Are There Any Moderates Here?

I Self-Identify As:

  • Total voters
The one tendency I have noticed when it comes to these self-assessments, is that few people have the ability to really look at themselves honestly. They imagine themselves as moderate when they are fire-breathing partisans.

This forum is dominated by hacks, and the true moderates and independents are fewer in number than the results here suggest.

Absolutely! If you ask someone, nine out of ten times, they will say they are "moderate" or "independent" and avoid identifying with any particular ideology.
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Why would being raised in the South and doing a hitch in the Marine Corps make you liberal?

I was raised an Army brat, primarily in Southern states and Colorado, and also served in the Marine Corps yet I'm moderate conservative. Mostly libertarian although I disagree with their stance on international relations and national defense.
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
I tried to come on the board as a doesn't work
Conceding half of someone's points just means they will take that half and then start demanding the other half while ignoring the validity of your points

This board is more about talking smack than political discourse
You are a retarded troll. Get real.
You are one of the most disingenuous hacks here
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
I didn't vote because the poll doesn't accurately describe me...moderate liberal [registered democrat], with the exception of this year I never split a ticket, it's all one party, I am on the left with most social issues, and on the right when it comes to government and its my opinion PC is out of control and needs to be drowned in the river, I am willing to overlook anything and everything to see it destroyed...there are a lot of folks who agree with me and since the left and right are pretty evenly split in terms of voters [about 47% each] the party that most despises PC will get most of our votes.
Sure, you smug bastard. You started out with:
"I've noticed that the one thing a winger hates more than anything else is being compared to or equated with a winger from the other side."
And you took that as a personal insult?

Wow, I had no idea how sensitive you are.

My sincerest apologies. Maybe you should put me on ignore or find a safe space. I'd hate to cause any more trauma.
Oh fuck you. You just proved my point but your too arrogant to even see it. Don't tell people to put you on ignore. You are not that important.

When did I say I took your comment as a personal insult? You twist everything to fit your purpose and your purpose is to demonstrate how superior you are.

I said "You're welcome to point out the personal insult. Go ahead. I'll wait here."

Then you said "Sure, you smug bastard. You started out with: 'I've noticed that the one thing a winger hates more than anything else is being compared to or equated with a winger from the other side.'"

So yeah, I think a normal person would conclude that you took what I said as a personal insult.

My goodness.

Maybe you want to start over? Try again? I'm embarrassed for you.
I didn't say you insulted me personally but you are hurling personal insults with your comments. Which is par for the course.
I don't think you understand what a "personal insult" is.

But that's okay.
You want to now make the discussion about semantics. Yes, one can hurl personal insults and another not feel personally insulted. I don't think you know what a high horse is.
I don't think you know what a high horse is.

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And you took that as a personal insult?

Wow, I had no idea how sensitive you are.

My sincerest apologies. Maybe you should put me on ignore or find a safe space. I'd hate to cause any more trauma.
Oh fuck you. You just proved my point but your too arrogant to even see it. Don't tell people to put you on ignore. You are not that important.

When did I say I took your comment as a personal insult? You twist everything to fit your purpose and your purpose is to demonstrate how superior you are.

I said "You're welcome to point out the personal insult. Go ahead. I'll wait here."

Then you said "Sure, you smug bastard. You started out with: 'I've noticed that the one thing a winger hates more than anything else is being compared to or equated with a winger from the other side.'"

So yeah, I think a normal person would conclude that you took what I said as a personal insult.

My goodness.

Maybe you want to start over? Try again? I'm embarrassed for you.
I didn't say you insulted me personally but you are hurling personal insults with your comments. Which is par for the course.
I don't think you understand what a "personal insult" is.

But that's okay.
You want to now make the discussion about semantics. Yes, one can hurl personal insults and another not feel personally insulted. I don't think you know what a high horse is.
You saw yourself in my post - which was not posted to you - and you got pissy.

So you jumped in, unsolicited, and whined.

For about the 200th time.

Not my problem.
Oh fuck you. You just proved my point but your too arrogant to even see it. Don't tell people to put you on ignore. You are not that important.

When did I say I took your comment as a personal insult? You twist everything to fit your purpose and your purpose is to demonstrate how superior you are.

I said "You're welcome to point out the personal insult. Go ahead. I'll wait here."

Then you said "Sure, you smug bastard. You started out with: 'I've noticed that the one thing a winger hates more than anything else is being compared to or equated with a winger from the other side.'"

So yeah, I think a normal person would conclude that you took what I said as a personal insult.

My goodness.

Maybe you want to start over? Try again? I'm embarrassed for you.
I didn't say you insulted me personally but you are hurling personal insults with your comments. Which is par for the course.
I don't think you understand what a "personal insult" is.

But that's okay.
You want to now make the discussion about semantics. Yes, one can hurl personal insults and another not feel personally insulted. I don't think you know what a high horse is.
You saw yourself in my post - which was not posted to you - and you got pissy.

So you jumped in, unsolicited, and whined.

For about the 200th time.

Not my problem.
Yes, it's your problem. You display your arrogance on a regular basis. Plus you are too stupid to realize you can't get away with it. You are now down to telling me what I saw in your posts. You are what you hate.

I said "You're welcome to point out the personal insult. Go ahead. I'll wait here."

Then you said "Sure, you smug bastard. You started out with: 'I've noticed that the one thing a winger hates more than anything else is being compared to or equated with a winger from the other side.'"

So yeah, I think a normal person would conclude that you took what I said as a personal insult.

My goodness.

Maybe you want to start over? Try again? I'm embarrassed for you.
I didn't say you insulted me personally but you are hurling personal insults with your comments. Which is par for the course.
I don't think you understand what a "personal insult" is.

But that's okay.
You want to now make the discussion about semantics. Yes, one can hurl personal insults and another not feel personally insulted. I don't think you know what a high horse is.
You saw yourself in my post - which was not posted to you - and you got pissy.

So you jumped in, unsolicited, and whined.

For about the 200th time.

Not my problem.
Yes, it's your problem. You display your arrogance on a regular basis. Plus you are too stupid to realize you can't get away with it. You are now down to telling me what I saw in your posts. You are what you hate.
Looks like I'll just have to find a way to survive without your approval.


The one tendency I have noticed when it comes to these self-assessments, is that few people have the ability to really look at themselves honestly. They imagine themselves as moderate when they are fire-breathing partisans.
Yep, and it's one of the most fascinating parts of the psychology of it all. The wingiest winger can literally convince themselves that their views are absolutely mainstream. So, they figure, that means they're not a winger, and instead moderate or mainstream.

Now, some of them appear to realize that they're wingers, but justify it by convincing themselves that their side has all the answers, and that one day they'll "win" and have complete control.

This one topic has enough material for endless analysis.
So agree, I am an Independent and a wholly moderate human being. Say it. Only way to unlock the kingdom.

You are a geriatric goddess.

Who is an independent and moderate holy human being.

Give me some time, though. My Viagra is still in transit from Canada.
The one tendency I have noticed when it comes to these self-assessments, is that few people have the ability to really look at themselves honestly. They imagine themselves as moderate when they are fire-breathing partisans.
Yep, and it's one of the most fascinating parts of the psychology of it all. The wingiest winger can literally convince themselves that their views are absolutely mainstream. So, they figure, that means they're not a winger, and instead moderate or mainstream.

Now, some of them appear to realize that they're wingers, but justify it by convincing themselves that their side has all the answers, and that one day they'll "win" and have complete control.

This one topic has enough material for endless analysis.
...for arrogant snobs maybe. YOU put people in little boxes so you can ridicule them. I arrived at my conclusions from many many years of learning, observation and studying. No one needs to justify anything to the likes of you. Like I said, you are not that important.
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.

I am a staunch Conservative. As far as I'm concerned, a so-called "moderate" is someone who has no core values.

Anyone who is a fan of Sen. Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren has not an ounce of Conservativism in them, not an ounce. She has lied all her life and is a staunch Socialist. Blessedly, the additional bureaucracy she demanded and is being dismantled. If true, that is a great thing!

Sen. John McCain is a "moderate". He is a genuine war hero but at the same time, he seems to be losing his faculties of late which is entirely understandable given his history. He should retire.

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