Are They Serious? 44 Billion Dollar Armageddon VS Near 17 Trillion Dollar Debt.

Feb 1, 2013

Any intelligent fair minded American can only ponder over the incompetence coming from the Dem's who are having a cow over the initial 44 Billion going into sequester cuts. Don't the Libs know that we also are aware of a 16.5 Trillion Dollar debt and god knows how much we owe on unfunded liabilities(but we know that well over 100 Trillion)
Our own President never even speaks of the 85 Billion dollars in respect to the 3.7 Trillion dollar budget and approaching 17 Trillion Dollar Debt!
It would be nice if someday Obama tells his supporters "How Much Is One Trillion Dollars"!
and then tell them that 85 Billion dollars is the equivalent of an 800 pound man going on a diet to drop down to 799.5 Pounds !!!
God I hope the stock market goes over 14,000 this week! and by some miracle, oil drops and economy keeps improving. Then what will Obambi say to the world?
Obama never had a real job

Obama believes that business is "Behind enemy lines"

and that bank ATM and Airport kiosks stifle economic growth

The job is above his pay grade
The president spent a week painting a picture that gave the impression that we were facing a huge
threat to jobs,the economy,safety issues you name it.
Then as it seemed the sequester was inevitable he began to downplay it.

I never saw an issue that involved a mere 44 billion of government spending have such a huge impact.
To BO, it's all about dangling shiny objects before the public and his lapdog media, to distract from all his misdeeds and utter incompetence.

The federal gov't pisses away $44 billion in a long Vegas GSA weekend binge. BO just wants to direct the cuts to areas that harm folks, instead of being responsible, and cutting a few vacations and other gov't fat and redundancy.

It's his way of holding the nation hostage with a bomb vest on, to get even more tax increases to fund his socialist agenda.
and going on dates with Tiger Woods was the first attempt to solve the sequester apocalypse?
lets see, hmm, 44 Billion? and how much was pissed away in 2010/2011 in green energy projects/GM Bailouts/ the Factory that was supposed to make batteries for the Volt? AND THE VOLT?
we have all seen that commercial mocking the "That's So Gay" catch phrase, well the girls in the commercial were referring to staunch liberal supporters,,,and The Sequester !!!
44 Billion is a drop in the bucket and I had to laugh about how BO says it would cause pain.

Cuts should be in the trillions. No billions.

I'd like to know will be suffering any pain on those miniscule cuts??

Any intelligent fair minded American can only ponder over the incompetence coming from the Dem's who are having a cow over the initial 44 Billion going into sequester cuts. Don't the Libs know that we also are aware of a 16.5 Trillion Dollar debt and god knows how much we owe on unfunded liabilities(but we know that well over 100 Trillion)
Our own President never even speaks of the 85 Billion dollars in respect to the 3.7 Trillion dollar budget and approaching 17 Trillion Dollar Debt!
It would be nice if someday Obama tells his supporters "How Much Is One Trillion Dollars"!
and then tell them that 85 Billion dollars is the equivalent of an 800 pound man going on a diet to drop down to 799.5 Pounds !!!

Nothing incompetent about it at all. Nobody in power actually believes that the non-cuts are going to bring about armageddon, but if you can convince enough voters that they will and blame your opposition in the process then that's great politics.
this sucks ! now I have to feed all of my hampsters 3oz less of Purina Hamster Chow every week!!!
Someone in here thinks the economy is improving? ... they've been saying that since Obama got elected yet things continue to get worse. We are in a recession. Is improving now a synonym for awful or what? Gimme a break.

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