Are Trump Supporters Nuts?

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Active Member
May 18, 2024
To be sure, Biden and his delusional, anti-American, pro-latan american treason is no winner. Being given a choice between Biden and Trump is like being given a choice between smallpox and ebola. In that, it seems to me that Americans are being played like a fiddle. But anybody who would vote for Trump isn't playing with a full deck. Many say that they would vote for him even if he was sent to jail!

To start things out, Trump used to have a sister who also used to be a judge. There are recordings of her saying some very unflattering things about him. Things such as Trump couldn't be trusted and that he had no moral principles. Maybe you can mark such things down to sibling rivalry. But at the age she was, she should have moved beyond anything like that. So don't be so quick to dismiss what she said.

Next, Trump is a silver spoon raised rich scumbag who probably suffers from affluenza. Which means that he has little concept of actions having real consequences. Trump is all about giving tax cuts to the wealthy and cutting help for the needy. Also, Trump admitted to downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus. Which led to the avoidable deaths of over 400,000 Americans.

Next, ever since the End of WW II, we have had nothing but trouble with Russia. A country that is also responsible for the greatest genocide in human history. On at least three occasions we nearly went to nuclear war with them. There was also the "Iron Curtain" they put up after WW II. There is also all the money and effort that went into our Cold War with them. They also helped out both North Korea and North Vietnam in our wars with them. Etc. etc. etc.

But now, Trump kisses Putin's ass. Trump makes noises like he wouldn't support NATO member countries against Russia if those countries didn't pay their fair share of the cost of NATO. But obviously, we need NATO allies more than they need us. Neither do all those civilian Ukrainians being targeted and killed by Russia mean anything to him. Trump doesn't support the Ukraine. Also, Trump would like to be a dictator just like his old pal Putin. To that end, Trump hosted a visit by a Hungarian dictator and fellow Putin supporter at Mar-a-Lago named Viktor Orban. No doubt they discussed ways that Trump could become a dictator too if he is reelected.

Here is one last point. Trump doesn't believe in the absolutely proven fact of human caused global warming. So for just the things I've mentioned, anybody who is a Trump supporter must be nuts. What do you think.
O YaY! A slightly more coherent jbander-style, TDS-addled, linkless, and thoughtless poster with a ranting OP!

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The way covid deaths could have been avoided was for people to not take the killer clot shot.

Victor Orban is a GREAT leader saving Hungary from the invasion going on in Europe and America.

Global warming is a hoax. I can hardly wait for Donald Trump as our 47th president.
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