Are there USMB conservative Republicans who DISLIKE the Tea Bagger/Partier movement?


Apr 15, 2010
I kind of got sucked into this Tea Bagger/Partier issue because a poster labeled one of America's civil rights leaders as a bigot. I am not sure, but I may have been pulled into the Tea Bagger/Partier thing because I am an Independent.

Regardless, I have yet to recognize a conservative Republican who has spoke out against the Tea Baggers/Partiers. If you are out there this thread is for you. I know I would like to know what you think.

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I kind of got sucked into this Tea Bagger/Partier issue because a poster labeled one of America's civil rights leaders as a bigot. I am not sure, but I may have been pulled into the Tea Bagger/Partier thing because I am an Independent.

Regardless, I have yet to recognize a conservative Republican who has spoke out against the Tea Baggers/Partiers. If you are out there this thread is for you. I know I would like to know what you think.


Stainmaster, I am a registered, card-carrying Republican and have been since like 1985. I qualify as a "conservative" in some POVs and not so much in others. I dislike the undercurrents of some Tea Baggers' events/rhetoric but no party is perfect. After all, the RNC is run by Michael "sucks to be black" Steele.

All in all though, I think if the Tea Baggers swept away the RNC and became the Other Party, it would be great for this nation. And besides, people who likely never bothered to get off their asses and protest before are rabble rousin'...and that's almost always a VERY good thing.

The future of the TB Movement depends largely on whether a qualified and effective candidate emerges and unifies them. Mebbe Jesse Ventura? And they have GOT to lose Pailn....they cannot go anywhere if their star is hitched to Bozo the Clown.
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Tea party started out as a good idea. But like all such things in politics, it has been 80% co-opted by one of the major parties in order for the major party to get it's populist street cred back. Which, ironically, kinda ruins the movement.

So yeah, I'm against the Tea party, but not against their core beliefs. Smaller government (as a whole) and lower taxes.
I kind of got sucked into this Tea Bagger/Partier issue because a poster labeled one of America's civil rights leaders as a bigot. I am not sure, but I may have been pulled into the Tea Bagger/Partier thing because I am an Independent.

Regardless, I have yet to recognize a conservative Republican who has spoke out against the Tea Baggers/Partiers. If you are out there this thread is for you. I know I would like to know what you think.


Stainmaster, I am a registered, card-carrying Republican and have been since like 1985. I qualify as a "conservative" in some POVs and not so much in others. I dislike the undercurrents of some Tea Baggers' events/rhetoric but no party is perfect. After all, the RNC is run by Michael "sucks to be black" Steele.

All in all though, I think if the Tea Baggers swept away the RNC and became the Other Party, it would be great for this nation. And besides, people who likely never bothered to get off their asses and protest before are rable rousin'...and that's almost always a VERY good thing.

The future of the TB Movement depends largely on whether a qualified and effective candidate emerges and unifies them. Mebbe Jesse Ventura? And they have GOT to lose Pailn....they cannot go anywhere if their star is hitched to Bozo the Clown.

Thank you for your well though out, non-emotional post.
Yes, there are. There are like five so-called "conservatives" on this board that I've determined are actually those liberal tea party crashers that try to make the tea parties look like a bunch of fat half-retarded redneck racists by saying blatantly racist things on USMB and then claiming that the movement isn't racist because they're apart of it. I've been thinking about notifying some of the tea party organizers about some of the fraudulent activities going on... :eusa_angel:
I kind of got sucked into this Tea Bagger/Partier issue because a poster labeled one of America's civil rights leaders as a bigot. I am not sure, but I may have been pulled into the Tea Bagger/Partier thing because I am an Independent.

Regardless, I have yet to recognize a conservative Republican who has spoke out against the Tea Baggers/Partiers. If you are out there this thread is for you. I know I would like to know what you think.


I think the same thing I thought from your very first post: you're a fake, a poseur, an Obamaroid on the world's ass

Also, LBJ was a full blown cracker, redneck, peckerwood, racist. If you bothered to read anything at all about him you'd know that.

So that tells me that you're a fraud and are either committed to staying ignorant on LBJ or just fried your brain from snorting the Kool Aid. Ignoring the evidence of LBJ's racism does not make him any less of a bigot.
Honestly I don't know much about the movement, other than it drives libs totally and completely batshit. So, yeah. I like it.
Also, I can point to exactly where and how you outed yourself, but then that would make the next Jake Starke/Stairmaster just a little harder for me to spot.
I kind of got sucked into this Tea Bagger/Partier issue because a poster labeled one of America's civil rights leaders as a bigot. I am not sure, but I may have been pulled into the Tea Bagger/Partier thing because I am an Independent.

Regardless, I have yet to recognize a conservative Republican who has spoke out against the Tea Baggers/Partiers. If you are out there this thread is for you. I know I would like to know what you think.


Stainmaster, I am a registered, card-carrying Republican and have been since like 1985. I qualify as a "conservative" in some POVs and not so much in others. I dislike the undercurrents of some Tea Baggers' events/rhetoric but no party is perfect. After all, the RNC is run by Michael "sucks to be black" Steele.

All in all though, I think if the Tea Baggers swept away the RNC and became the Other Party, it would be great for this nation. And besides, people who likely never bothered to get off their asses and protest before are rable rousin'...and that's almost always a VERY good thing.

The future of the TB Movement depends largely on whether a qualified and effective candidate emerges and unifies them. Mebbe Jesse Ventura? And they have GOT to lose Pailn....they cannot go anywhere if their star is hitched to Bozo the Clown.

Thank you for your well though out, non-emotional post.

Was that a snotty reply or a compliment? Cue me in Stainmaster, LOL.
Yes, there are. There are like five so-called "conservatives" on this board that I've determined are actually those liberal tea party crashers that try to make the tea parties look like a bunch of fat half-retarded redneck racists by saying blatantly racist things on USMB and then claiming that the movement isn't racist because they're apart of it. I've been thinking about notifying some of the tea party organizers about some of the fraudulent activities going on... :eusa_angel:

There HAS been some bad behavior like this, much as it pains me to admit it. It was such a simple world I lived in, till I was forced to admit there are asswipes and fuckwhits on every point of the political spectrum...and there are some great people at all points as well.
Do you wax your chest? Or, do you use Nair? Or, you just haven't gotten any chest hair yet?

Just curious.

Onto the topic: I'm GOP because I had to choose a party when I moved to a different state. The DMV person (not too bright, either) demanded that I choose a party to register. She was Democrat, so I chose GOP. Otherwise, I would have no party other than the Tea Party.
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I kind of got sucked into this Tea Bagger/Partier issue because a poster labeled one of America's civil rights leaders as a bigot. I am not sure, but I may have been pulled into the Tea Bagger/Partier thing because I am an Independent.

Regardless, I have yet to recognize a conservative Republican who has spoke out against the Tea Baggers/Partiers. If you are out there this thread is for you. I know I would like to know what you think.


I would like to know why you think you deserve a reasoned response when you start a thread by insulting the TEA Partiers? Does that not make you a fucking idiot? I believe it does.

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