Are there ANY Democrats worthy of mention that aren't crazy?

Funny post- considering that no Republican now dares disagree with your Dear Leader because they fear that Trump and the right wing media will retaliate by supporting some other Republican and they will lose their job.
Trumps only endearing quality to me is just what you claim is happening...he is giving you a taste of your own medicine...I'm voting for biden [or most any democrat not named warren]...the party is jobbing biden, because as your comparrison implies, it is just like trump.
Funny post- considering that no Republican now dares disagree with your Dear Leader because they fear that Trump and the right wing media will retaliate by supporting some other Republican and they will lose their job.
Trumps only endearing quality to me is just what you claim is happening...he is giving you a taste of your own medicine...I'm voting for biden [or most any democrat not named warren]...the party is jobbing biden, because as your comparison implies, it is just like trump.

Honest question: do you not think Trump has done a good job in his 1st 3 years? Most of what he said in his SOTU last night is basically true, although he might be taking more credit than he might be due. But that is the nature of the presidency, you get most of the blame for things that go wrong whether it's all or mostly your fault or not, so maybe it's fair that the gets most of the credit for when things go well. The man has his faults, personality and character issues, but i like the way things are going these days.

And conversely, do you believe that Joe Biden or any other Dem out there running for Prez will do better? Biden in particular, is he not just as guilty of abuse of office when he was the VP? Getting that Ukraine prosecutor fired or else no foreign aid was clearly not the way we conduct foreign policy, and he was warned about a conflict of interest and the ethical considerations.
Honest question: do you not think Trump has done a good job in his 1st 3 years? Most of what he said in his SOTU last night is basically true, although he might be taking more credit than he might be due. But that is the nature of the presidency, you get most of the blame for things that go wrong whether it's all or mostly your fault or not, so maybe it's fair that the gets most of the credit for when things go well. The man has his faults, personality and character issues, but i like the way things are going these days.

And conversely, do you believe that Joe Biden or any other Dem out there running for Prez will do better? Biden in particular, is he not just as guilty of abuse of office when he was the VP? Getting that Ukraine prosecutor fired or else no foreign aid was clearly not the way we conduct foreign policy, and he was warned about a conflict of interest and the ethical considerations.
Well, try to understand my position on trump from a perspective that goes way beyond his becoming president...
since I have known trump [not personally] over 40 years, and he is from the same area I am, and he was a media darling here, [they called him "the boy builder"] he was always given kudos in the media until he threw water on the wicked witch of the left...
...but I never liked him, that is until he did that [took out hillary] and something I always hoped would be done but thought never would be, he is taking on the liberals head on and he is face planting them at every turn [3 years ago todays events would have been startling but now seem routine for him]...I really don't care much for his style or a lot of his policies but his unwavering "not its your turn" confrontation with them has allowed me to give him a pass on everything else I do not like...
While I will be voting for the democrat if it is not warren trump gets passing grades from me, even on things I disagree with.
Honest question: do you not think Trump has done a good job in his 1st 3 years? Most of what he said in his SOTU last night is basically true, although he might be taking more credit than he might be due. But that is the nature of the presidency, you get most of the blame for things that go wrong whether it's all or mostly your fault or not, so maybe it's fair that the gets most of the credit for when things go well. The man has his faults, personality and character issues, but i like the way things are going these days.

And conversely, do you believe that Joe Biden or any other Dem out there running for Prez will do better? Biden in particular, is he not just as guilty of abuse of office when he was the VP? Getting that Ukraine prosecutor fired or else no foreign aid was clearly not the way we conduct foreign policy, and he was warned about a conflict of interest and the ethical considerations.
Well, try to understand my position on trump from a perspective that goes way beyond his becoming president...
since I have known trump [not personally] over 40 years, and he is from the same area I am, and he was a media darling here, [they called him "the boy builder"] he was always given kudos in the media until he threw water on the wicked witch of the left...
...but I never liked him, that is until he did that [took out hillary] and something I always hoped would be done but thought never would be, he is taking on the liberals head on and he is face planting them at every turn [3 years ago todays events would have been startling but now seem routine for him]...I really don't care much for his style or a lot of his policies but his unwavering "not its your turn" confrontation with them has allowed me to give him a pass on everything else I do not like...
While I will be voting for the democrat if it is not warren trump gets passing grades from me, even on things I disagree with.

Appreciate your honesty, thanks. I will say that there seems to be a little vacillating in your position: Trump gets a passing grade but you're voting for the democrat. Truth be told, I don't care much for his style either, but frankly I don't care cuz he gets things done. I don't know how anyone can argue that things haven't gotten better in this country since he became president, most of what he said in his SOTU speech was basically true. Maybe over-inflated here and there, he kinda does that but every other politician does the same thing.

My position on the democrats running for president and actually pretty much all of them mirrors yours for Trump. Their methods, practices, attitudes, and policies are just wrong to me, their concerns for climate change, income inequality, border security, abortion, gov't run healthcare, free education, etc., I just can't see it as fiscally viable. Not that Trump is any better with his devotion to defense spending, so it's 6 of one and a half dozen of the other except that I do think the Dems want to spend a lot more of our tax dollars than Trump does. And tax hikes by the Dems just ain't going to pay for everything they want to do.

Added: democratic concerns for the issues I mentioned is fine, what I should have said was that I have a problem with their solutions that usually revolve around bigger gov't. It is my view that a bigger gov't translates into greater Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, so I tend to oppose measures that cost the taxpayers more and don't really fix the problem.
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