Are they finally going to wise up NOW?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
One of the things that has baffled me is how loyal Jewish people remained to the democratic party, no matter how many times the Democratic party has been exposed as Anti-Semitic.

The proverbial flood gates, however, were opened in 2016 with DNC e-mails were leaked exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content. 2 years later, the Democratic Party welcomed 2 Muslim Anti-Semites openly hostile to Jews, Israel, and any American who supports Israel and who supports terrorist associated organizations into their party.

"while conservatives continued to concentrate on the shared values that bring us together, liberals continued their fall down their anti-Semitic rabbit hole. Democrat darling Ilhan Omar, a repeat offender anti-Semite,
declared that it is disloyal for American Jews to support Israel. (The proposition is that non-Jews can support Israel, that is okay, but for Jews to support Israel is treasonous.) This nugget of brilliance came from a woman whose best friend in Congress, Rashida Tlaib, draped herself in a Palestinian flag when she won an American election and who replaced the country of Israel with Palestine on her map as the first course of business in US Congress. Omar has never called Tlaib disloyal to America. Last week, Ilhan Omar, while sitting next to Rashida Tlaib, had blamed her anti-Semitism on the Jews, claiming that they don’t let her get away with saying anti-Semitic things…"

The GOP gives more than just 'lip service' in refusing to put up with anti-Semitism:

"Compare and contrast the Democrats’ approach to Omar with that of the Republicans when Steven King made a remark indicative of an embrace of white supremacy. Republicans immediately took action and
removed King from committee assignments. Democrats, on the other hand, kept Omar on the Foreign Affairs Committee, the exact place where Omar’s anti-Israel and anti-Semitic predispositions can do the most damage.

In response to Omar’s most recent anti-Semitic comments, Democrat chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Eliot Engel said that Omar’s remarks amounted to a “vile anti-Semitic slur” and called on her to apologize. But, yet again, he did not call for Omar to be removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee. Pelosi has not yet commented on Omar’s most recent canards."

Democrats are now 'empowering' Anti-Semitism:

"Democrats and liberals remain shockingly quiet about Omar’s continuous and pervasive anti-Semitism. This is on the heels of the neo-Democrats’ position the US should embrace
discrimination against Jews and Israel.

Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin aptly stated back in January that rather than supporting Israel and countering anti-Semitism, liberals "are now empowering it." Zeldin’s words are truer now than ever."

As Liberals Embrace Anti-Semitism, Conservatives Welcome Jews



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