Are Trump supporters actually dumb enough to think he would have confronted the FL shooter unarmed?

I don't think the default position of a 71 year old man who as far as we know has never faced a potentially fatal physical confrontation in his life is going to run into a high school unarmed to take down an active shooter. Yeah, it's an unreasonable assertion (your word).

Apparently you didn't get the hint; biased partisan opinions don't enter into the equation when objectively evaluating whether or not what President Twitter said was reasonable.

"Thank you for your visit" -- Saladin, Kingdom of Heaven

Objectively, it was a dumbassed thing to say.

Probably but that doesn't make the assertion unreasonable.

If only we could test the theory out. If only.

It's not relevant to whether or not him saying he believes he'd do XYZ under ABC circumstances is reasonable or not.

Based on my experience what most people believe they'd do when the bullets start flying and what they actually do when the bullets start flying are more often than not very different.

Wow, back bending logic.
Apparently you didn't get the hint; biased partisan opinions don't enter into the equation when objectively evaluating whether or not what President Twitter said was reasonable.

"Thank you for your visit" -- Saladin, Kingdom of Heaven

Objectively, it was a dumbassed thing to say.

Probably but that doesn't make the assertion unreasonable.

If only we could test the theory out. If only.

It's not relevant to whether or not him saying he believes he'd do XYZ under ABC circumstances is reasonable or not.

Based on my experience what most people believe they'd do when the bullets start flying and what they actually do when the bullets start flying are more often than not very different.

Wow, back bending logic.

I understand why you're perplexed, objectivity and common sense often have that effect on people with your mentality.

"Free your mind and the rest will follow" -- En Vogue
He's speaking truth ! He could bow his head and charge most with a gun and they'd have no hope in ever hitting his brain.
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

I believe he believes he would have.
I believe no one actually knows how they will face a situation until after they have done so.
Did you go to Vietnam after being given a medical deferment?
If not why do you think you would react any differently?
You sound an awful lot like a pitiful computer commando.
Who knows what one would do at any given time. I have seen couragous people loose thier nerve, I have seen cowards gain it. At one time it was not uncommon for me to risk my life for fun. My first kid was born and that changed. Some times there are extenuating circumstances involved. Now my kids are grown and no one realy counts on me, so back to risky stuff! I was certainly more carefull before I knew my kids would be all right. Some say I am brave now a days, I say pretty easy I have flown my mission. It is now OK if what will kill me makes me feel alive. What the hell else do I have to do?
Did he go run and hide? Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he didn't know what the situation was in the school, because one man for a whole school simply is not going to be enough.

Trump goes around insulting people all the time, he invites insults to himself by talking complete crap all the time too.

You want safe schools but you're not willing to do what is necessary to get safe schools. That's the situation right now.

Its not all about schools. A Mall shooting could occur next week. What is the common factor? Yaaas.....that would be Guns....

Yes, that's the problem isn't it?

They're not willing to part with their guns and they're scrambling to find ways to stop their guns being taken from them. They'll say anything.

I know, right? That damn US Constitution! If only we could get rid of it.

It's actually good to see some Communists/Democrats admitting their ultimate goal is total ban and confiscation. It's not the 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' many Useful Idiots like to claim it is. It's just fact. Disarming the populace is a major part of the Communist Agenda.

Folks are gonna have to fight them if they wanna preserve their Constitution. Because they won't stop at banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's. The Agenda calls for total ban and confiscation. Gun Owners better understand what's going on.

Oh, this is rich.

Yeah, that damn Constitution, you know, the one which the gun fanatics regularly ignore when it's not convenient for them, and when it comes to the 2A they completely ignore the reality of what it means?

Yeah, I know.

Hey i know you're a Communist Useful Idiot, but at least you're an honest one. I'll give ya some props for that. Total ban and confiscation is your ultimate goal. But hopefully folks will fight y'all to preserve our Constitution.

Ah, insults.
I don't care if it's not true; I'm just happy it sends you liberals into such hissy fits of utter, paranoid misery. If that was Trump's intention (which I hope it was), it proves he succeeded in driving you liberals up the wall in your usual, hissy-fit conduct.

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