Are those really Navy Seals at Boston Marathon?

from the chief:

One of his officers put his cruiser into gear and jumped out of it, letting it roll at the suspects to draw fire, he said. The suspects peppered the car with bullets.

After several minutes, the elder brother, Tamerlan, walked toward the officers, firing his gun until he appeared to run out of bullets, Deveau said. Officers tackled him and were trying to get handcuffs on him, when the stolen SUV came roaring at them, the younger brother at the wheel. The officers scattered and the SUV plowed over Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was dragged briefly under the car, he said.
Other witnesses say different. Who knows man. Who knows.

All I know is the Police State is here.
There was a link online at the time to follow the police scanners, and my sister who lives in Boston followed them and updated me.

Also - his brother wasn't run over while in custody. Here's the play by play - according to a kid who the shootout occured out of his apartment windows:

-6 cop cars were involved in the actual shootout.
-kids had a green sedan and a mercedes s.u.v. that they jacked (before the shootout).
-were taking cover behind the suv, shooting it out with cops who were 70 yards away.
-threw two (what looked like grenades), then what looked to be a pressure cooker bomb toward the police. obviously not reaching them.
-cooker bomb created smoke cover on the whole street.
-older brother ran towards cops, was shot down.
-younger brother hopped into mercedes, drove towards the cops, hitting his already shot-down brother, (who was not yet in custody, but lying in the street), drove through two cop cars (took doors off) and got away.

The witness has pics and all on his twitter. @akitz

The Authorites say 3 cops had the older Brother down...

I'll check that Twitter.



they jumped out of the way.

I understand what happened... But they had him down... I am seeing a Lawsuit from his Family for this Death in the Future though...

And that's the Ugly Reality of our System.


not cuffed yet is not in custody, so the lawsuit wouldn't go anywhere.
the 48 hours of police scanners that half of boston and a ton of people via the net were listening to.......all trained actors to0 huh?


the kids were innocent but there's photos and shit of them shooting it out with cops throwing bombs and shit. seems like stuff the innocent would do.

I haven't seen them... I'm not saying they don't exist but...

Also, how in Fuck's sake did the younger Brother steal a car and run his older Brother over while in Custody... Then get away from that many Authorties on the ground and in the air?...

That's not Curious to you at all?



yeah but in that kind of situation a great many things might seem curious in hindsight. in my work I see lots of oddities in various reports and studies. I find it usually isn't something deliberate or a plan, generally it's just how things happen when thing s are moving fast.

At least in my experience anyway...

BTW, I find your avatar makes it hard to concentrate.... What was I saying? oh right concentration got it!

You agreed with the OP correct?
I asked a question, how did you get agreement out of that?

The OP made the claim.
No it didn't! The OP asked a question as well. That's not a claim!

Why argue against people disagreeing with the OP if you in fact disagree with it yourself?
How does one disagree with a question?

BTW, CST=Civil Support Team.. Civil support as in support for civilian operations. As in support for local law enforcement in matters where their numbers or abilities may be too limited. Chill paranoids, chill..
You're the one out in left field, not me.

Maybe you should take your own advice.
You agreed with the OP correct?
I asked a question, how did you get agreement out of that?

The OP made the claim.
No it didn't! The OP asked a question as well. That's not a claim!

Why argue against people disagreeing with the OP if you in fact disagree with it yourself?
How does one disagree with a question?

BTW, CST=Civil Support Team.. Civil support as in support for civilian operations. As in support for local law enforcement in matters where their numbers or abilities may be too limited. Chill paranoids, chill..
You're the one out in left field, not me.

Maybe you should take your own advice.

Oh so you're just an idiot who posts with out reading... Got it..

Okay shithead, now that we know exactly what kind of weasel we are dealing with, we can dispense with the pleasantries...

Next time you want to troll, say so, spare the rest of us your stupidity...
not cuffed yet is not in custody, so the lawsuit wouldn't go anywhere.

You don't know many Civil Rights Attorney's do you... :lol:

He was in the position he was because of Officers attempting to Cuff him...

He was then left in the way of the Car that Killed him.

There's a Suit there... He has a Wife and Child, Correct?...


Oh so you're just an idiot who posts with out reading... Got it..

Okay shithead, now that we know exactly what kind of weasel we are dealing with, we can dispense with the pleasantries...

Next time you want to troll, say so, spare the rest of us your stupidity...
A question is not a claim!

It's not my problem if you don't know the difference.
Read the article before you post CAPSTONE. They were the CST National Gurad!

I read the article before posting.

My point was two-fold: first of all, the photographic evidence suggested all along that some of the guys in paramilitary garb were there to serve in an official capacity (most likely security); and second but more importantly, this doesn't preclude the possibility that other similarly dressed operatives were also on site for far more sinister reasons.

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