useless ad hominems? For example, you could ask these guys why they aren't afraid, instead of thinking for them straight off the bat.

Political discussion isn't supposed to be a means to sling shit at people, though that can be fun. It's supposed to be an exchange of ideas that promotes understanding between opposing parties, so compromises can be reached. It's a tool of democracy.

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