Are those really Navy Seals at Boston Marathon?

There were photos of some of these guys with what appeared to be event badges around their necks, which indicated early on that they were there in an official capacity.

Of course, it's possible that the presence of this group, and that of other private security details, unwittingly provided the perfect cover for any other person or team in similar garb (official looking credentials, backpacks and all); but that's just the tinfoil talking...
Because they use bomb-sniffing dogs at a great many large events like that.
Name some.

The local K-9 units, the DEA, ATF and several other organizations use them. The navy seals DON"T... Jesus man quit buying into every utube video that comes along.. Use your damn head, stop letting other use it for you...
I didn't get that from a YOUTUBE video.

Any other conclusions you wanna jump to?
Because they use bomb-sniffing dogs at a great many large events like that.
Name some.

The local K-9 units, the DEA, ATF and several other organizations use them. The navy seals DON"T... Jesus man quit buying into every utube video that comes along.. Use your damn head, stop letting other use it for you...
I didn't get that from a YOUTUBE video.

Any other conclusions you wanna jump to?

Conclusions? LOL you claimed they were navy seals... :cuckoo:
the 48 hours of police scanners that half of boston and a ton of people via the net were listening to.......all trained actors to0 huh?


the kids were innocent but there's photos and shit of them shooting it out with cops throwing bombs and shit. seems like stuff the innocent would do.
Yeah. They are less than 100 documented CST units in US. States like Texas have 2 or 3.

They are Seal wanna bees. I bet most of them didn't make it through seal training and were giving this option.

Every day I here of a new division or agency.

TSA, DHS, ICE, USBP, CST, ect...
Conclusions? LOL you claimed they were navy seals... :cuckoo:
Where did I claim that?

Show me the post.

You agreed with the OP correct? The OP made the claim. Why argue against people disagreeing with the OP if you in fact disagree with it yourself?

BTW, CST=Civil Support Team.. Civil support as in support for civilian operations. As in support for local law enforcement in matters where their numbers or abilities may be too limited. Chill paranoids, chill..
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Does anyone doubt that non-uniform security (of some kind or the other) WAS at that event?

I surely do not.

That in and of itself is no big deal.
Does anyone doubt that non-uniform security (of some kind or the other) WAS at that event?

I surely do not.

That in and of itself is no big deal.

I am quite sure there were many there. it's standard fare especially post 9/11. Adding the last couple of years with the shootings and well there ya are..

The OP said they were navy seals, which they weren't, then it came out they were Civil support teams from the national guard which the name says it all. Civil support teams..

They were definitely there to help with security and observation in the hopes to prevent something like what happened. Obviously they failed at that..

The problem now appears that the tin-hat crowd is implying they were there to help implement some "false flag" event there... Seriously out there on that one..
the 48 hours of police scanners that half of boston and a ton of people via the net were listening to.......all trained actors to0 huh?


the kids were innocent but there's photos and shit of them shooting it out with cops throwing bombs and shit. seems like stuff the innocent would do.

I haven't seen them... I'm not saying they don't exist but...

Also, how in Fuck's sake did the younger Brother steal a car and run his older Brother over while in Custody... Then get away from that many Authorties on the ground and in the air?...

That's not Curious to you at all?


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the 48 hours of police scanners that half of boston and a ton of people via the net were listening to.......all trained actors to0 huh?


the kids were innocent but there's photos and shit of them shooting it out with cops throwing bombs and shit. seems like stuff the innocent would do.

I haven't seen them... I'm not saying they don't exist but...

Also, how in Fuck's sake did the younger Brother steal a car and run his older Brother over while in Custody... Then get away from that many Authorties on the ground and in the air?...

That's not Curious to you at all?



There was a link online at the time to follow the police scanners, and my sister who lives in Boston followed them and updated me.

Also - his brother wasn't run over while in custody. Here's the play by play - according to a kid who the shootout occured out of his apartment windows:

-6 cop cars were involved in the actual shootout.
-kids had a green sedan and a mercedes s.u.v. that they jacked (before the shootout).
-were taking cover behind the suv, shooting it out with cops who were 70 yards away.
-threw two (what looked like grenades), then what looked to be a pressure cooker bomb toward the police. obviously not reaching them.
-cooker bomb created smoke cover on the whole street.
-older brother ran towards cops, was shot down.
-younger brother hopped into mercedes, drove towards the cops, hitting his already shot-down brother, (who was not yet in custody, but lying in the street), drove through two cop cars (took doors off) and got away.

The witness has pics and all on his twitter. @akitz
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And it's not curious because the thousands of cops didn't all get on scene until after all of the commotion had begun. Only 6 cars were involved in the shootout. The kid ditched the getaway car and jumped in a random boat and was found less than 24hrs. later. Doesn't seem far fetched to me, really.
the 48 hours of police scanners that half of boston and a ton of people via the net were listening to.......all trained actors to0 huh?


the kids were innocent but there's photos and shit of them shooting it out with cops throwing bombs and shit. seems like stuff the innocent would do.

I haven't seen them... I'm not saying they don't exist but...

Also, how in Fuck's sake did the younger Brother steal a car and run his older Brother over while in Custody... Then get away from that many Authorties on the ground and in the air?...

That's not Curious to you at all?



There was a link online at the time to follow the police scanners, and my sister who lives in Boston followed them and updated me.

Also - his brother wasn't run over while in custody. Here's the play by play - according to a kid who the shootout occured out of his apartment windows:

-6 cop cars were involved in the actual shootout.
-kids had a green sedan and a mercedes s.u.v. that they jacked (before the shootout).
-were taking cover behind the suv, shooting it out with cops who were 70 yards away.
-threw two (what looked like grenades), then what looked to be a pressure cooker bomb toward the police. obviously not reaching them.
-cooker bomb created smoke cover on the whole street.
-older brother ran towards cops, was shot down.
-younger brother hopped into mercedes, drove towards the cops, hitting his already shot-down brother, (who was not yet in custody, but lying in the street), drove through two cop cars (took doors off) and got away.

The witness has pics and all on his twitter. @akitz

The Authorites say 3 cops had the older Brother down...

I'll check that Twitter.


I haven't seen them... I'm not saying they don't exist but...

Also, how in Fuck's sake did the younger Brother steal a car and run his older Brother over while in Custody... Then get away from that many Authorties on the ground and in the air?...

That's not Curious to you at all?



There was a link online at the time to follow the police scanners, and my sister who lives in Boston followed them and updated me.

Also - his brother wasn't run over while in custody. Here's the play by play - according to a kid who the shootout occured out of his apartment windows:

-6 cop cars were involved in the actual shootout.
-kids had a green sedan and a mercedes s.u.v. that they jacked (before the shootout).
-were taking cover behind the suv, shooting it out with cops who were 70 yards away.
-threw two (what looked like grenades), then what looked to be a pressure cooker bomb toward the police. obviously not reaching them.
-cooker bomb created smoke cover on the whole street.
-older brother ran towards cops, was shot down.
-younger brother hopped into mercedes, drove towards the cops, hitting his already shot-down brother, (who was not yet in custody, but lying in the street), drove through two cop cars (took doors off) and got away.

The witness has pics and all on his twitter. @akitz

The Authorites say 3 cops had the older Brother down...

I'll check that Twitter.



they jumped out of the way.
steph will will help you chisel at our country if you call her.

She like you OP wnat to see this country torn into pieces and said she will stop at nothing to get there.

Lying about who commits horrible crimes in this country and balming everyo single crime on the government is pretty clever.

when did you think of this idea?

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