Are the Russians Behind any Hacking? Politifact says....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"We did not see anything that amounted to altering ballot counts or degrading the ability to report election results, nothing out of the ordinary,” Johnson said during a Washington Post Live event on Tuesday evening. “There’s always a certain amount of noise that goes on there but on election night itself, we didn’t see anything that affected the ballot count. ... “We see no evidence that hacking by any actor altered the ballot count or any cyber actions that deprived people of voting.”

* Jeh Johnson: “No evidence” of hacking electoral machines or ballot counts - Hot Air



Julian Assange, the man who exposed all of the stolen, leaked e-mails claims all of the information was NOT hacked and given to him by the Russians. He adamantly claims it was given to him by Democratic Party Insiders 'disgusted' with the Party having rigged the election against Bernie and with Hillary's many scandals.

"The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC is at this point very strong, albeit not unanimous," said cybersecurity consultant Matt Tait, who has been critical of Clinton’s email practices. "The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC in support of Trump is, by contrast, plausible, but something for which the jury at this stage is very much still out."

-- POLITIFACT: What we know about Russia's role in the DNC email leak


1. 'It LOOKS like the Tactics the Russians Use'.
"The tactics of the hack resembled traits of two Russian intelligence groups"
- Hardly 'definitive proof'.

2. Belief Guccifer 2.0, who DID have hacked Hillary information, was a Decoy to distract from the REAL Russian Hacking.

3. New York Times has reported that intelligence agencies have "high confidence" regarding the Russian government’s involvement
- The NY Times was exposed as one of the worst of the 'Fake News' media.
- The Intel agencies may have 'high confidence' but do that have 'solid evidence / proof'?

"Translation: The agencies have likely corroborated the technical evidence with other intelligence, like human or financial sources, said Susan Hennessey, a Brookings Institution fellow and a former lawyer for the National Security Agency."
- So they have some very compelling 'circumstantial 'smoking gun' or 'confession'.

Politifact goes on to dismiss the 'testimony' of the man who exposed all the stolen information and goes 'all-in' to agree the Russians MUST have done it.

"Hennessey’s theory is Russia likely hacked the DNC to conduct standard espionage and then happened upon the emails"


"The vast majority of expert commentary seems to agree the Russian government hacked the DNC. But Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global, remains skeptical.

He said many of these technical indicators pointing to Russia are traits that have been publicly outed as Russian previously, so it doesn’t make sense that Russian intelligence agencies would use them again for covert activity.

He also posed the question how "a country known for the world's most sophisticated software engineers" would be so easily caught.

"It makes much more sense to me that the Russian government had nothing to do with this, but that Russian-speaking hackers did it on their own for fun or profit or both," Carr said."


"The weight of the evidence favors an explanation that the Russians leaked the documents to favor Trump, so it is more than a conspiracy theory but still speculative," Hennessey said.

What we know about Russia's role in the DNC email leak
Obama and crooked Killary want to still election from Trump, therefore this funny fair-tale about Russian hacking.
Are Democrats seriously saying we haven't been hacking Russia? If that's true, Obama is again showing what an incompetent hack he is
"We did not see anything that amounted to altering ballot counts or degrading the ability to report election results, nothing out of the ordinary,” Johnson said during a Washington Post Live event on Tuesday evening. “There’s always a certain amount of noise that goes on there but on election night itself, we didn’t see anything that affected the ballot count. ... “We see no evidence that hacking by any actor altered the ballot count or any cyber actions that deprived people of voting.”

* Jeh Johnson: “No evidence” of hacking electoral machines or ballot counts - Hot Air



Julian Assange, the man who exposed all of the stolen, leaked e-mails claims all of the information was NOT hacked and given to him by the Russians. He adamantly claims it was given to him by Democratic Party Insiders 'disgusted' with the Party having rigged the election against Bernie and with Hillary's many scandals.

"The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC is at this point very strong, albeit not unanimous," said cybersecurity consultant Matt Tait, who has been critical of Clinton’s email practices. "The consensus that Russia hacked the DNC in support of Trump is, by contrast, plausible, but something for which the jury at this stage is very much still out."

-- POLITIFACT: What we know about Russia's role in the DNC email leak


1. 'It LOOKS like the Tactics the Russians Use'.
"The tactics of the hack resembled traits of two Russian intelligence groups"
- Hardly 'definitive proof'.

2. Belief Guccifer 2.0, who DID have hacked Hillary information, was a Decoy to distract from the REAL Russian Hacking.

3. New York Times has reported that intelligence agencies have "high confidence" regarding the Russian government’s involvement
- The NY Times was exposed as one of the worst of the 'Fake News' media.
- The Intel agencies may have 'high confidence' but do that have 'solid evidence / proof'?

"Translation: The agencies have likely corroborated the technical evidence with other intelligence, like human or financial sources, said Susan Hennessey, a Brookings Institution fellow and a former lawyer for the National Security Agency."
- So they have some very compelling 'circumstantial 'smoking gun' or 'confession'.

Politifact goes on to dismiss the 'testimony' of the man who exposed all the stolen information and goes 'all-in' to agree the Russians MUST have done it.

"Hennessey’s theory is Russia likely hacked the DNC to conduct standard espionage and then happened upon the emails"


"The vast majority of expert commentary seems to agree the Russian government hacked the DNC. But Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global, remains skeptical.

He said many of these technical indicators pointing to Russia are traits that have been publicly outed as Russian previously, so it doesn’t make sense that Russian intelligence agencies would use them again for covert activity.

He also posed the question how "a country known for the world's most sophisticated software engineers" would be so easily caught.

"It makes much more sense to me that the Russian government had nothing to do with this, but that Russian-speaking hackers did it on their own for fun or profit or both," Carr said."


"The weight of the evidence favors an explanation that the Russians leaked the documents to favor Trump, so it is more than a conspiracy theory but still speculative," Hennessey said.

What we know about Russia's role in the DNC email leak

That's pretty much what the FBI told Trump when he asked them to look into it before the elections.

This whole Russian hack bullshit is beginning to stink to high heaven.
I'm more interested in the democrat voter fraud and why detroits vote could not be certified during the recount....
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?
The tards deny Russia hacked the DNC, even though the intelligence agencies said the Russians did, and presented the classified evidence to Trump and Clinton.

Meanwhile, with ZERO evidence, these very same tards claim 2.5 million illegal Mexicans voted.

I just can't bleev our country has become overloaded with this many retards.
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

You're living proof that liberals lack a sense of humor and are incapable of understanding when someone is making a joke. I guess I can understand it to some degree since liberals listen to comedians to get their news and political analysis.
Ya Gotta Take Step Back From the Whole Thing And See For A Second What This Is All About:


- who rigged their own Primary, unfairly undermined Sanders, fed Hillary debate questions in advance, and used the 'All-In' Media against Trump -

Are upset someone might have done something to unfairly influence the election.

upload_2016-12-16_11-14-36.png [URL='']upload_2016-12-16_11-14-59.jpeg

This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

You're living proof that liberals lack a sense of humor and are incapable of understanding when someone is making a joke. I guess I can understand it to some degree since liberals listen to comedians to get their news and political analysis.
Too bad for you I am not a liberal, retard. But you go ahead and keep spewing long screeds of pre-progammed cliches hand fed to you by your propaganda mills. It's amusing.
I like the way Juan Williams put it, sums up lefties nicely (although he was being serious)
"overwhelming conclusions". Reminded me of global warming, the consensus is in, the science is settled, the debate is over ....
Are Democrats seriously saying we haven't been hacking Russia? If that's true, Obama is again showing what an incompetent hack he is

The Attorney General and the FBI Director both say there is no evidence of Russia hacking voting machines. The CIA and White House clam there is. So, who do we believe? Do we believe the CIA & DOJ, or do we believe the CIA? The same CIA who said Sadaam Hussein was stockpiling WMD's in Iraq and who helped advance the false narrative of the Obama administration that Benghazi was the a protest of an anti-Muslim video and not a terrorist attack? Personally, i don't believe either the CIA or White House have any credibility! Show me the proof!
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

You're living proof that liberals lack a sense of humor and are incapable of understanding when someone is making a joke. I guess I can understand it to some degree since liberals listen to comedians to get their news and political analysis.
Too bad for you I am not a liberal, retard. But you go ahead and keep spewing long screeds of pre-progammed cliches hand fed to you by your propaganda mills. It's amusing.

Uh and JakeFakey must have a mutual appreciation society.
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

So then they didnt fuck our election.......whats your defense

The Russians hacked the DNC and showed us all what they were really like? That they use racism and anti- semitism when its convienent and that they collude with the media?

Why are you not pissed about whats in the emails rather than how we got them?
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

So then they didnt fuck our election.......whats your defense

The Russians hacked the DNC and showed us all what they were really like? That they use racism and anti- semitism when its convienent and that they collusi with the media?
Yes, I'm sure if Russia released RNC emails, it would show the RNC is as pure as the driven snow.

It's called confirmation bias, retard, and yours was played. By the Russians.
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

OK.. first of all you wrote: "the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS"
WHERE in the hell did you get that?????
Now this is exactly what Trump said word for word!

I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

NOTICE the headline from Politico???
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email - POLITICO
What is the difference between the "headline" and the reality?
Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Let this be clearly stated: Trump did not ask the Russians to hack emails.
He said "I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. BIG BIG difference!
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

OK.. first of all you wrote: "the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS"
WHERE in the hell did you get that?????
Now this is exactly what Trump said word for word!

I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

NOTICE the headline from Politico???
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email - POLITICO
What is the difference between the "headline" and the reality?
Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Let this be clearly stated: Trump did not ask the Russians to hack emails.
He said "I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. BIG BIG difference!
And how was Russia supposed to "find" those emails, you unbelievably stupid idiot?

There is only one way they could be "found", retard.

By hacking.

You are just like the dumb fuck yesterday who said Trump was asking them to find them during their "cyber wanderings".


Jesus, this is exactly the kind of willful stupidity and blindness I have been talking about is a HUGE part of you rubes being rubes.
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

So then they didnt fuck our election.......whats your defense

The Russians hacked the DNC and showed us all what they were really like? That they use racism and anti- semitism when its convienent and that they collusi with the media?
Yes, I'm sure if Russia released RNC emails, it would show the RNC is as pure as the driven snow.

It's called confirmation bias, retard, and yours was played. By the Russians.

No, there is no bias, just confimation. It is literally in the emails, dipshit.

Maybe the RNC will.have emails to Bannon about his kkk membership, but we dont have those, but we do have democrats being racist and colluding with the media.....

And I cant wait for hearings to bring it all out in the open.
This at least the second topic started by the tard known as easyt65 about whether or not the Russians hacked any ballots.

This special kind of tard is clearly trying to distract from the fact Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack EMAILS and the fact the Russians did hack the DNC.

No one is claiming the Russians hacked our ballots. Got it all straight now, retards?

So then they didnt fuck our election.......whats your defense

The Russians hacked the DNC and showed us all what they were really like? That they use racism and anti- semitism when its convienent and that they collusi with the media?
Yes, I'm sure if Russia released RNC emails, it would show the RNC is as pure as the driven snow.

It's called confirmation bias, retard, and yours was played. By the Russians.

No, there is no bias, just confimation. It is literally in the emails, dipshit.

Maybe the RNC will.have emails to Bannon about his kkk membership, but we dont have those, but we do have democrats being racist and colluding with the media.....

And I cant wait for hearings to bring it all out in the open.
You just demonstrated you don't have a clue what confirmation bias is.

You people are so stupid, you don't even know you're stupid.

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