Are these the same Saudi princes Obama’s bowed to

No. Obama didn't bow to any of the people arrested in the corruption scandal.
What will the Crown Prince do with all these guys? The only way to neutralize them permanently is to kill them. Is he willing to go that far?
Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... till dey get this thing sorted out...

... we all gonna be payin' higher gas prices."
Trump loves worshiping with Muslims:

Just got to get Obama in the headline. Just gotta, even though the Republican presidents, including the Bushes, have bowed down to the Saudis for decades. I remember when female members of the United States Military were, under the Bush regime, forced to wear black robes when out in Saudi society, with no sign of their rank. This was a direct insult to our military, but the Bushes went along with it without a peep.

Interesting. The Crown Prince wants to institute a moderate form of Islam - even going so far as allowing women to drive. That should buy him some approval points in the good ol' US of A.

Removal of the old guard. Is there more?
Shia Iran vs Sunni Saudi Arabia, ancient family infighting heating up since the onset of the infamous 'Arab Spring'? War drums or enlightenment?

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