Are There Any Moderates Here?

I Self-Identify As:

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The one tendency I have noticed when it comes to these self-assessments, is that few people have the ability to really look at themselves honestly. They imagine themselves as moderate when they are fire-breathing partisans.
Yep, and it's one of the most fascinating parts of the psychology of it all. The wingiest winger can literally convince themselves that their views are absolutely mainstream. So, they figure, that means they're not a winger, and instead moderate or mainstream.

Now, some of them appear to realize that they're wingers, but justify it by convincing themselves that their side has all the answers, and that one day they'll "win" and have complete control.

This one topic has enough material for endless analysis.
...for arrogant snobs maybe. YOU put people in little boxes so you can ridicule them. I arrived at my conclusions from many many years of learning, observation and studying. No one needs to justify anything to the likes of you. Like I said, you are not that important.
Of course I'm important. And effective. You're just another winger.

Look at how you just keeping posting to me. Unsolicited.

You folks are one fascinating study, indeed.

Now, post again about how unimportant I am.

The one tendency I have noticed when it comes to these self-assessments, is that few people have the ability to really look at themselves honestly. They imagine themselves as moderate when they are fire-breathing partisans.
Yep, and it's one of the most fascinating parts of the psychology of it all. The wingiest winger can literally convince themselves that their views are absolutely mainstream. So, they figure, that means they're not a winger, and instead moderate or mainstream.

Now, some of them appear to realize that they're wingers, but justify it by convincing themselves that their side has all the answers, and that one day they'll "win" and have complete control.

This one topic has enough material for endless analysis.
...for arrogant snobs maybe. YOU put people in little boxes so you can ridicule them. I arrived at my conclusions from many many years of learning, observation and studying. No one needs to justify anything to the likes of you. Like I said, you are not that important.
Of course I'm important. And effective. You're just another winger.

Look at how you just keeping posting to me. Unsolicited.

You folks are one fascinating study, indeed.

Now, post again about how unimportant I am.

You don't even know what the word important means. You think it was invented for you. I respond to lots of people, that doesn't make them important by default. Nor do I care what you study, you're a hypocrite of the highest order.
The one tendency I have noticed when it comes to these self-assessments, is that few people have the ability to really look at themselves honestly. They imagine themselves as moderate when they are fire-breathing partisans.
Yep, and it's one of the most fascinating parts of the psychology of it all. The wingiest winger can literally convince themselves that their views are absolutely mainstream. So, they figure, that means they're not a winger, and instead moderate or mainstream.

Now, some of them appear to realize that they're wingers, but justify it by convincing themselves that their side has all the answers, and that one day they'll "win" and have complete control.

This one topic has enough material for endless analysis.
...for arrogant snobs maybe. YOU put people in little boxes so you can ridicule them. I arrived at my conclusions from many many years of learning, observation and studying. No one needs to justify anything to the likes of you. Like I said, you are not that important.
Of course I'm important. And effective. You're just another winger.

Look at how you just keeping posting to me. Unsolicited.

You folks are one fascinating study, indeed.

Now, post again about how unimportant I am.

You don't even know what the word important means. You think it was invented for you. I respond to lots of people, that doesn't make them important by default. Nor do I care what you study, you're a hypocrite of the highest order.
Thank you!
So agree, I am an Independent and a wholly moderate human being. Say it. Only way to unlock the kingdom.

You are a geriatric goddess.

Who is an independent and moderate holy human being.

Give me some time, though. My Viagra is still in transit from Canada.
There is just no emoji up to the task (pun intended). I'm cross stitching your heartfelt sentiments on a pillow.

Seriously, though, I disagree with wingers on both ends and still get labeled a leftist. At school, we have a grading system (computerized, naturally) that places the student at the lowest scored level in the subjects tested. So they could be great at reading, suck at math, and be labeled "suck" level overall because that's the lowest score they got. It's kind of like that here. If a person has a leftist idea, that's it. You're in the libtard corner. That's sometimes frustrating, but no one really cares what I think about stuff anyway, so I might as well stop fussing about it. A leftard I will be, because y'all say so.
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Im very moderate...
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Personally, I think there is a significant difference between a moderate and an independent.

I consider myself an independent, meaning my views can be just as strong as those of any winger - the differences are (a) they don't fall conveniently and obediently in line with those of a "side", and (b) my views often conflict with those of wingers from both sides of the same issue. In other words, a perspective that is independent from both ends.

So to me, "wingers" from both ends essentially represent one side: Wingers! The flavor (left or right) is, for the most part, irrelevant.

A moderate/centrist, to me, will tend to have fewer passionate views. That doesn't make their views any less important, though.

Independent = Moderate Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

No core values. At least none that can make sense.
Interesting that a classical liberal/libertarian would not fit any of your categories, no matter how badly some would care to pigeon hole us.

No such thing as a "classical liberal/libertarian". Liberal/libertarian is an oxymoron.
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
I didn't vote because the poll doesn't accurately describe me...moderate liberal [registered democrat], with the exception of this year I never split a ticket, it's all one party, I am on the left with most social issues, and on the right when it comes to government and its my opinion PC is out of control and needs to be drowned in the river, I am willing to overlook anything and everything to see it destroyed...there are a lot of folks who agree with me and since the left and right are pretty evenly split in terms of voters [about 47% each] the party that most despises PC will get most of our votes.

It is impossible to LOGICALLY defend being a liberal on social issues and at the same time being a Conservative regarding government and its role. It is impossible to provide the benefits demanded by Progressives WITHOUT the government stealing the money from taxpayers. It cannot be done!

As for Progressives and Conservatives being evenly split, that is NOT true.

It is impossible to LOGICALLY defend being a liberal on social issues and at the same time being a Conservative regarding government and its role. It is impossible to provide the benefits demanded by Progressives WITHOUT the government stealing the money from taxpayers. It cannot be done!
And yet it is done, but perhaps I should have better explained "social issues" such as education and healthcare...those things are no more stealing from taxpayers than the military is in my opinion, the government is here to aid and assist all of us, but not support us...that goes for everything from making sure the poorest have food every night to low interest loans for huge corporations to expand and grow the economy.
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Personally, I think there is a significant difference between a moderate and an independent.

I consider myself an independent, meaning my views can be just as strong as those of any winger - the differences are (a) they don't fall conveniently and obediently in line with those of a "side", and (b) my views often conflict with those of wingers from both sides of the same issue. In other words, a perspective that is independent from both ends.

So to me, "wingers" from both ends essentially represent one side: Wingers! The flavor (left or right) is, for the most part, irrelevant.

A moderate/centrist, to me, will tend to have fewer passionate views. That doesn't make their views any less important, though.

Independent = Moderate Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

No core values. At least none that can make sense.

Instead of generalities, bring up any issue and I'll be as clear and specific on it as you are.

The only difference is that I have no interest in "playing" for one "side".
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Personally, I think there is a significant difference between a moderate and an independent.

I consider myself an independent, meaning my views can be just as strong as those of any winger - the differences are (a) they don't fall conveniently and obediently in line with those of a "side", and (b) my views often conflict with those of wingers from both sides of the same issue. In other words, a perspective that is independent from both ends.

So to me, "wingers" from both ends essentially represent one side: Wingers. The flavor (left or right) is, for the most part, irrelevant.

A moderate/centrist to me will tend to have fewer passionate views.
You're a LWNJ....

Proof you ask? Voting Hillary....

Now, go away......

Actually Mac is moderate compare to those like you...

Those like you feel everyone is the enemy and like Mac was attempting to point out is you have more in common with Guno and Rdean than you have with those like Mac which is factual with your nutter point of view...
I've noticed that the one thing a winger hates more than anything else is being compared to or equated with a winger from the other side.

It can get pretty funny.
Wouldn't bother me. I have often wondered who my exact opposite/ nemesis might be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
So as the op'er can see wingers are annoyed at the idea of moderates because moderates can agree to disagree while wingers only care about having everyone agree with them and when someone does not, well they then melt into a trolling mess...
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
At least I think I'm an Independent and a moderate, like you, but a lot of conservatives here disagree. We need to be polarized or it gets people confused.
What do you like about Elizabeth Warren? She's pretty not moderate, I think.

I am not trying to insult you but you're to the left of Hillary Clinton, so I just consider you left but not a fringer seeing some very very very few times we agree on something... Did I wrote very enough!?!
I agree with you quite a bit, Bruce, although you usually throw in some off the wall shit so I can't in good conscience hit "Agree." On some things I'm left but on others I'm not aligned with the left at all. Of course, when people are being completely outrageous I'm going to react, and that's unfortunately a lot of what you get here--people taking any hope of discussing policy or ideas and turning it into a rock throwing fest.
Please don't ever, ever, ever again think that I'm to the left of Hillary Clinton. That would be Warren territory, and I AM NOT THERE.

If you agreed with me all the damn time I would have to write something off the damn wall to annoy you so I will know you were not some mindless drone just agreeing with me...

People can agree to disagree and I was going to compare you to Warren but even knew that was too damn far even for my trolling ways...

Only thing that annoy me is when someone claim I am some type of mindless Trumpster of a drone or someone claim I voted for Clinton just because I do not agree with them...

I enjoy my fence post sitting and been doing it since 2002...
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
I tried to come on the board as a doesn't work
Conceding half of someone's points just means they will take that half and then start demanding the other half while ignoring the validity of your points

This board is more about talking smack than political discourse
You are a retarded troll. Get real.
You are one of the most disingenuous hacks here
I give each thread and each poster the respect they deserve
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Moderate is fair for me I guess.
Fuck the duopoly. That shit is for the birds.
My thinking is all over the map. I could get called a commie, liberal, con or fascist in the same day. Guess its because I think for myself

Admit it you're a LIBertarian!!!

Deep down you believe everyone has the right to be as miserable as the next person but prefer the government not to pay for someone stupidity...
The Trumpsters are kind of a different animal. I wasn't here for previous elections, so maybe it's nothing new, but with the Trumpsters, it's more about adulating the POTUS than about any particular policy. Giggle at a Trump joke, make a stray comment about one of his doofy alternate facts and BOOM. You are a fuckin' libtard and anti-American to boot. They're a special breed of winger.
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Why would being raised in the South and doing a hitch in the Marine Corps make you liberal?

I was raised an Army brat, primarily in Southern states and Colorado, and also served in the Marine Corps yet I'm moderate conservative. Mostly libertarian although I disagree with their stance on international relations and national defense.
I was trying to say that, by nature, I am left-leaning. But perhaps because of the environment I've lived in for most of my life, I'm a moderate liberal rather than left on all the issues or even a regressive leftist. Since I've always been surrounded by those that oppose my core ideology, I've had to try and see things from their point of view (which is a healthy thing) and, by doing that, I agree with, or at least understand, a lot of things on the Conservative side of the fence.

To be sure, being in the South and being in the military are things that influence most people to be Conservative or Conservative-leaning.
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Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
I tried to come on the board as a doesn't work
Conceding half of someone's points just means they will take that half and then start demanding the other half while ignoring the validity of your points

This board is more about talking smack than political discourse
You are a retarded troll. Get real.
You are one of the most disingenuous hacks here
there was a time when RW was a moderate ....but i fear he had lunch one day with dean.....
Just out of curiosity, this forum seems pretty polarized, which is fine, I come here to debate. However, I was curious if there were any other moderates out there along with me?

I'm left leaning, but, perhaps because I was raised in the South and served in the Marines, am a moderate liberal. I can say I voted split ticket for this past election and, even though I am on the left the candidate I was most behind in our last election was Rubio rather than Trump, Clinton, or Sanders.

I'm also a big fan of Sen. John McCain as well as a fan of Sen Elizabeth Warren. So, is there anybody else out here that toes the fence line between parties? I feel like I'm a dying breed here.
Personally, I think there is a significant difference between a moderate and an independent.

I consider myself an independent, meaning my views can be just as strong as those of any winger - the differences are (a) they don't fall conveniently and obediently in line with those of a "side", and (b) my views often conflict with those of wingers from both sides of the same issue. In other words, a perspective that is independent from both ends.

So to me, "wingers" from both ends essentially represent one side: Wingers! The flavor (left or right) is, for the most part, irrelevant.

A moderate/centrist, to me, will tend to have fewer passionate views. That doesn't make their views any less important, though.

Independent = Moderate Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

No core values. At least none that can make sense.
solution?....take your head out of your ass.....

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