Are They In Your City? 'Thousands' of ISIS fighters now inside U.S. cities


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
The Islamic State has recruited thousands of supporters in the United States, far more than previously thought, according to a scathing new report, raising the likelihood that supporters of the terrorist army could be plotting attacks similar to those carried out in Paris.
The FBI has said it has about 900 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states but never given an estimate of how big the contingent of ISIS sympathizers may be in the U.S.

Read more at ‘Thousands’ of ISIS fighters now inside U.S. cities

i just know this is going to thrill the libermuslimes on this forum, if they read the entire report they will have cream running down their legs, Chris Mathews style, but for those of who will take this seriously, be ready, be armed, be safe, protect your loved ones and your country. :up:
Whirled Nuts Daily -- the Birfer Rag.

Got news for ya -- it's not thousands --- it's BILLIONS AND BILLIONS and Buh-Buh BILLIONS!!


Well now that that Ebola thing has worn out, now you can shit your pants over terrorists. Silly little cowardly ass, you have more chance of being killed on injured on the highway than you will ever have from the fruitloops from ISIS. You assholes are so silly.
Of all the things in the world that I don't understand, conservative fear-porn is one of the biggest.
I remember after 9/11 the same thing came out about all the thousands of Al Qaeda in America. How they looked like you and me and they lived next door. And after that it was a short series of young men stuffing bombs into their undershorts and getting on airplanes to Detroit. So just suck up, crawl under a rock and quiver, the rest of us shall persevere
The Islamic State has recruited thousands of supporters in the United States, far more than previously thought, according to a scathing new report, raising the likelihood that supporters of the terrorist army could be plotting attacks similar to those carried out in Paris.
The FBI has said it has about 900 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states but never given an estimate of how big the contingent of ISIS sympathizers may be in the U.S.

Read more at ‘Thousands’ of ISIS fighters now inside U.S. cities

i just know this is going to thrill the libermuslimes on this forum, if they read the entire report they will have cream running down their legs, Chris Mathews style, but for those of who will take this seriously, be ready, be armed, be safe, protect your loved ones and your country. :up:
How do you propose to be safe and protect yourself against someone who sets off a bomb in your local suburban shopping mall? They are not interested in morons in flyover country. They will hit New York City again because that is the biggest bang for their buck
If ISIS is all over the United States, why does the article show a picture of ISIS out of the country? :)


The ISIS members here know they can't walk down our streets dressed in that shit or they wouldn't last long.

How do you guys deal with the cognitive dissonance of simultaneously trying to be tough and pants-pissingly afraid?
The Islamic State has recruited thousands of supporters in the United States, far more than previously thought, according to a scathing new report, raising the likelihood that supporters of the terrorist army could be plotting attacks similar to those carried out in Paris.
The FBI has said it has about 900 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states but never given an estimate of how big the contingent of ISIS sympathizers may be in the U.S.

Read more at ‘Thousands’ of ISIS fighters now inside U.S. cities

i just know this is going to thrill the libermuslimes on this forum, if they read the entire report they will have cream running down their legs, Chris Mathews style, but for those of who will take this seriously, be ready, be armed, be safe, protect your loved ones and your country. :up:

Check under your bed. You know, just to be sure.
ISIS, in America.


Good luck dealing with every kid who looks like these two, you'll need it. Are you under 40, and you have a penis? Please report to your local FBI office, ASAP...
I hope that if there are ISIS operatives in the U.S. they target liberals first. They deserve it.
I hope that if there are ISIS operatives in the U.S. they target liberals first. They deserve it.


Well, I hope the big green monster that lives under my 5 year old cousin's bed targets you first. So there!
I hope that if there are ISIS operatives in the U.S. they target liberals first. They deserve it.
They hate us more than they hate you. At least you have a god, it's just the wrong one...
There's only one God, stupid, and you don't know him.
God is a fairy-tale, for mental infants, but at least the Muslims pray to the same god as Jesus, a Jew, while you have three...
I hope that if there are ISIS operatives in the U.S. they target liberals first. They deserve it.
They hate us more than they hate you. At least you have a god, it's just the wrong one...
There's only one God, stupid, and you don't know him.
God is a fairy-tale, for mental infants, but at least the Muslims pray to the same god as Jesus, a Jew, while you have three...
Yeah, like you know shit about anything, dick.
This is why if you see something, say something is such pablum. How can anyone care? Let the terrorists blow up a few liberals. No great loss anyway.

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